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Paweł Salawa edited this page May 22, 2020 · 14 revisions

Custom scalar functions

Custom aggregate functions

Qt scripts

  • cnt() - replicates standard count(*) function from SQL - it's a simple example of how to implement aggregate function
  • any() - it will select randomly one value from entire set of aggregated values of the passed column
  • stddev() - "Standard Deviation" function
  • frmInt() - Formats integer numbers with separators every three digits
  • frmAmt() - Formats decimal numbers with separators every three digits and comma with two digits following at the end.

Custom collation scripts

Custom SQL function scripts

See Custom SQL functions chapter in User Manual for instructions how to use Custom SQL function scripts.

Qt scripts

  • displayContext() - if you're not sure what variables do you have available in your QtScript function, check it with this function

Tcl scripts

  • find() - finds occurrence of given string in all tables in the database
  • saveToFile() - creates a file for each data row
  • tcl() - runs any Tcl code passed in first argument to the function
  • resequence() - regenerates IDs in table's column, so it does not have gaps. Handles foreign tables too.
  • isLatin1() - checks if passed string contains only a Latin-1 characters