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149 lines (146 loc) · 7.09 KB
  • Punish/penalize → Castigar
  • Exonerate → Exonerar
  • Contract a disease → Contraer una enfermedad
  • Unheard of → Inaudito
  • In hindsight, however → En retrospectiva, sin embargo
  • Being in turmoil → Sumido en la confusión
  • Rally behind → Apoyar
  • Needlessly → Innecesario
  • Tallow → Sebo (animal)
  • Butler → Mayordomo
  • Housekeeper → Ama de casa
  • Posh home → Casa elegante
  • Cottage → Casa rural
  • Rush light → Vela de junco
  • Pinched → Pellizcado
  • Nip → Pinza
  • Pliers → Alicates
  • Tongs → Tenazas
  • "Chips from woods" → Virutas de madera
  • Rag → Trapo
  • Dripping → Gotear
  • Scorched → Chamuscado
  • Snuff → Apoyar (llamas)
  • Tar sands → Deposito de alquitrán
  • Financial profit → Beneficios financieros
  • Tap into → Tocar
  • Dwindling → Menguar
  • Shallow → Poco profundo
  • Brackish → Salubre (agua)
  • Thrive → Prosperar
  • To dwell → Morar
  • Stout → ??
  • To rivet → ??
  • Roughly → Aproximadamente
  • Lunge off → Arremeter
  • Well → Pozo
  • To recap → Recuperar (dinero)
  • To recuperate → Recuperar (salud)
  • To recover → Recuperar (objeto perdido)
  • Landfills → Vertederos
  • Byproduct → Subproducto
  • Decay → Desintegrar
  • Rail against → Luchar en contra
  • Hearing → Audiencia
  • Brink → Borde
  • Creeping → Progresivo
  • MP (Member of Parliament) → Diputado
  • Littering → ??
  • Sewage → Aguas residuales
  • Smog → Niebla tóxica
  • "Apportionment of the budget would be better expended on..."
  • “the third rail of American politics” makes a reference to the electrified third rail of a train track that would kill you if you touched it
  • Logging → Alojamiento
  • Grazing → Pastoreo
  • A pun → Juego de palabras

How to kill a Mockingbird book

  • Elbow → codo
  • Assuage → Calmar emociones negativas
  • Thigh → Muslo
  • Creek → Arroyo
  • Piety → Piedad
  • Stinginess → Tacañería
  • Brethren → Hermanos de religión
  • Thence → "De ese lugar a"
    • "I went first to Paris thence to Rome"
  • Lest → A pesar que
  • Spittoon → Escupidero
  • Unsullied → Impecable
  • Slap → Barro
  • Saggy → Poco firme
  • Hitch → Mover
  • Dove → Paloma
    • Doves are beautiful white birds that magicians often use.
  • Crows &rarr Cuervos
    • Crows are very intelligent birds and can be taught to pick up trash.
  • Slug &rarr Babosa
    • A snail is just a slug with a shell.

Mindhunter series

  • Vindicate → Exculpar
    • "hospital staff were vindicated by the inquest verdict"
  • Rat (someone) out → Delatar (a alguien)
    • "he ratted out a pair of colleagues, so he could stay out of jail"
  • Jarring → ??
  • Edgewise → ??

With the Old Breed book

  • To glare → Mirar de manera furiosa, enfadada
    • He glared at us like a wolf whose first and foremost desire was to tear us limb from limb
  • A stroll → Un paseo
    • I stepped off the car for a stroll, a young infantryman walked up to me and shook hands.
  • Stark → Severo
    • This was my introduction to the stark realism that characterized the Marine Corps I later came to know.
  • Distraught → Muy preocupado
    • Father was mildly distraught at the thought of me in the Marines as an enlisted man.
  • To bolster → Apoyar
  • Saggy → Hundirse
  • Weary → Agotado
    • He has bolstered my sagging morale when I've become weary with what is not a happy subject.

Frankenstein book

  • Rejoice → To feel or show great happiness about something
    • You will rejoice to hear that no disaster has accompanied me
  • Forebodings → A feeling that something very bad is going to happen soon
    • The enterprise which you have regarded with such evil forebodings
  • Undertaking → Commitment
    • I have confidence in the success of my undertaking.
  • A foretaste → Something that gives you an idea of what something else is like by allowing you to experience a small example of it before it happens
    • This breeze gives me a foretaste of those icy climes.
  • To waft → To move gently through the air
    • We may be wafted to a land full of wonders.
  • Hitherto → Until now
    • The land will surpass in wonders and in beauty every region hitherto discovered on Earth.
  • To satiate → To completely satisfy yourself.
    • I shall statiate my ardent curiosity
  • Enticement → The act of persuading someone to do something by offering them something pleasant
    • These are my enticements, and they are sufficient to conquer all fear of danger or death.
  • To ascertain → To discover
    • I will be ascertaining the secret of magnet.
  • To dispel → To remove fears, doubts, and false ideas
    • These reflections have dispelled the agitation with which I began my letter.
  • An injunction → An official order given by a law court, usually to stop someone from doing something.
    • The regret which I had felt, as a child, on learning that my father's dying injunction had forbidden my uncle to allow me to embark in a seafaring life.
  • Acquainted [adj] → Knowing or being familiar.
    • You are well acquainted with my failure.
  • Bore [v] → ??
    • You are well acquainted with my failure, and how heavily I bore the disappointment
  • Earnest → Serious and determined.
    • The captain intreated me to remain with the greatest earnestness so valuable did he consider my services.
  • Enticement → The act of persuading someone to do something -I preferred glory to every enticement that wealth placed in my path.
  • Fortnight → A period of two weeks.
    • I shall depart in a fortnight.


  • There is no shortage of opinion on – The idea according to which – No one can deny that – Many people wonder – There is a great debate on – Many people have different opinions/beliefs/feelings about – Societies around the world have various ideas about - Recently, there has been a ton of debate as to...
  • In my opinion – I do believe that – I absolutely think that – it is certainly clear to see why I feel that - If I were asked, I would say that – I strongly believe that – personally – honestly
  • Convenient modern life of today – contemporary lifestyle – present actions of everyday citizens – modern society
  • Negatively impact – cause more distress – future repercussions – will have to pay for
  • Future generations – individuals in the future – future repercussions
  • To start – right off the bat – from the beginning – immediately – from the get-go – for starters – first of all – firstly – in the first place
  • agree – support – back – be in support of – be in agreement with – see eye to eye with
  • disagree - casts doubt on – not agree with – oppose – contest
  • idea – notion – theory – hypothesis – argument - point
  • opinion – stance – belief – thought
  • argue – claim – posit – insist - contend - focus on