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kinsamanka edited this page Feb 12, 2015 · 5 revisions

PICnc is a PIC32 based expansion board designed primarily for MachineKit application.

PICnc V2 Board Features

This board is based on PIC32MX150F128B DIP chip

  • 4 - channels step/dir stepper motor signals Step resolution: up to 40 kHz per channel
  • 5 - 5v digital inputs:
    • 4 home limits
    • 1 e-stop switch
  • 6 - 5v digital outputs:
    • 1 enable output
    • spindle, mist and flood outputs
    • 2 extra outputs if only 3 axes are used
  • 3.3v SPI i/o
    • SPI clock speed of up to 8Mhz
  • Xylotex LPT port pinout compatible
  • Can be changed to Sherline compatible pinout by changing the firmware
  • PICnc V2.1 supports pololu drivers
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