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File metadata and controls

125 lines (89 loc) · 7.42 KB

Schema Updates

Schema Update 3.0.0

Main PR: #1265

Find a detailed description of the motivation and reasoning behind this. Also see the proposal document here.


  • Used immutable entities where possible for performance (see here).
  • Used Bytes! for entity IDs when possible.
  • Designate difference and balances of variable vs stable borrows.
  • Created a field market.relation to relate multiple markets to each other. This is useful for markets with multiple tokens.
  • Added more nuance to the market fields.
  • Added native balance daily metrics.
  • Added a new entity to track revenue coming from different sources RevenueDetail.
  • Added more nuance and transaction counts to the LendingProtocol entity.
  • New transaction entities for Flashloans and Transfers.
  • Distinguish between Fees and InterestRates.
  • Added more context to positional data like the asset and recording balances in USD at each position snapshot.
  • We added back in the Event interface to allow users to see all events in order.

Note: to support multiple input tokens per market we decided to move away from a metadata entity in Market and instead add a relation field. We made this decision, because the metadata field overly catered to the small amount of protocols that have multiple input tokens. We felt the relation field was a good in between that made it easier to build subgraphs, allow for the relationship, added more nuance for each field, but adding slightly more complexity for the user.

Schema Update 1.3.0

Main PR: #310 Fixes: #320, #325, #330, #331, #359


  • Added revenue data to pools.
  • Added more networks.
  • Fixed markdown formatting issue in comments (# gets interpreted as heading).
  • Added pool count totalPoolCount to the Protocol entity and daily usage metrics.


  • Added isSingleSided for single-sided pools. Single-sided pools should be able to reuse/adopt most if not all of the existing fields with minor adaptation. These should be handled on a per protocol basis.


  • Changed fixed_term to fixed in InterestRateType entity to be more precise.
  • Added daily/hourly withdraw/repay aggregates into snapshots.
  • Fixed a couple AmountUSD fields (they were accidentally left as nullable before).
  • Updated Liquidate entity to include liquidatee (the address that got liquidated).
  • Updated the definition of market and asset in the Liquidate entity.

Schema Update 1.2.1

Main commit: 0300919


  • The ID of hourly snapshots has been changed from { # of days since Unix epoch time }-{ HH: hour of the day } to { # of hours since Unix epoch time }.

Schema Update 1.2.0

Main PR: #88
Fixes: #109, #111


  • Added prefixes to disambiguate quantitative fields:
    • cumulative: sum of all historical data from day 1 up to this point. E.g. cumulativeDepositUSD means all deposits has ever been made to this protocol/pool.
    • daily/hourly: this only applies to snapshots and represents the sum of the snapshot interval (i.e. daily aggregate). E.g. dailyActiveUsers means all unique active users on a given day, up till now.
    • All other quantitative field indicates a spot balance. In other words, the value at this point in time. E.g. totalValueLockedUSD means the total TVL of the protocol/pool as of now.
  • Updated chain enums to match
  • Added lastPriceUSD and lastPriceBlockNumber as optional fields in the Token entity for tracking prices.
  • Refactored RewardToken to include Token as a field.
  • For snapshots, now saving both cumulative values and daily aggregates.
  • Now saving hourly snapshots for usage metrics and pool data.


  • Added more detailed usage metrics: deposit/withdraw/swap count.
  • Added inputTokenWeights: [BigDecimal!]! to track pool composition.
  • Added per-token volume dailyVolumeByTokenUSD: [BigDecimal!]! to LiquidityPoolDailySnapshot.
  • Named PoolDailySnapshot to LiquidityPoolDailySnapshot for consistency.
  • Added stakedOutputTokenAmount: BigInt to LiquidityPool and LiquidityPoolDailySnapshot.

Lending Protocol

  • Added more detailed usage metrics: deposit/withdraw/repay/liquidate count.
  • Now aggregating deposit/borrow/liquidation USD values.
  • Added InterestRate entity and made rates into an array.
  • Added mintedTokens and mintedTokenSupplies to the LendingProtocol entity.
  • Added exchangeRate: BigDecimal to Market and MarketDailySnapshot entity.
  • Assume only a single input token (i.e. changed inputTokens to inputToken).
  • Updated comments to the Liquidate event for clarity.

Yield Aggregator

  • Added more detailed usage metrics: deposit/withdraw count.
  • Assume only a single input token (i.e. changed inputTokens to inputToken).


  • Added stakedOutputTokenAmount: BigInt. See #87

Schema Update 1.1.0

Main PR: #47
Fixes: #69, #70, #78, #80, #85

Common Changes

  • Changed feesUSD to totalRevenueUSD. For DEXes and Lending Protocols, everything stays the same since fees = totalRevenue. For yield aggregator, you now need to include all revenue (including supply side portion).
  • Added methodologyVersion to the Protocol interface/entity so that we can track which methodology is being used.
  • Removed protocolTreasuryUSD field from the FinanceDailySnapshot entity
  • Removed the Pool and PoolDailySnapshot interface for clarity
  • Added Account and DailyActiveAccount as a part of all schemas, since they are always used to compute usage metrics
  • Added totalVolumeUSD to the Protocol interface to make aggregator easier
  • Added a lot of documentation

Protocol-Type Specific Changes

  • Added totalDepositUSD and totalBorrowUSD to the Lending schema. Note that totalDepositUSD should be the same as totalValueLockedUSD but totalBorrowUSD is different from totalVolumeUSD since the former is a point in time and latter is in aggregate.
  • Made outputToken-related fields optional in the DEX schema since Bancor v2 doesn't have LP token (output token)
  • Updated LiquidityPoolFeeType to account for LP fees
  • Updated to/from fields for DEX deposit/withdraw
  • Added pricePerShare to yield aggregator schema (Yield Aggregator 1.1.1)
  • Added inputTokenWeights to DEX AMM schema (DEX AMM 1.1.1)
  • Change stableInterestRate in the lending schema to optional. See #85