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PyTorch implementations of PPO and GAIL

The repository covers the following algorithms:

  • Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) (Reinforcement Learning):
    • MLP and CNN policies
    • Gaussian policies (continuous actions) and categorical policies (discrete actions)
    • Benchmarks and environments covered (installation instructions below):
      • MuJoCo (OpenAI Gym)
      • DeepMind Control Suite
      • Safety Gym
      • Atari (OpenAI Gym)
      • Pycolab
  • Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL) (Imitation Learning):
    • MLP policies
    • Gaussian policies (continuous actions)
    • Benchmarks and environments covered (installation instructions below):
      • MuJoCo (OpenAI Gym)
    • Expert demonstrations to mimic are made available at this link (installation instructions below).

The repository also offers implementations of the following:



Make sure you have GLFW and Open MPI installed on your system:

  • if you are using macOS, run:
brew install open-mpi glfw3
  • if you are using Ubuntu, run:
sudo apt -y install libopenmpi-dev libglfw3


Create a virtual enviroment for Python development using Anaconda or Miniconda:

  • Create a conda environment for Python 3.7 called 'myenv', activate it, and upgrade pip:
conda create -n myenv python=3.7
conda activate myenv
# Once in the conda environment, upgrade the pip binary it uses to the latest
pip install --upgrade pip
  • Install various core Python libraries:
# EITHER with versions that were used for this release
pip install pytest==5.2.1 pytest-instafail==0.4.1 flake8==3.7.9 wrapt==1.11.2 pillow==6.2.1 six==1.15.0 tqdm==4.36.1 pyyaml==5.1.2 psutil==5.6.3 cloudpickle==1.2.2 tmuxp==1.5.4 lockfile==0.12.2 numpy==1.17.4 pandas==0.25.2 scipy==1.3.1 scikit-learn==0.21.3 h5py==2.10.0 matplotlib==3.1.1 seaborn==0.9.0 pyvips==2.1.8 scikit-image==0.16.2 torch==1.6.0 torchvision==0.7.0
conda install -y -c conda-forge opencv=3.4.7 pyglet=1.3.2 pyopengl=3.1.5 mpi4py=3.0.2 cython=0.29.13 watchdog=0.9.0
pip install moviepy==1.0.1 imageio==2.6.1 wandb==0.10.10
# OR without versions (pulls the latest versions for each of these releases)
pip install pytest pytest-instafail flake8 wrapt pillow six tqdm pyyaml psutil cloudpickle tmuxp lockfile numpy pandas scipy scikit-learn h5py matplotlib seaborn pyvips scikit-image torch torchvision
conda install -y -c conda-forge opencv pyglet pyopengl mpi4py cython watchdog
pip install moviepy imageio wandb
git clone
cd mujoco-py
pip install -e .
git clone
cd gym
pip install -e ".[all]"
git clone
cd safety-gym
pip install -e .
  • [Optional] Build pycolab from source in editable mode:
git clone
cd pycolab
pip install -e .
git clone
cd dm_control
pip install -e .

Expert Demonstrations

Download the expert demonstrations complementing this repository and make them accessible:

  • Download the expert demonstrations that we have shared at this link;
  • Place them at the desired location in your filesystem;
  • Create the environment variable: export DEMO_DIR=/where/you/downloaded/and/placed/the/demos.

Running Experiments

While one can launch any job via, it is advised to use, designed to spawn a swarm of experiments over multiple seeds and environments in one command. To get its usage description, type python -h.

usage: [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--conda_env CONDA_ENV]
                  [--env_bundle ENV_BUNDLE] [--num_workers NUM_WORKERS]
                  [--deployment {tmux,slurm}] [--num_seeds NUM_SEEDS]
                  [--caliber {short,long,verylong,veryverylong}]
                  [--deploy_now] [--no-deploy_now] [--sweep] [--no-sweep]
                  [--wandb_upgrade] [--no-wandb_upgrade]
                  [--num_demos NUM_DEMOS [NUM_DEMOS ...]] [--debug]
                  [--no-debug] [--wandb_dryrun] [--no-wandb_dryrun]
                  [--debug_lvl DEBUG_LVL]

Job Spawner

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG
  --conda_env CONDA_ENV
  --env_bundle ENV_BUNDLE
  --num_workers NUM_WORKERS
  --deployment {tmux,slurm}
                        deploy how?
  --num_seeds NUM_SEEDS
  --caliber {short,long,verylong,veryverylong}
  --deploy_now          deploy immediately?
  --sweep               hp search?
  --wandb_upgrade       upgrade wandb?
  --num_demos NUM_DEMOS [NUM_DEMOS ...], --list NUM_DEMOS [NUM_DEMOS ...]
  --debug               toggle debug/verbose mode in spawner
  --wandb_dryrun        toggle wandb offline mode
  --debug_lvl DEBUG_LVL
                        set the debug level for the spawned runs

Here is an example:

python --config tasks/train_mujoco_ppo.yaml --env_bundle debug --wandb_upgrade --no-sweep --deploy_now --caliber short --num_workers 2 --num_seeds 3 --deployment tmux --conda_env myenv --wandb_dryrun --debug_lvl 2

Check the argument parser in to know what each of these arguments mean, and how to adapt them to your needs.