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#Salesforce Wear Developer Pack for Apple Watch The Salesforce Wear Developer Pack for Apple Watch provides a sample app that uses WatchKit and the Salesforce Mobile SDK for iOS to build connected apps. The app, which uses Salesforce approval requests, demonstrates typical patterns developers will face when building these connected apps and is intended as a starter project to accelerate the creation of more fully featured apps using the benefits of Apple Watch and the Salesforce1 Platform.

Salesforce Wear Watch App

Before we jump into the code, building apps for the Apple Watch requires a quick introduction to a few important architectural concepts.

###WatchKit apps are an extension to your phone. WatchKit apps are an extension to the app running on your iPhone. This statement often surprises developers, but it is critical in understanding how you design your Apple Watch apps. WatchKit provides interface components and manages bluetooth connectivity, but at the time of writing, the actual app you develop is bundled with an accompanying iOS app.

###Glance Interface Glance interfaces should be used to display important information. Glances do not allow any user interaction elements such as buttons, switches etc and can not scroll. They are intended to inform the wearer of the most important information at a glance. They are lightweight, and more memory/energy efficient because they do not load your entire app, but just a glance so-to-speak. Think of the lock screen on your iphone: It displays the date and time, but in order to do anything else you have unlock it and enter the app. Glances are similar to this.

###Notification Interface Notification Interfaces manage notifications pushed the watch via the phone. Notification interfaces are actually made up of two parts: short-look interfaces and long-look interfaces.

Short-look interfaces function similar to notification on your phone. They present an icon of your app, a short message (known as the title), and your apps name. A short-look interface is what you get if you don't create a custom notification interface. Apple has done a great job on making short-look interfaces look very stylish.

Long-look interfaces allow you to create your own notification interface. It allows the developer to add app-specific content and actions (buttons). Long-look interfaces are your friend. You will use them a lot.

###Standard Interface The standard interface functions similar to interface controllers within a traditional iOS app. They allow the developer to create a custom interface using the provided UI controls. It is worth noting that WatchKit provides separate UI controls to those provided by iOS, and it's own layout system for arranging these on the screen.

The past year has seen a lot of changes in how app screens are laid out on iOS with auto-layout having been introduced to support the different dimensions of each of the iPhone and iPad versions. WatchKit does not use auto-layout, by the nature of the watch, it is much simpler however I do expect that different WatchKit layout and auto-layout to influence each other heavily in the near future (eg: WatchKit groups will likely show up on iOS apps soon, and as more versions of the Apple Watch are produced, the need for auto-layout for WatchKit will present itself)

##Salesforce Wear App Blueprint WatchKit apps and Salesforce Wear all follow a similar app blueprint on how to authenticate and interact with the Salesforce1 platform. No matter what your intended use case is, you can follow this standard blueprint. We will use this blueprint to create a simple tasks-based app to demonstrate how to use Salesforce Wear.

Salesforce Wear Blueprint

###Communicating with your iOS App As mentioned previously, WatchKit apps are an extension to your iOS App. WatchKit provides the underlying bluetooth communication between watch and phone, but as a developer, it is your responsibility to handle messaging. Generally, there are two approaches: App Groups and Observers.

App Groups allow the sharing of data between different apps within a single project/bundle (remember an iOS app and Apple Watch app are created in the same overall). Once enabled, App Groups work like a key/value store. In practice, I have found they are a little cumbersome to work with on bigger WatchKit apps.

App Bundles

Observers work similar to selectors and delegates in iOS: you register an observer to handle a specific request, implement handleWatchKitNotification in your iOS app, create a response block, and you are good to go. Observers allow a more object-oriented and modern approach to handling communications. It's personal preference, but the developer pack and sample app uses observers. We like them. You should too.

##Sample App This Salesforce Wear developer pack provides a complete implementation of a basic approvals app that uses the existing tasks functionality within Salesforce. Because the purpose of the tutorial is to demonstrate WatchKit integration, the iOS app will be extremely basic from a User Interface perspective - support for authentication and that is about it. You can grab the app from GitHub, and watch a video of the finished app here.

Note: This the code and dev park uses iOS 8.2 and Swift 1.2. Please make sure that you have the appropriate targets set for this. At the time of writing, iOS 8.3 (beta 2) and xCode 6.3 (beta 2) appear to have a bug in the WebView implementation when run via the simulator. The bug manifests itself in an inability to click the login button on the Salesforce authentication screen.

##iOS App Our iOS app is pretty simple. It supports authentication and a storyboard with a view controller for you to extend. The code includes all the hooks, and sample code you need to implement your own WatchKit logic. Let's walk through the logic on the phone now.

###AppDelegate.m The AppDelegate, the start of your application, is provided by the MobileSDK when you create a new project using forceios. To support WatchKit, we've implemented the handleWatchKitExtensionRequest:

- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application handleWatchKitExtensionRequest:(NSDictionary *)userInfo reply:(void(^)(NSDictionary *replyInfo))reply
    NSLog(@"WATCHKIT: %@", userInfo);
    NSString *reqType = [userInfo objectForKey:@"request-type"];
    WatchInfo *winfo = [[WatchInfo alloc] initWithUserInfo:userInfo reply:reply];
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName: reqType object:winfo];

handleWatchKitExtension expects an NSDictionary object to be passed back and forth between the extension (the watch app) and the iOS app. For our application, we will use the request-type key to identify which action to perform (get tasks, update task etc). Then, all we have to do is post the request to the iOS notification center which will handle passing the event to any observers we have registered.

##RootVC.swift The RootVC is the view controller of our extremely simple user interface. In fact, there is really no need to have an interface at all, but a typical Apple Watch app would have a counterpart app on the phone. When designing Apple Watch apps, always keep in mind the functionality that you want to include. For example, if we wanted to create new approvals, doing this on the Watch would be pretty painful (would you want a keyboard that small even if you could?).

Our full featured task app would allow the user to create approvals on the phone and have access to any approvals assigned to them via the Watch for quick approve/decline requests on the go. (If you are interested in learning how to make a complete app, check out the enterprise ios tutorials here)

Our sample app uses the RootVC.swift controller to register the observers we need to listen for WatchKit events.

NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: Selector("handleWatchKitNotification:"),
            name: "approval-count",
            object: nil)
        NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: Selector("handleWatchKitNotification:"),
            name: "approval-details",
            object: nil)

And handle them. (The code below is intentionally simple, but would not take much to make it much more extensible with a chain of responsibility pattern or use register separate classes as observers.)

func handleWatchKitNotification(notification: NSNotification) {
        println("Got a watch notification")
        //do this before any handler methods.
        if let watchInfo = notification.object as? WatchInfo {
            self.approvalsHandler.watchInfo = watchInfo
        if( == "approval-count") {
           // homeLabel.text = "Approval Count Notification"
        } else if ( == "approval-details") {
           // homeLabel.text = "Approval Details Notification"
            if let info = self.approvalsHandler.watchInfo?.userInfo as? Dictionary<String,String> {
                if let s = info["id"] {
        } else if ( == "approval-update") {
                // homeLabel.text = "Approval Details Notification"
            if let info = self.approvalsHandler.watchInfo?.userInfo as? Dictionary<String,String> {
                if let s = info["id"] {
                    self.approvalsHandler.updateApproval(s, status: "Approved")

##ApprovalsHandler.swift To encapsulate logic that handles communicating via the MobileSDK, we've created a handler class, ApprovalsHandler. Let's look at the getApprovals function. For anyone familiar with the MobileSDK, you will notice that this is pretty standard functionality: execute a query, and send the response to a delegate (which happens to be our handler class.)

 func getApprovals() {
        var sharedInstance = SFRestAPI.sharedInstance()
         var request = sharedInstance.requestForQuery("SELECT Id, Status, TargetObjectId, LastModifiedDate, (SELECT Id, StepStatus, Comments FROM Steps) FROM ProcessInstance order by LastModifiedDate")
       sharedInstance.send(request as SFRestRequest, delegate: self)

As mentioned above, we are using the standard Mobile SDK functionality of delegates for handling responses. ApprovalsHandler.swift implements the didLoadResponse function defined SFRestDelegate. Within this method we are using a reply block to asynchronously send the data from Salesforce back to the watch. Good news is that you can use this pattern without any change in your own apps. (Getting the communication with iOS app and WatchKit app is the hardest part of Apple Watch development. This developer pack takes care of it for you)

  func request(request: SFRestRequest?, didLoadResponse jsonResponse: AnyObject) {
        var records = jsonResponse.objectForKey("records") as NSArray
        println("request:GOT APPROVALS: #records: \(records.count)");
        //send the block back to le watch
        if let watchInfo = watchInfo {
            let stuff = ["results" : records]

##WatchKit App Now it is time to look at the actual app running on the watch. Our simple sample app doesn't current use notifications (I'll be adding these soon and rolling them into the larger tutorial here.) We are using standard long-look interfaces. Here is the storyboard for the app:

watch app storyboard

Let's look at our glance controller, GlanceController. As soon as the app is about to activate, we fetch the list of approvals and display them in a funky little graphical representation plus some indication of which records are approved, pending, rejected.

Note: The sample app uses a glance, but it also includes another controller, InterfaceController to demonstrate an alternate view for the user. Both InterfaceController and GlanceController direct to the main controller, ApprovalsInterfaceController as defined in the storyboard.

override func willActivate() {


getApprovalsList is a typical pattern on how to communicate with the iOS app, and eventually Salesforce. It calls openParentApplication which provides a block to handle the response. You will note that we create a simple Dictionary object to set the request-type to ensure that our iOS app knows how to route the request properly.

private func getApprovalList() {
        let requestBundle = ["request-type" : "approval-count"]
        WKInterfaceController.openParentApplication(requestBundle, reply: { [unowned self](reply, error) -> Void in
            if let reply = reply as? [String: NSArray] {
                self.approvalsResult = reply["results"]
                var resultsCount = String(self.approvalsResult.count)
                //max out at 360...but anyone with that many approvals should be fired
            else {
               // self.userNameLabel.setText("No Response")
               println("no response")


###Running the app At the time of writing, WatchKit apps, operate as a separate target within your xCode project. In order to run the sample app, you must:

  • Run the SalesforceWatch (iphone) target first and log into the app via the simulator. (Remember an Apple Watch app is an extension to an iPhone app. We are still using the iPhone and the Salesforce Mobile SDK for iOS to handle authentication and communications to the Salesforce1 Platform.
  • Ensure that you have the Apple Watch simulator visible. To enable this, select Hardware->External Displays->Apple Watch 38/42mm from the iOS simulator app menu.
  • Switch targets within your xCode project, choosing "SalesforceWatch WatchKit App" and run your app. The watch simulator will now run (you should see a little update animation and eventually a ring with the number of approvals in your Salesforce org)

###Further implementations The code walkthrough above provides an overview of the typical patterns when working with WatchKit apps and iOS apps that use the Mobile SDK for Salesforce. You can check out the ApprovalsInterfaceController.swift and ApprovalsDetailsController.swift for more examples, but the pattern is identical to those described above.

##Summary The Salesforce Wear Developer Pack for Apple Watch provides a sample implementation and typical patterns when connecting Apple Watch devices to the Salesforce1 Platform. It is intentionally basic, and allows the developer a jumpstart approach to building their own apps by extending this starter app.

And don't forget that building apps for Apple Watch is different to building apps for iOS devices like the iPhone or iPad. I encourage you to spend some time looking at Apple's Human Interface Design Guidelines before you start your app.

If you are new to iOS and Salesforce Mobile SDK development, be sure to check out the complete enterprise iOS tutorial here.


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