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Install minitoring on debian bullseye server with Apache

The following guide supposes:

  • a debian based server with root access and running systemd
  • Apache2 +
    • a dedicated subdomain with its vhost, mod_ssl enabled and SSL certificate files
    • OR a server with graphical interface to run app in local
  • apt-transport-https

1. Install package

Packages (.deb) are available on You can configure apt to connect kristuff repository (see instructions here: and install it:

apt-get update
apt-get install minitoring

Alternatively, you can download the latest .deb package from release tags and install it using dpkg -i.

Minitoring library is deployed to /usr/share/minitoring/. A symlink to executable is created in /usr/bin and config (in INI format) is located in /etc/minitoring/. By default, a data directories are created in /var/lib/minitoring/.

⚠️ In previous release, the whole app was deployed in /var/www/minitoring. If you upgrade and have data stored in that location, you need to move the content to /var/lib/minitoring. For example, /var/www/minitoring/app/data/db. becomes /var/lib/minitoring/db. The whole directory must be writable by webserver. You will also need to update your apache config with new DocumentRoot (see above) and change the database path in the config/db.config.php. You may also need to change other optional config, see above.

2. Optional config changes:

Most config tasks are done with web installer or can be changed from web interface. For advanced settings, like changing the data directories or using a custom port for websocket service, see config

3. Configure Apache vhost:

The directory app/config/sample contains a full vhost sample. The main points are the following:

  • Setup Document root to /usr/share/minitoring/public

    DocumentRoot  /usr/share/minitoring/public
  • Setup app rooter (require mod_rewrite):

    <Directory /usr/share/minitoring/public/>
        Options +FollowSymLinks
        Options -Indexes -Includes
        AllowOverride None
        Require all granted
        RewriteEngine On
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-l
        RewriteRule ^(.+)$ index.php?url=$1 [QSA,L]
  • Configure WebSocket API proxy for the url /wssapi:

    Adjust the port, here 12443, the default value.

    SSLProxyEngine on
    SSLProxyVerify none 
    SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off
    SSLProxyCheckPeerName off
    SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire off
    ProxyPass "/wssapi" "wss://localhost:12443"
    ProxyPassReverse "/wssapi" "wss://localhost:12443"
    ProxyRequests off
    ProxyPreserveHost On 

    If you want to test app from localhost, configure ProxyPass like this (note ws://instead of wss://):

    ProxyPass "/wssapi" "ws://localhost:12443"
    ProxyPassReverse "/wssapi" "ws://localhost:12443"
    ProxyRequests off
    ProxyPreserveHost On 

4. Restart minitoring-server.service, Enable apache modules, site and restart Apache:

  • Enable the following Apache modules:

    a2enmod rewrite
    a2enmod proxy
    a2enmod proxy_http
    a2enmod proxy_wstunnel
  • minitoring-server.service is started during install. If you have made changes to the default configuration (port, secure server), you need to restart service:

    systemctl restart minitoring-server
  • Restart Apache:

    systemctl restart apache2

5. Complete install with web installer:

When running the app for the first time and as long as setup is not complete, you will be redirect to /setup. You will be asked identifiers to create a database and an admin account.

Then you can login with your admin account and:

  • configure services to check, logreader, advanced settings
  • create guest accounts: those accounts have a readonly access to all monitoring features