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223 lines (179 loc) · 7.83 KB

File metadata and controls

223 lines (179 loc) · 7.83 KB


CLI utility that helps in maintaining personal small "portable" video database focused on AMV. It uses yt-dlp to download videos from a pre-prepared list with links to videos and allows you to perform some trivial actions both with downloaded files and with the list of references.




This example is shown for a unix-like system.


To download project use

git clone
cd clvog

new_vid_list.txt content

It contains required names and link to video: <type>-<date_of_source>-<date_of_discvery>.mp4 <link> (<description>) (See its content using your text editor for exact names. Types are: AV, AMV, MAD. See reference for more.)

Creating new video database

Move example of list with new video you would like to add to your video database (or create at this point).

mv example/new_vid_list.txt ./

Then create your database:

cargo run -- add
# or `clvog add` if you use pre-build binary

It creates vid_list.txt with content of new_vid_list.txt, but also adds numbers to every record. (also creates .bak backup of lists). Then clvog downloads these new videos giving them names according to new_vid_list.txt. If video could not be downloaded its record writes in failed_downloads.log, creates empty file like 0001-AAA.mp4 (type AAA and no dates, but with its number)

In this example you see new files:

  • 0001-AMV-20230908-20240303.mp4
  • 0002-AAA.mp4
  • 0003-AMV-20240225-20240303.mp4

empty 0002-AAA.mp4 created because it must be downloaded manually.

Before using add again clear new_vid_list.txt content and write your new videos in it.




  • -u, --skip-check
  • -v, --verbose
  • -V, --version
  • insert <NUM> <VID_PATH>
  • add
  • add -l <NEW_LIST_PATH>, -d <VID_DIR_PATH>
  • move <num> <num>
  • pull # rename video files from list to dir (-u option disabled)
  • sync # rename records from dir to list (-u option disabled)
  • rm <num>
  • rename <name> <name>
  • hide <type> [,<type>,..] # files only
  • check # verfiy directory and list names matching (runs before any action)

Example: clvog add -vul push_list.txt – add new videos from push_list.txt to vid_list.txt with output debug infromation and without check names mathcing

Main actions:


Download and insert videos from new_vid_list.txt or from <NEW_LIST_PATH> text file at the end of vid_list.txt



AMV-01012000-31012002.mp4 https://*

add inserts new 3 records in the end of vid_list.txt and gives the apropriate numbers

22-<old record>.mp4
25-AMV-01012000-31012002.mp4 https://
<end of list>

It also downloads these videos and rename files according the list /path/to/video_directory/ (./vid/ by default):


What if add used to init new video db?

Clvog will

  1. read new_video_list.txt
  2. create and write vid_list.txt
  3. download and rename files

rm <num>

delete file under <num>


vid_list.txt and path/to/video_dir (./vid/ by default):

34-AV-11-11.mp4 https://0
35-AMV-22-22.mp4 https://1
36-AMV-22-22.mp4 https://2

Using rm 35
(rename 35-AMV-22-22.mp4 to AMV-22-22.mp4 then i-=1 for [35..])

34-AV-11-11.mp4 https://0
35-AMV-22-22.mp4 https://2

Be sure there isn't one more file with name AMV-22-22.mp4 otherwise it will be rewritten


insert new file <name> into <num>


vid_list.txt and path/to/video_dir:

34-AV-11-11.mp4 https://
35-AMV-22-22.mp4 https://
36-AMV-22-22.mp4 https://

new file:


Using insert AMV-22-22.mp4 35
(i+=1 for [35..] then insert new file under 35)

vid_list.txt and path/to/video_dir:

34-AV-11-11.mp4 https://
35-MAD-33-33.mp4 https://
36-AMV-22-22.mp4 https://
37-AMV-22-22.mp4 https://


Rename any files in the directory then use sync to update vid_list.txt, but do not rewrite nums

Example of renaming:
34-AV-11-11.mp4 -> 34-AV-some-new-data-11-22.mp4

Secondary actions

hide AMV AV - add dot at the beginning of the file name if it is like 0000-AMV... or 0000-AV... On Unix-like systems file manager will not show them in directory.

rename <name1> <name2> - the same as sync but manual
move <num1> <num2> - the same as delete <num1> then insert <name1> <num2>
pull - rename files in list then use pull to rename directory entries accordingly (opposite sync)

How dir-list verification (check) works

It takes every line in vid_list.txt then checks if the every file name is the same. It recognizes files starts with four digits and at least 11 character length, other characters are any: 0001aCV.ext. If there are at least one error - execution stops and prints unmatched entry-record. Use AAA at &[5..8] in filename to skip verification. Note

List Structure

There are 3 video types: AV (Anime [fan-made] Video), AMV (Anime Music Video) and MAD (means otoMAD - 音MAD)


<num>-<type>-<any_info>.<ext> <link> (<description>)

Example: 0001-AV.mp4 https://link_or_broken_link (some information, more links)

File entry

  • the same as first field in list: <num>-<type>-<any_info>.<ext>

Example: 0001-AV.mp4


If file is broken or you would like to mark it, but do not want to rename record
Use AAA type in directory entry name - error checker will pass it.

For example, your video file (directory entry): 0011-AAA-1-2.mp4, but record: 0011-AMV-31122020-31122020.mp4 - ok.



0001-AMV.mp4 https://add_link (dunno author)
0003-AMV-20230908-20240303.mp4 (
0004-AMV-20230827-20240621.mp4 https://* (see_, That Tuturu! Hurts | Steins;Gate | NUMB |「 Edit/AMV 」)

Comments (for example, in comments.txt file or in description to last video)

From the available the link to the source from which it is least problematic to download (using yt-dlp) is selected, while the source date (the first in the file name) selects the earliest of all available sources.

All single youtube links are have *: https:// * in order for yt-dlp not to try to download them. May use sed to delete *:

sed 's/https:\/\/\*\(.*\)/https:\/\/\1/g' input_file.txt > output_file.txt


  • implement all commands
    • check
    • add
    • insert
    • sync
    • pull
    • move
    • rm
    • hide
    • rename
  • add caching to get_entries() and get_records() in (see example)
  • add version command with the same output as --version or -V option
  • download videos in ./vid/ directory
  • add parallel download requests

Future of Anime Music Video Organizer

Clvog is the first step to creating fully-featured Anime Music Video Organizer with TUI (looks like ranger and shows more video previews) and/or GUI if it will make sense. I hope it will not be so messy.

Small description about it: click