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A tiny JS router that makes no assumptions about its usage.

Demo License: MIT

❤️ Features

  • ES6 module.
  • Support browser and any javascript runtime (node, deno, etc).
  • Pure functional design.
  • Tiny codebase, very understandable.
  • Everything is a plugin.
  • Designed following the principles of UNIX philosophy.
  • Very well tested.
  • Ridiculously small API. After reading this file you will understand Wand better than me.

💻 Usage

import wand from ""

💡 Showcase: A hash router

Wand makes no assumptions about the environment it will be used in, and this example can be easily migrated to a server-side router or any other type of application.

Demo Source

    <a href="#/">Home</a> |
    <a href="#/hello/Mary">Hello Mary</a> |
    >Hello John</a> |
    <a href="#/goodbye?name=stranger">Goodbye</a> |
    <a href="#/clock">Clock</a> |
    <a href="#/wrong/route">404</a> |
    <a href="javascript:stop()">Stop Router</a> |
    <a href="">Repository</a>
    <h1>Home Page</h1>
  <script type="module">
    import wand from ""

    window.stop = wand({
      init: () => {
        const main = document.body.querySelector('main')
        return {
          index: 0,
          home: main.innerHTML.trim(),
          render: html => {main.innerHTML = html}
      routes: {
        '/': ({
          render, home
        }) => render(home),
        '/hello/:name': ({
          render, Params
        }) => render(`<h1>Hello ${}</h1>`),
        '/clock': ({render}) => {
          const tick = () => {
            const time = new Date()
            ].map(n => (n < 10 ? '0' : '')+n).join(':')}</h1>`)
          const itv = setInterval(tick, 100)
          return () => {clearInterval(itv)}
        '/goodbye': ({render, Query}) => {
          render(`<h1>Goodbye message before leaving!</h1>`)
          return () => {window.alert(`Goodbye ${}!`)}
        '*': ({
        }) => render(`<h1>404: Page Not Found</h1>`) 
      plugins: [
        state => {
        state => {
            textContent = JSON.stringify(state, undefined, 2)
      runtime: change => {
        const hashchange = () => {
          change((window.location.hash || '#/').substr(1))

        window.addEventListener('hashchange', hashchange)
        return () => {
          window.removeEventListener('hashchange', hashchange)


wand({init?, routes, plugins?, runtime}) => stop

init: () => state

Optional function called once to create the initial state (this must be an object).

routes: {route: action}

Object that defines the possible routes.

route: string

Accepts * to match any path and :param to declare variable.

action: state => done?

A function that will be called whenever route is matched in a route change.

done: state => ()

An optional function that will be called before the new route action, with the state of the new route to end the current route.

plugins: [state => ()]

An optional array of plugins, which are executed sequentially with each route change and which can modify the state before the action associated with the new route or the done function associated with the old route are called.

runtime: change => finish?

The router runtime.

change: url => ()

Whenever called, it will trigger a change of route, with the url (string) being associated with the state.

finish: state => ()

Optional function to terminate the runtime, receives the current state of the route as a parameter.

stop: () => ()

Calls the finish function of the runtime with the contents of the current state, and from then on any call to the change function within the runtime will be ignored.

state: object

The state is initialized by the init function or as an empty object (if init is not passed).

Listed here are the state properties that are modified with each route change. Note that plugins can also modify state properties.

url: string

The url as passed to the change function.

route: string

The route that matched as declared.

path: string

The part of the url before the ?.

Params: object

Object containing the variables declared in the route with the associated values in the current path.

query: string

The part of url after the ?.

Query: object

Parsed query string.

📦 Projects using this module

If your project is not on the list, submit a pull request, it is a way to increase awareness of your project and this module.

  • Merlin: A functional JS framework that values elegance, simplicity and minimalism.
  • Paw: A low-code, vdom-free hyperscript framework.

🤝 Contributing

It's a very simple project. Any contribution, any feedback is greatly appreciated.

⭐ Support

If this project was useful to you, consider giving it a star on github, it's a way to increase evidence and attract more contributors.