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Raj Raorane Raj-RR1
Electronics Engineer. Contributor at Edgeware.
Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan sandeep-ps
Sandeep is a Senior Research Software Engineer at @ncsa, @illinois. His interests are in research data management, analysis, and computer vision.

@ncsa, @illinois Urbana

Thomas Haensli thomashaensli
Director Swiss Art Research Infrastructure SARI and Director of gta Digital / gta Institute/ ETH Zurich.

@gtadigital @swiss-art-research-net Zurich, Switzerland

Martynas Jusevičius namedgraph
Knowledge Graph developer - from concept to implementation

@AtomGraph Copenhagen, Denmark

José Luis Losada editio

University of Basel Basel

Glass and textile artist beginning a journey into the Great Forest of Techie Things.... Here be Dragons
Jean-Luc Barras jeanlucb

Swiss National Science Foundation Bern

Ragip Gashi RagipGashi

Universität Basel Bad Säckingen

Johannes Nussbaum jnussbaum
Digital Humanist interested in Ancient History, Archaeology, Bible philology, computational stylistics, and Machine Learning

@dasch-swiss Allschwil (Basel)

Christian Kleinbölting seakayone

DaSCH - Swiss National Data and Service Center for the Humanities @dasch-swiss Basel