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File metadata and controls

232 lines (168 loc) · 9.31 KB


The single most important rule is: Who does decides.

The single most important metric is: What work is someone willing to do NOW

As grand designs with magic languages have not yet produced useful results, we recommend looking for something you can improve or fix NOW and do it.

Someone else might see your work and complete another bootstrapping chain.

The single biggest mistake made: Not asking questions when something isn’t clear to YOU and following up with clarifying questions if something about the answer doesn’t make sense.

The single most common mistake made: Forgetting to tell people about your work.

Some people might find your work awesome and want to help, telling us increases the odds that some of us might just help you.


The root of trust must ultimately come from 1 or more binaries. For Guix this is the 50MB Guile binary statically built. In the case of stage0, we opted for hex0. and in the case of stage0-posix: hex0 with kaem-optional.

So it is best to explain why we made these choices.


The reason for hex0’s design comes from:

A desire to make the root auditable

Ideally we wanted something that could be golf’d to under 150bytes in competition. This point restricted us to binary, octal, hex and ascii word mapping.

Of which ascii word mapping was the smallest but the hardest to do and/or audit; which ruled it out. The second smallest was octal but most instruction documentation was in hex. The third smallest was hex and was selected by the availabilty of those encoding being available in printed form. the fourth smallest was binary and honestly would have required much more tedious work to use and thus was ruled out.

A desire to use commonly available instruction mappings.

Most tools provide hex mapping for instructions, but few provide octal. Most published books/manuals list hex encodings for instructions.

A desire for human readablity

As there was two standards for line comments for assembly: ; and \# we opted to just support both as it wouldn’t require more than 2 instructions to do so.

A desire for minimal memory footprint

To support linkages, requires a table or list to store the address of all labels and atleast 2 passes and all the associated implementation complexity that comes with it.

So hex0 skips all of that and just reads 2 valid (non-commented out) chars and outputs a byte.


The reason for kaem-optional’s design:

A desire to automate builds on bootup

as POSIX systems require an init or a shell to run commands, we designed kaem-optional to replace the need for an init and to also replace the need for a shell.

This is why we read the file; which in bootstrap-seeds became kaem.${ARCH} to enable the root to be shared by all ports and live-bootstrap to no longer need to unpack stage0-posix.

The flexiblity to deal with an existing unknown.

As it would be smaller to just encode a couple exec commands but would require a custom build for each change for the init. The rational decision was to use a script file (kaem.${ARCH}) to enable trivial changes and updates until a future time when we know we could switch to a static exec block instead.

step 0

step zero in stage0 and stage0-posix is to self-host our bootstrap-seed(s) The reason for that is to enable a trivial self-audit of our root of trust.

As hex0 input files are much easier to read than binaries and assuming the binaries correspond to the hex0 sources that have been audited, we know our root is good.

step 1

The most important thing to realize is the most tedious and error prone part of hex0 programs is calculating offsets used by jumps and calls.

As it requires manually figuring out the addresses of all labels (updating all of them on the slightest code change.)

Then figuring out the address of the call/jump and which calculation needs to be done to put the correct offset formatted correctly.

With that goal in mind and a couple minor reasons for the choice made:

A desire to self-host

As hex0 is in hex and we wanted the ability to self-host, the simplest way to do so was to make all hex0 input also valid hex1 input as well.

So we simply extended hex0 with :label and %label (or @label or !label or ~label depending on jump/call instruction immediate size).

as label: and :label are both common ways of expressing labels in standard assembly.

A desire for minimal pain

label: would end up being much more complexity than :label so :label was selected.

a single letter label would enable a trivial 256 entry table for all possible labels of exactly one word in size for each.

Simplifying both implementation and reducing the amount of jumps actually needed to actually implement.

(Word based architectures require additional complexity but that is more working around a shitty design rather than something actually needed by bootstrapping itself)

step 2

Now that the biggest pain has been addressed, the next most annoying thing is dealing with absolute addresses; which require us to count up the number of bytes until the label and use that value in the handful of spots which require such.

Several instruction sequences would have been smaller if we supported different immediate sizes as well for offsets.

And in elf headers we wanted the ability to measure automatically the number of bytes between two labels.

With that goal in mind and a couple minor reasons for the choice made:

A desire to self-host

As hex1 is in hex and we wanted the ability to self-host, the simplest way to do so was to make all hex1 input also valid hex2 input as well.

we just extended :label to much longer 256-4Mbytes depending on implementation

Added support for the immediate sizes we didn’t include before: !8bit @16bit ~24bit %32bit

$16bit_absolute and &32bit_absolute

and for ELF headers: %label>label is supported as well

A desire for minimal pain

hex2 thus is the most useful version of hex one would want while still being much simpler than a lisp, FORTH or any other language.

In fact only 26-38 labels are needed to implement this language (depending on the stupidity of the CPU architecture)

step 3

Now that the most tedious part of programming in assembly has been solved by hex2, it becomes very obvious that we want to write human names for instructions rather than hex blocks with human names in line comments.

Secondly encoding strings into hex can be tedious and we would want to stop doing that.

Third encoding numbers like !8, @16, ~24 and %32 was tedious and could be done without much additional effort.

Finally I want the ability to just dump out hex to extend M0 in ways we can’t imagine yet.

minimal work required

Leveraging previous experience. “raw strings” and ‘hex literals’ were selected as one only needed to do specific behavior when one sees a ” or ’ and either convert to hex or just dump as is.

Which saved the complexity of supporting " and ' behavior along with other \n messy bits.

So ” this is fine to embed newline characters ”

To save the complexity of encoding multiple instructions and having to change it everytime we added more; we opted to just use a match function and DEFINE keyword to define blocks to replace when seen.

step 4

Once you have a macro assembler with proper labels, line comments and everything needed to work on real assembly programs. The problem becomes what real language to bootstrap first.

To explain the decision made, it is best to examine what was considered, tried and ultimately decided and why.


There are volumes of praise out there for using FORTH as a language for bootstrapping. However when it comes to useful programs actually written in FORTH, the selection is quite thin.

Combined with the lack of FORTH developers being available to help with the work, it was abandoned after a couple months of work.


Lisp is the Maxwell Equations of Software and such a powerful language. However, LISP is not an easy language to implement in LISP, C and definitely not an easy task to implement in assembly.

Never ending garbage collection bugs plague every assembly implementation of LISP.

So despite having wonderful tools and useful programs available, none would work on trivial LISP implementations without major effort and doing a proper LISP in assembly is a multi-month effort under the best of conditions.


Everyone hates C for some reason. And I do mean everyone. Especially C programmers, they never want to write a C compiler. It is ugly. It requires you to jump through hoops

However, the minimal subset (cc_* implements this) can be written in under 24hours from scratch with no previous experience. With speed runs being done in under 30 minutes to implement that subset.

So it was the first through the gate and the major real high level language used.

step 5

Now that we have a high level language (C) that is actually portable, it is worth the effort to harmonize all of the ports to a common set of cross-platform tools. So we self-host M2-Planet + mescc-tools which allows us to check all other bootstraps ports from any single bootstrap port. Making compromised hardware/software harder to find.

step 6

Now that everything is written in a high language, portable and validated we just build the handful of remaining pieces needed to uncompress, unpack and start building what is required to bootstrap GCC.

Everything after this is off the shelf (excluding the bits that required bootstrapping work arounds to address)