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NOvARwgt -- NOvA collaboration neutrino event generator reweight tools

Original author: J. Wolcott

Last update to this document: May 2020

This document contains instructions on how to build the NOvARwgt package.


  1. Obtaining the code
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Optional components
  4. Build and installation instructions
  5. Modifications for building the UPS product


NOvARwgt's home is on GitHub:

Most users will want to obtain the code by downloading a tagged release:

Should you want to contribute to NOvARwgt, however, you'll need to fork or clone the repository instead.
Please consult for further notes on contributing.

Some examples given in sec. 4 below.


NOvARwgt is designed to be as standalone as possible, but it does have several requirements.

  1. c++ compiler with C++17 support. (Reference installation is with g++.)

  2. CMake v3.10 or above.

  3. ROOT v6. (

    ROOT should be installed and available to CMake.
    (This is arranged by default both with system-wide installations and with installations that require sourcing thisroot.(c)sh.)

    Please note that ROOT must be built against the same C++ standard as NOvARwgt, so NOvARwgt won't build against ROOT installations with C++14 or lower.


To ease user adoption, NOvARwgt also has optional support for a number of external event formats based on tools that are of relatively widespread distribution. Configure them as described below, and support will be built automatically for you:

  1. Assumes the source is available at $GENIE/src and compiled libraries are at $GENIE/lib.

    GENIE has its own set of dependencies that are necessary for its libraries to function:

    • ROOT (as above)
    • PYTHIA6
    • log4cpp
    • libxml2

    NOvARwgt can try to build these dependencies into its libraries for you if you pass -DNOVARWGT_BUILD_GENIE_DEPS when invoking cmake, but a much more reliable way to ensure GENIE has what it needs is to use the same settings for the $LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable that are normally in place when GENIE is run. (Be sure you use the same version of ROOT to build NOvARwgt as was used to build GENIE.)

  2. FNAL nutools and nusimdata

    Truth events can be built from simb::MCTruth* and simb::GTruth* objects (both are needed together), which are the truth-carrying objects from the FNAL nusimdata objects in the art framework. Since nusimdata has numerous dependencies of its own, the only reliable way to get everything loaded correctly is to use the CMake tools from the FNAL CET suite, which follow the UPS package dependencies around. If the environment variable $NUSIMDATA_DIR is defined, the build attempts to use CET to check whether all the dependencies are available.

    If $NUSIMDATA_DIR is defined in your build environment, but you'd like to disable it anyway, pass -DNOVARWGT_USE_NUSIMDATA=Off in your cmake options.

    (This is a bit complex, since CET makes the assumption that when you invoke it, you want to use it to do your own build, and NOvARwgt is intended to be as independent as possible. All the necessary shenanigans are contained in cmake/modules/FindNuSimData.cmake if you're curious.)

  3. NOvA StandardRecord

    Truth events can also be built from NOvA's caf::StandardRecord objects. Support for this is in the NOvASoft code repository in the StandardRecord package (see StandardRecord/NOvARwgtInterface.h therein). (It's located there, rather than here, because NOvASoft is not versioned in UPS, and it's challenging to make sure NOvARwgt is always paired with the correct version of NOvASoft.)

  4. NUISANCE event records

    The NUISANCE comparison software ( has an internal record format for which a NOvARwgt interface is available inside NUISANCE. Please consult its build documentation.


  • Choose and create installation directory. For this guide we will assume it is /path/to/install_dir.

  • Create a directory for building. This is separate from the installation directory, and can be removed when finished. We will call it /path/to/build_dir.

  • Download the NOvARwgt source into your build directory using the strategy you chose in sec. 1. So, for example, if you were downloading fixed release v00.03, you'd get the link from, and then:

    cd /path/to/build_dir
    tar -xvzf novarwgt_v1.0.tar.gz

    On the other hand, if you were directly cloning the repository (maybe you want to submit a pull request?):

    cd /path/to/build_dir
    git clone novarwgt

    Both of these options should create a subdirectory novarwgt in your working directory.

  • Prepare a subdirectory for actual building.

    mkdir /path/to/build_dir/build
    cd /path/to/build_dir/build
  • Decide which options you want to enable. The full list (and help for them, as well as their default values) is available via

    cmake ../novarwgt -LH | grep -B2 NOVARWGT
  • Execute the build and install

    cmake <any options you want to pass> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install_dir  ../novarwgt
    make install
  • Profit

    You should now be able to include the NOvARwgt header files from /path/to/install_dir/inc and link against the libraries in /path/to/install_dir/lib. (Be sure to set $LD_LIBRARY_PATH to whatever it was during installation when you run your eventual executable or likely GENIE or another dependency will complain its libraries cannot be found.)

    Happy reweighting!


The build can be configured to produce an installation ready for deployment via the Fermilab UPS system. To do so, the following adjustments to the instructions above are needed:

  1. Adjust install directory Probably you want your install directory name to contain the version number. e.g.: -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/novarwgt/v00.00

  2. Extra CMake options: When invoking cmake, some additional options are required in addition to the usual -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:

    • -DNOVARWGT_INSTALL_UPS: requests that the files in the ups/ directory be copied to the installation folder.
    • -DNOVARWGT_UPS_COMPILER: the qualifier corresponding to the compiler. E.g.: e17. (See
    • -DNOVARWGT_UPS_FLAVOR: qualifier specifying the kernel type. E.g.: Linux64bit+2.6-2.12.
    • -DDNOVARWGT_UPS_OS: qualifier designating the operating system. E.g.: slf6.x86_64.