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File metadata and controls

executable file
230 lines (171 loc) · 10 KB

SCCDaemon Protocol specification

To control running daemon instance, unix socket in user directory is used. Controlling protocol uses case-sensitive messages terminated by newline. Message type and message arguments are delimited by :.

When new connection is accepted, daemon sends some info:

Version: 0.2.6
PID: 123456
Current profile: filename.sccprofile

Connection is then held until client side closes it.

Messages sent by daemon:

Controller Count: n

Informs about total number of connected controllers. Always sent after Controller: messages

Controller: controller_id type flags config_file

Provides info about controller 'n'.

  • controller_id is unique string identifier of controller (should stay same at least until daemon exits) and doesn't contains spaces.
  • type is string identifier (without spaces) of driver.
  • flags describes controller features, such as having central touchpad. See ControllerFlags definition in scc/ for more info.
  • config_file is None or file name of json-encoded file that can GUI use to get additional data about controller (background image, button images, etc) File name may be absolute path or just name of file in /usr/share/scc

This message is repeated for every connected controller and followed by Controller Count: message. It is automatically sent to every client when number of connected controllers changes. It is also sent automatically to every new client.

Controller profile: controller_id filename.sccprofile

Sent to every client when profile file for any controller is loaded and used. Also sent automatically to every new client.

Current profile: filename.sccprofile

Similar to Controller profile:, sent to every client when profile file for first controller is loaded and used. Also sent automatically to every new client.

Unlike Controller profile:, this message is sent even if there is no controller connected.

Event: source values

Sent to client that requested locking of source (that is button, pad or axis).

List of possible events:

  • Event: B 1 - Sent when button is pressed. B is button, is one of SCButtons.* constants.
  • Event: B 0 - Sent when button is released. B is button one of SCButtons.* constants.
  • Event: STICK x y - Sent when stick position is changed. x and y are new values.
  • Event: LEFT x y - Sent when finger on left pad is moved. x and y is new position.
  • Event: RIGHT x y - Sent when finger on right pad is moved. x and y is new position.

Error: message

Sent to every client when error is detected. May be sent repeatedly to indicate multiple errors.

After all error conditions are cleared, Ready. is sent to indicate that emulation works again.

Fail: text

Indicates error as response to client's request.

Gesture: side gesturestring

Sent to client that requested gesture to be detected.


Indicates sucess as response to client's request.

OSD: tool param1 param2...

Send to scc-osd-daemon when osd-related action is requested. tool can be 'message', 'menu', 'hmenu', 'gridmenu','radialmenu' or 'gesture' params are same as command-line arguments for scc-osd-* script with that name.

PID: xyz

Reports PID of scc-daemon instance. Automatically sent when connection is accepted.


Automatically sent when connection is accepted to indicate that there is no error and daemon is working as expected.


Sent to all clients when daemon receives Reconfigure. message.


Just identification message, automatically sent when connection is accepted. Can be either ignored or used to check if remote side really is scc-daemon.

State: ....

Sent to client as response to State. message. String after colon describes current state of controller (such as pressed buttons and stick position...) and is device-specific.

Version: x.y.z

Identifies daemon version. Automatically sent when connection is accepted.

Commands sent from client

Controller: controller_id

By default, all messages sent from client are related to first connected controller. This message changes which controller are following messages meant for.

If controller with specified controller_id is known, daemon responds with OK. Otherwise, Fail: no such controller error message is sent.


Restores default state after controller is chosen. Daemon responds with OK.

Gesture: side up_angle

Requests gesture to be detected on one of pads. 'side' can be LEFT or RIGHT. 'up_angle' is angle in radians and sets how much should be gesture input rotated.

Daemon always responds with OK. unless request cannot be parsed. Then, when gesture detection is completed, daemon sends Gesture: side detectedgesture message. If gesture detection fails for any reason, sent gesture is empty.

Led: brightness

Sets brightness of controller led. 'Brightness' is percent in 0 to 100 range. Daemon responds with OK., unless 'brightness' cannot be parsed, in which case Fail: ... with error message is sent.

Lock: button1 button2...

Locks physical button, axis or pad. Events from locked sources are not processed normally, but sent to client that initiated lock.

Only one client can have one source locked at one time. Second attempt to lock already locked source will fail and Fail: cannot lock <button> will be sent as response. Locking is done only if all requested sources are free and in such case, daemon responds with OK.

While source is locked, daemon keeps sending Event: ... messages every time when button is pressed, released, axis moved, etc...

Unlocking is done automatically when client is disconnected, or using Unlock. message.

Observe: button1 button2...

Enables observing on physical button, axis or pad. Works like Lock, but events from observed sources are processed normally and to client at same time.

Any number of clients can observe same source, so upon this requests, daemon always responds with OK., as long as observing is enabled in configuration. While source is observed, daemon keeps sending Event: ... messages every time when button is pressed, released, axis moved, etc...

Unlocking is done automatically when client is disconnected, or using Unlock. message.

Replace: button actionstring

Temporally replaces action set on physical button, axis or pad. This works in same way as lock, so action is restored when client requesting change disconnects or call Unlock.

If requested button (axis, pad) is already locked, daemon will respond with Fail: cannot lock <button>. If action string (which can contain spaces) cannot be parsed, daemon responds with Fail: failed to parse: <more info>. If everything went well, daemon respnds with OK.

Feedback: position amplitude

Asks daemon to generate feedback effect. Position can be one of 'LEFT', 'RIGHT' or 'BOTH' and amplitude is integer in range 0 to 32767 and controls power of generated effect.

Daemon responds with OK.

OSD: text to display

Asks daemon to display OSD message. No escaping or quoting is needed, everything after colon is displayed as text.

If OSD cannot be used (for example because daemon runs without X server), daemon responds with Fail: .... message. Otherwise daemon responds with OK.. Note that doesn't necessary mean that OSD is visible to user, only that scc-daemon managed to send request to scc-osd-daemon.

Profile: filename.sccprofile

Asks daemon to load another profile. No escaping or quoting is needed, everything after colon is used as filename. Additional spaces and tabs are stripped.

If profile is sucessfully loaded, daemon responds with OK. to client that initiated loading and sends Current profile: ... message to all clients.

If loading fails, daemon responds with Fail: .... message where error with entire backtrace is sent. Backtrace is escaped to fit it on single line.


Asks daemon to reload configuration file (~/.config/scc/config.json). Daemon reloads and reapplies all controller configs and sends Reconfigured. message to all connected clients, what causes them to reload configuration file as well. Daemon responds with OK.

Register: value

Send by scc-osd-daemon and scc-autoswitch-daemon to register their client connections. When sent with same value with two or more clients, daemon will automatically close former connection before registering new one. scc-osd-daemon sends Register: osd scc-autoswitch-daemon Register: autoswitch Daemon responds with OK.


Asks daemon to rescan for new devices. Drivers may re-read its configuration if needed. Daemon responds with OK.


Restarts daemon. This has same effect as calling "scc-daemon restart", as that's exactly what gets called. All clients are disconnected immediately, so there is no response.

Selected: menu_id item_id

Send by scc-osd-daemon when user chooses item from displayed menu. If menu_id or item_id contains spaces or quotes, it should be escaped. Daemon responds with OK.


Asks daemon to sent current state of controller. Format of response is device-specific, but should be useful enough for single-purpose script or debugging.

If observing is not enabled in configuration, daemon responds with Fail: Sniffing disabled. If there is no active controller, daemon responds with Fail: no controller connected. Otherwise, daemon responds with State: ... message.

Gestured: gesture_string

Send by scc-osd-daemon, when user draws gesture. Sent only after requested by OSD: gesture. If user gesture cannot be recognized or user cancels it, '3|' (valid gesture string with no meaning) is reported. Daemon responds with OK.


Turns off all controllers. Daemon responds with OK.


Unlocks everything locked with Lock... and Observe... messages sent by same client. It is not possible to unlock only one input or only one type of lock.

This operation cannot fail (and does nothing if there is nothing to unlock), so daemon always responds with OK.