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executable file
114 lines (90 loc) · 5.81 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
114 lines (90 loc) · 5.81 KB


DISCLAIMER: program is in rebuild and does currently not work at all

Command line tool gt (short for goto) changes the working dir like cd, to a set of stored locations you don't have to write as a full path. These dir's are organized by lists, and can be adressed via their list position (<pos>), or with an user given short name (<name>). <ID> (dir entry identifier) means <pos> or <name>.

Use 'gt <ID>' to switch dir or open the interactive mode via 'gt' and select the dir then. Both ways can also be used to administer lists. Syntax and output of all commands will be the same and you can write several commands in sequence.

For instance to add ~/code/perl/goto under the name "gg" do either type 'gt -add ~/code/perl/goto:gg' or open interactive mode via 'gt' and write '-add ~/code/perl/goto:gg' there. Then just press <Enter> again to exit the interactive mode.

Every command has a long name and a configurable shortcut. It is usually the first letter of the full name. Our example : '-a~/code/perl/goto:gg'. Parameters like sorting criteria have shortcuts too.

In order to makte gt operational, add to the shellrc the following line: function gt() { perl ~/../ $@ cd $(cat ~/../last_choice) }

Please check ~/../goto_dir_config.yml for further configuration options.

syntax rules:

  • <dir> . . . directory path, starts with any of '\/~'; in quotes ('..') when containing ':' or ' ' . . . . . . defaults to dir app is called from
  • <name>. . . name of an dir entry, (start with letter + word character \w), default ''
  • <lname> . . name of a list, defaults to current list when omitted
  • <pos> . . . list position, first is 1, last is -1 (default), second last -2
  • <lpos>. . . = <pos> or #<pos> or <lname>#<pos> position in list (default is current list)
  • <ID>. . . . = <name> or :<name> or <lpos> (entry identifier)
  • --. . . . . starting characters of any command in long form (--add)
  • - . . . . . starting character of any command in short form (-add)
  • ^ . . . . . (read number) separates <lname> and <pos> in full adress of an entry
  • : . . . . . precedes, separates <name>, (see -add, -name)
  • + . . . . . start name of special entry like +last
  • @ . . . . . start name of special list like @all
  • ? . . . . . starts help text (see --list-add)
  • > . . . . . separates a source (left) and its destination (right) (see -add, -move, -copy)
  • <Space> . . ' ' separates long commands and args, allowed around > and before : #

commands for changing directory:

  • [:]<name> . . . . . . . go to dir with <name> (right beside <pos> in list)
  • [^]<pos>. . . . . . . . go to dir listed on <pos> (in []) of current list
  • <lname>#<pos> . . . . . go to directory at <pos> in list <lname>
  • +last . . . . . . . . . go to dir gone to last time (in short: '_')
  • +previous . . . . . . . go to dir gone previously (short '-', like cd -)
  • +new. . . . . . . . . . go to dir added last
  • <ID>/sub/dir. . . . . . go to subdirectory of a stored dir
  • <Enter> . . . . . . . . exit interactive mode and stay in current dir

commands to display lists and help:

  • --list . . . . . . . . . display current list (not needed in interactive) (short -l)
  • --list <lname> . . . . . set <lname> as current list and display it (-l<name>)
  • --list-special . . . . . display special entries (long for -l-s)
  • --list-lists . . . . . . display available list names (long for -l-l)
  • --sort=position. . . . . sort displayed list by position (default) (-s, -sp)
  • --sort=dir . . . . . . . sort by dir path (-sD)
  • --sort=name. . . . . . . change sorting criterion to <name> (-sN)
  • --sort=script. . . . . . change sorting criterion to <name> (-sS)
  • --sort=visits. . . . . . sort by number of times gone to dir (-sv)
  • --sort=last_visit. . . . sort by time of last visit (earlier first, -sl)
  • --sort=created . . . . . sort by time of entry creation (earlier first, -sc)
  • --help . . . . . . . . . overview of all help topics (-h)
  • --help=usage . . . . . . intro text (short -hu)
  • --help=commands. . . . . display list of commands (-hc)
  • --help=settings. . . . . explanation of settings (-hs)
  • --help <command> . . . . detailed help for one command (-h<command>)

commands for managing list entries:

  • --add <dir>[:<name>] [> <lpos>] add <dir> under <name> and <lpos>, only <dir> is required (-a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .also add to special list "new" for configured time
  • --del[ete] [<ID>] . . . . . . . delete entry with <ID> in all but special lists: all, bin (-d) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .and move to special list @bin, hard delete after configured time
  • --undel[ete] [<ID>] [> <lpos>]. remove from special list @bin (-u)
  • --rem[ove] [<ID>] . . . . . . . remove entry from chosen, but not special lists (-r)
  • --move [<IDa>] > <IDb>. . . . . move entry <IDa> to (position of) <IDb> (-m)
  • --copy [<IDa>] > <IDb>. . . . . copy entry <IDa> to (position of) <IDb> (-c)
  • --name [<ID>] :<name> . . . . . (re-)name entry, resolve conflict like configured (-N)
  • --name [<ID>] . . . . . . . . . delete name of entry (-N)
  • --dir [<ID>] <dir>. . . . . . . change directory of entry with <ID> (-D)
  • --redir <old> << <dir>. . . . . change directory <old> to <dir> in all entries (-R)
  • --script [<ID>] '<code>'. . . . edit script, that is run when gone to dir (-S)

commands for managing lists:

  • --add-list <name> ? <des.> . create a new list (-a-l)
  • --del[ete]-list <lname>. . . delete list of <lname> (has to be empty) (-d-l)
  • --name-list <old> <new>. . . rename any list, conflicts not allowed (-N-l)
  • --describe-list <name> ? <D> change description of any list (-D-l)
  • --list-lists . . . . . . . . <lname> and <lpos> of available lists (short -l-l)

planned features

  • simple undo
  • async usage