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Crop yield predictor

A tool which is capable of making predictions of cereal and potato yields for districts of the Slovak Republic.

It was developed as a part of the owner's Bachelor's Thesis at Faculty of Information Technology of CTU at Prague.

Installation guide

This tool supports two types of installation. The first, simplier and advised possibility is using Docker. The second one is a local development environment.


This approach requires a working installation of Docker programme on your local machine.

  • enter the source directory
  • docker build -t yield-predictor .
  • docker run -i -t -p 8888:8888 --name predictor yield-predictor bash

If you don't desire to use jupyter from within the container you don't have to specify the -p 8888:8888 option.

Once you enter the container, you need to authenticate yourself to the Google Earth Engine service:

  • earthengine authenticate

Now you are ready to use the tool.

After exiting the container, it is terminated, but still exists on your machine. To avoid duplicate authentisations, you can start and enter the existing container.

  • docker start -i predictor

This will start the container, enter it's bash and stop the container upon exit.

Local development environment

Before starting this approach, make sure the following requirements are met:

  • Python 3.7
  • openssl library (in some cases libssl-dev as well)
  • gcc compiler

Start by create a new local environment in the project's root directory:

  • python3 -m venv env --symlinks

Enter this environment:

  • source env/bin/activate

Install all the requirements:

  • pip install -r requirements.txt

After the installation, you have to authenticate yourself to the Google Earth Engine service:

  • earthengine authenticate

To install the project's commands to your terminal:

  • pip install -e .

Command-line interface

The commands can be run from the root project's directory (/app in Docker container).


Test the models and get Mean Absolute or Root Mean Squared Errors.

  • -c feature extraction algorithm (kmeans or lvq)
  • -p prediction algorithm (lr or svm)
  • --start a year to start the test in (>= 1999) [1999]
  • --end a year to end the test in (<= 2017) [2017]
  • --crop a crop to run the computation for (cereals or potatoes) [cereals]
  • --split use a Lowland-Highland split [no]
  • --rmse display RMSE [no]
  • --force-server request a computation on a server [no]


Predict a yield for a specified year for either a district or the whole republic.

  • -c feature extraction algorithm (kmeans or lvq)
  • -p prediction algorithm (lr or svm)
  • --year a year to make a prediction for (>= 1999 and <= 2019) [2019]
  • --district a district to make a prediction for [None]
  • --crop a crop to run the computation for (cereals or potatoes) [cereals]
  • --split use a Lowland-Highland split [no]
  • --force-server request a computation on a server [no]


This section describes the directories in the project.

  • datasets information sources of the project (past crop yields and geographical data)
  • javascript code for Earth Engine web-based IDE (visualisations for the thesis text, see text/thesis.pdf)
  • json saved responses from the Earth Engine servers (so that we don't need to repeat the calls)
  • jupyter source code for the graphs used for analysis throughout the text
  • src project's source code itself
  • text thesis text


The project ships with code used for creating the graphs used in the text.

If you desire to inspect them, you have to install sklearn-lvq package:

  • pip install sklearn-lvq

If you use a local environment, just enter the jupyter directory and run:

  • jupyter notebook

For running jupyter from within the Docker container and access it using browser you need to map 8888 port by creating a new container (see Installation). Then, enter the jupyter directory and run:

  • jupyter notebook --ip= --no-browser --allow-root

Afterwards, you can load localhost:8888 and log in with the token specified in the terminal.

Data sources

The past crop yields data were obtained from the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic ( and converted from .xlsx to .csv.

The geographic information about district and region borders were acquired from the Geodetic and Cartographic Institute of the Slovak Republic ( and converted from the original .gdb to .csv (


Sometimes, it can happen that the server returns EEEException with the information that the computation was rejected because of too many requests.

The calls are automatically retried for three times, but it is still possible that the error will be propagated and cause a termination of one of the threads. In case of such a program, wait a few minutes are rerun the command.