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eduIntelligent LCMS

Installing eduintelligent LCMS on Ubuntu 10.04


This guide will help you to setup your development environment with buildout, so you can test and install eduintelligent LCMS. It is very specific to Ubuntu Server 10.04, but if you have Ubuntu 10.04 the instructions will be just the same.

Development environment

Buildout is a very powerfull system to manage software configuration. Plone is made by dozens of different software components/libraries (eggs) and Buildout can take care of almost every detail of all of them, including versions, dependencies and, of course, installation.

Buildout can install Plone in an pseudo-isolated environment. That is, it will install, uninstall and manage all the eggs that Plone needs without needing Administrator privileges and without the risk of breaking or cause configuration conflicts between version packages.

Buildout still depends on the system Python and system-wide libraries/eggs. That's why I call it pseudo-isolated environment. For a true isolated environment, you might take a look at VirtualEnv, however I will not cover it on this document.

We need to prepare the system so we can take advantage of Buildout's capabilities. So, open your terminal (Or login if you are on ubuntu Server without X) and type:

$ sudo aptitude update $ sudo aptitude safe-upgrade

#Restart system if appropiate

$ sudo aptitude install build-essential git-core subversion zlib1g-dev libpq-dev postgresql

Let's describe each package:
  • build-essential: Meta-package which will trigger the installation of compilers, utilities, and development libraries. All those (such as GCC), will be used to compile Python 2.4, python libraries, bindings and some parts of Plone and Zope.
  • git-core: We use git as the SCM for eduintelligent
  • subversion: We might need to get some python code trough svn
  • zlib1g-dev: zlib development libraries.
  • libpq-dev: Development libraries for PostgreSQL clients. It will be used by psycopg2.
  • postgresql: The postgresql server

Install Python 2.4

Ubuntu 10.04 Ships Python 2.6 by default. Unfortunately, eduintelligent-LCMS needs Plone 3. As we improve the code base, we will move to Plone 4, wich can work with more recent versions of Python like 2.6.

Installing Python 2.4 is a very straightforward process. First, we need to download it and unpack it:

$ wget

$ tar -xjf Python-2.4.6.tar.bz2

$ cd Python-2.4.6

Then build & install it:

$ sudo mkdir -p /opt/Python2.4 $ ./configure --prefix=/opt/python2.4 && make && sudo make install

Installing Python2.4 in /usr/local or /usr will create conflicts when you (or any other program) that invokes python on the console without specifying the full path. Also python scripts that use the hashbang #!/usr/bin/env python will be executed with Python 2.4 instead of 2.6. This can break some system utilities and programs, specially on Ubuntu Desktop.

There are some easy fixes for that:
  • Re-link /usr/bin/python to /usr/bin/python2.6
  • Delete /usr/local/bin/python (which takes precedence over /usr/bin/python)
  • Install it, as above, in a different path. (You will need to provide the full path whenever you want to call python2.4). You might also want to add the new python path to $PATH environment variable. Or you can also install it in your home folder.

Let's continue. We have already installed python2.4 somewhere, and we know that typing /opt/python2.4/bin/python2.4 on the comandline will bring out the python2.4 prompt.

Next step is to install PIP. PIP takes care of downloading the right versions of Python eggs, uncompress them in a temporal folder, build them and install them on a specific location. Also takes care of dependencies. PIP is commanded by Buildout, sou you will rarely use it directly.

So, please, do not close that terminal window/session yet and type:

$ wget

$ sudo /opt/Python2.4/bin/python2.4

$ sudo /opt/Python2.4/bin/easy_install pip

We will also need to install ZopeSkel. ZopeSkel is collection of Skeletons for quickstarting Zope and Plone projects. It uses the templating engine of the Paste project, which is a python development framework for web applications. It does a lot of things and has very useful tools, but our focus now is to prepare our development environment for eduIntelligent-LCMS and ZopeSkel and Paster are now just software dependencies for our goals, and PIP will take care od them for us. So please, dear reader, just go on with this tutorial, sooner or later you will understand how everything is laid out.

Interesting Note:The Django admin app, borrows some concepts from Paster.

So, as I was saying, we need to install ZopeSkel:

$ sudo /opt/Python2.4/bin/pip install ZopeSkel

And that's it. Congratulations for reaching so far! Your development environment is already set. Now we'll move along with the next section.

Download a copy of eduIntelligent-LCMS

The github repo for eduIntellignet-LCMS is here. So, in any directory you want (You no longer need root permissions for these), type this command:

$ git clone git://

This will clone the project and download a local copy for you. Now, let's enter to the directory and run the script:

$ /opt/Python2.4/bin/python2.4

This command will create some directories, namely: bin/, parts/, eggs/ and develop-eggs/. Right now, the only file inside bin/ is:

  • bin/buildout This script will download all the needed dependencies and store them on the eggs/ directory. It will compile some packages if they need it. It will finally create the bin/instance script. Take a look at this script, see how buildout manipulares the python path. That's how Buildout does it's magic.

Run the bin/buildout script.

$ bin/buildout

Sit back, relax, go for a cofee. It dependes on your bandwidth and your CPU power, but this process takes some time.

Once this process has finished, buildout wil have created more scripts inside the bin/ directory:

  • bin/i18ndude This is a tool for managing translations. It can extract messages, merge them into on or more .po files and compile them.
  • bin/instance This is, perhaps, the more interesting script. It controls the Plone instance. It has several options and switches, but by now we will only use it to start Plone in foreground mode.
  • bin/zopepy This is a handy python interpreter that has the same list of python eggs that the bin/instance. This is useful for testing and debugging.

We have our development environment set-up and Plone is ready to run. Let's move on to configure all the needed parts for eduintelligent-LCMS.

Configure PostgreSQL and configure databases

First step. Create the postgreSQL role eduintelligent that will be able to login using password authentication and create databases, but will not be able to create roles and will not have superuser powers:

$ sudo su postgres

$ createuser -ldPRS eduintelligent

You will be asked to supply a password for the new role. Next step is to enable password authentication for recenlty added role. We need to edit the file /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/pg_hba.conf (either logged in as postgres user or root), and comment the following line:

local all all trust

and then add the following line at the end of the file:

local all eduintelligent password

If you did the above logged in as the postgresql user, then exit:

$ exit

Restart postgresql server

$ sudo service postgresql-8.4 restart

Try to login as the eduintelligent user:

$ psql -U eduintelligent -W postgresql

You should see the psql cmdline prompt. If you get a authentication error instead, please review the configuration again and make sure you have restarted the postgresql server.

Create the database and schemas

Create the database eduintelligent_logs. This database will be used by eduintelligent.loginhistory, eduintelligent.database and eduintelligent.messages:

$ #Login as postgresql user if needed $ sudo su postgresql

$ createdb --encoding=UTF-8 --owner=eduintelligent -U eduintelligent - W eduintelligent_logs

Go back to the eduintelligent-LCMS directory. Before you run the script, edit the following files and configure the user and password for the eduintelligent role (Yes, the password you supplied in the section above.):

  • src/eduintelligent.loginhistory/eduintelligent/loginhistory/
  • src/eduintelligent.loginhistory/eduintelligent/loginhistory/

Finally run the script:

$ ./

Install eduintelligent.policy

Run Plone in foreground mode:

$ bin/instance fg

Open a web browser and point it to http://localhost:8080/ . Login as admin (The password is in the buildout.cfg file).

Create a Plone site and then install eduintelligent.policy product. It will install all the dependencies.

Configure membrane

We need to associate the eduMember content-type with TrainingCenter content-tye. Open your browser and point it to http://localhost:8080/YourPloneSite/membrane_tool/manage_main. There's a multiple selection menu. Select TrainingCenter and eduMember. Click on Sumbit.


  • Configure PloneArticle
  • Configure eduIntelligent Database in the plone control panel.
  • Lot's of details I'm probably missing.