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Two branches diverged in a repo. And sorry I could not commit to both And be one contributor, long I stood And looked at one as long as I could To where ...


Hank Gao ghxbob
NFC engineer, NFC Forum, GSMA TS.27, EMVCo, GCF, PTCRB, SWP/HCI

Shenzhen, China

Powershell and C# addict
Marco Kleinert MARCO-K
Member of the @PSUGH


JayKim jykim74
PKI Developer

Korea Seoul

Mathias Sträßner mstraessner
Microsoft System Engineer at system house in Hamburg


Luke Simmons Skyluker4
I like computers.

The University of Arkansas Fayettville, AR

Joe Shook JoeShook
Senior Software Architect

Surescripts LLC Portland Oregon

Jim JimSycurity
I do Active Directory & Identity security stuff for a living.