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File metadata and controls

244 lines (145 loc) · 9.95 KB

Distributed File System



This project is a distributed storage system, which is used to store files over multiple locations for security and backup reasons. The concept is that any number of concurrent Clients communicate with a Controller and the Data Stores (Dstores) to either store a file, remove a file, load a file from storage or list all files. For simplicity and testability, this was deisgned to work on just one machine, with multiple CMD's running the separate elements representing different computers. However, the layout and communication concepts are the same for if it was spread over multiple servers.


The components communicate using TCP sockets. Each componnet is given the port to communicate to the Controller with (cport), and the Dstores are given a port number to listen on for incoming communication from the Controller. The Controller -> Dstore connections are persistant, and the Client -> Controller connections are not.



There is only one Controller which orchestrates client requests, and maintains an index of files stored, on which Dstores the files are stored, and the size of each file. The Controller never handles the files themselves however. For this, the Clients and Dstores communicate directly, the Controller just informs each Client which Dstore to communicate with, depending on the request.

One key feature of the Controller, and the system as a whole, is the Rebalance operation. This is an alogorithm that ensures all files are evenly spread over the Dstores whilst ensuring they are also stored R times each (R is an argument specified at the intialisation of the Controller object which specifies how many times we want to copy a file over the Dstores). It is triggered either after a certain time interval has passed (rebalance_period) or when a new Dstore joins the system. It is a complicated algorithm but it adds dynamic fault tolerance into the system, meaning the system will always remain fault tolerant, even after Dstores fail.

To start a Controller, the following command line parameters are used:

java Controller cport R timeout rebalance_period

A Controller is given a port to listen on (cport), a replication factor (R), a timeout in milliseconds (timeout) and how long to wait (in milliseconds) to start the next rebalance operation (rebalance_period)


The Client(s) are the programs which commands are entered into in order to communicate with the storage system. As many clients can be run and send commands concurrently as needed. 4 different commands are used withing the Client(s) to communicate with the Controller. These are:

  • LOAD
  • LIST

To start a Client, the following command line parameters are used:

java Client cport timeout

A client is started with the controller port to communicate with it (cport) and a timeout in milliseconds (timeout)

This structure of Client only used to work with one command, meaning the Client would be started, then 1 commanc could be entered before the Client then closed the connection and ended. This makes the connections of Client -> Conntroller connection non-persistant. To enable running of multiple commands, I introduced a new class ClientMain, which takes the same arguments as above but will allow for multiple commands.

To start a ClientMain, the following command line parameters are used:

java ClientMain cport timeout


These are the storage programs for storing files. They receive files to store directly from Clients when Clients send STORE command, and save them to the file_folder directory. They also send Clients file contents after receiving a LOAD operation from a Client, as well as removing a file when receiving a REMOVE command from the Controller. They also handle internal REBALANCE commands needed for the Rebalance operation.

To start a Dstore, the following command line parameters are used:

java Dstore port cport timeout file_folder

A Dstore is started with the port to listen on (port) and the controller’s port to talk to (cport), timeout in milliseconds (timeout) and where to store the data locally (file_folder).

For ease of use of the program, I also developed a DstoreMain class, which initialises and runs multiple different Dstores, so the user does not have to start each one manually. This was mainly for testing, but is useful for quick use of the program.

To start DstoreMain, run the following in command line:

java DstoreMain cport timeout N

The DstoreMain is started with the Controller's port (cport), the time to wait before exiting (timeout), and N which specifies how many Dstores to start. The file_folder for each is 'StoreN', where N is the number of the Dstore. I.e, for N=5, the directories will be Store1, Store2, Store3, Store4 and Store5. Also, the port for the Dstore is automatically set to 500 + n. E.g, for N=5, each Dstore will have the port 501, 502, 503, 504 and 505 respectively.

How to run

This program has been made wholly in Java, so requires the Java JDK package to be installed. To download this, visit The following explanation of running of the program lists commands to be used. For explanations of these, see the above 'Components' section.

Starting up

To run, clone this git repositroy using the git command in the Command Line Interface for your operating system.

git clone


Cloning of the repository as shown on a Windows Command Line

Once cloned, multiple different Command Line Interface windows must be openend, with each running a separate component of this system. This mimics the components running on separate machines. Each window must be navigated to the Distributed-File-System\out\production\Distributed-File-System directory before any of the commands may be used.

CMD windows

Showing the Controller, DstoreMain and ClientMain running on separate Windows CMD programs. This is how this program has to be run, it cannot be used all on one Command Line program.

One window will be used to run the Controller. This must be run first before any other component, as they will all look to connect to the Controller on the cport. In a Command Line Interface window, use the following command:

java Controller/Controller cport R timeout rebalance_period

Controller start

Starting the Controller component and showing an immediate Rebalance operation with 0 Dstores connected

Once a Controller is running, other components can be started. However, no Client requests will be served until R Dstores have joined the system. Therefore, next the Dstores should be started. To do this, either N windows can be opened, and within each the following command can be run:

java DStore/Dstore port cport timeout file_folder

Or, one Command line Interface window may be used and the following command run:

java DStore/DstoreMain cport timeout N

DstoreMain start

DstoreMain initialisation with N=3, so 3 Dstores are started and connected to the Controller on port 1000

Next a Client can be run to operate commands. Usually, Client will only serve one command before closing the connection. To run multiple commands, the ClientMain can be used (this is recommended). For the Client, run the following command line command:

java Client/Client cport timeout

And for the ClientMain, use the following:

java Client/ClientMain cport timeout

ClientMain start

The starting of ClientMain which doesn't connect immediately to the Controller, as this is done by the individual Clients when a command is typed.

Once you have all the components up and running, commands can be run from the ClientMain to manipulate the file storage system. These different commands are listed below.

Client Commands

4 commmands are used on the Client or ClientMain in order to manipulate files on the system. These are the only commands that can be used for the system. To use, enter the commands in the Command Line Interface which is running the ClientMain component. The commands are as listed below.


STORE filename file_size

This communicates to the Controller that we want to store file filename. This file must be in the same directory as the command line's current working directory. the file_size is the size of the file in bytes.


REMOVE filename

This removes the file specified from the file storage system.


LOAD filename

This loads the file from the storage system into the current working directory of the command line.



This lists all files currently stored in the system.