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HTTP access control

Iris provides two ways for configuring your Cors, one is by middleware and the other is by plugin.

The difference is that the

  • cors plugin is a wrapper which wraps the whole iris.Router.

  • cors plugin cannot be registered per-route, only per-application.

  • cors plugin has all the options that the rs/cors middleware can accept.

  • cors middleware is just an iris.HandlerFunc which can be registered per-route.

  • cors middleware doesn't provides a lot of options, just the AddOrigin and AllowCredentials() but these are enough for the most use cases.

Choose the cors middleware if you must use it per-route, otherwise cors plugin which offers more options.

Let's take a quick overview, starting with the cors plugin.

Cors Plugin


$ go get -u

Getting Started

package main

import (

func main() {
    app := iris.New()
    // cors.Default() setup the router with default options being
    // all origins accepted with simple methods (GET, POST). See
    // documentation below for more options.
    c := cors.Default()


    app.Get("/", func(ctx *iris.Context) {
        ctx.JSON(iris.StatusOK, iris.Map{"hello": "world"})



Parameters are passed to the middleware thru the cors.New method as follow:

c := cors.New(cors.Options{
    AllowedOrigins: []string{""},
    AllowCredentials: true,
  • AllowedOrigins []string: A list of origins a cross-domain request can be executed from. If the special * value is present in the list, all origins will be allowed. An origin may contain a wildcard (*) to replace 0 or more characters (i.e.: http://* Usage of wildcards implies a small performance penality. Only one wildcard can be used per origin. The default value is *.
  • AllowOriginFunc func (origin string) bool: A custom function to validate the origin. It take the origin as argument and returns true if allowed or false otherwise. If this option is set, the content of AllowedOrigins is ignored
  • AllowedMethods []string: A list of methods the client is allowed to use with cross-domain requests. Default value is simple methods (GET and POST).
  • AllowedHeaders []string: A list of non simple headers the client is allowed to use with cross-domain requests.
  • ExposedHeaders []string: Indicates which headers are safe to expose to the API of a CORS API specification
  • AllowCredentials bool: Indicates whether the request can include user credentials like cookies, HTTP authentication or client side SSL certificates. The default is false.
  • MaxAge int: Indicates how long (in seconds) the results of a preflight request can be cached. The default is 0 which stands for no max age.
  • OptionsPassthrough bool: Instructs preflight to let other potential next handlers to process the OPTIONS method. Turn this on if your application handles OPTIONS.
  • Debug bool: Debugging flag adds additional output to debug server side CORS issues.

Cors Middleware


$ go get -u
package main

import (

func main() {
	iris.Use(cors.Default()) // enable all origins, disallow credentials

	iris.Get("/home", func(c *iris.Context) {
		c.Write("Hello from /home")



Change origins and allowCredentials option

package main

import (

func main() {
  c := cors.New()
  // to enable credentials headers

  // allow origin per-domain


	iris.Get("/home", func(c *iris.Context) {
		c.Write("Hello from /home")

