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File metadata and controls

152 lines (96 loc) · 5.22 KB


PasteServer to upload text or code. Demo:


To use the server, just download this repo and install Node.js and Redis or ArangoDB for the document-storage. If you don't want to use one of these options, the server also supports a file-storage. Now you can edit the config.js the way you want to.

After you did that, you have to install the dependencies the server needs. Just execute this:

npm install

Now you can start the server with the following:

npm start



To configure the server itself

  • port: The port where the server will run on.


To configure the updating of the server

  • enabled: If the server should perform autoUpdates before starting.
  • packageJsonURL: The URL of the package.json file of the remote pasteServer.
  • zipURL: The URL of the zip-archive with the files in it.
  • keepFiles: The files which shouldn't be replaced when installing an update. Works too for files in dirs. (use for example: static/index.html).
  • devPackageJsonURL: The URL of the package.json file of the remote development pasteServer.
  • devZipURL: The URL of the development zip-archive with the files in it.

The last two options are only being used for the checkUpdate -dev and installUpdate -dev commands, which are not recommended. The dev-updates contain the newest features, but might have errors and might not be fully completed.


To configure the document-storage

  • type: The type of the storage. ("file", "redis" or "arangodb")

  • host: The Host of the storage-type.

  • port: The Port of the storage-type.

  • password: The Password of the storage-type.

  • user: The user to use for the authentication. (only ArangoDB)

  • database: The database to store the documents in. (only ArangoDB)

  • documentExpireInMs: The time in milliseconds after a document will be deleted when unused. (only Redis)

  • path: The path of the folder the document-files should be saved in. (only file-storage)


To configure the rateLimits of creating and deleting documents

  • timeInMs: The time in milliseconds in which a certain amount of requests are allowed per IP.
  • maxRequestsPerTime: The allowed amount of requests per IP per time.


To configure documents

  • dataLimit: The max. size the data of a creation-request is allowed to have.
  • maxLength: The max. characters a document is allowed to have.


To configure the creation of the document-keys

  • keyLength: The length of a key.
  • keyChars: The characters that will be used to create a key.
  • withToUpperCase: When set to true, the keyChars will be duplicated and added to the current keyChars but with all letters in uppercase.


You can use the API of the PasteServer to create, read and delete documents. All API requests can be made to the /documents-route (for example

Create a document

Send a POST-request and as the body, the text the paste should have as plaintext.

If everything succeeded, you'll get the following response:

  • Status-Code: 201 Created
  • Body: A JSON containing the key key and deleteSecret for the key and secret of the document.

If the text is missing, the following:

  • Status-Code: 400 Bad Request

If the text you want to save is too long, you'll get the following back:

  • Status-Code: 413 Payload Too Large

If there was an error while saving the document, you'll get this:

  • Status-Code: 500 Internal Server Error

The last three all contain this:

  • Body: A JSON containing the key message for a short description of the issue while saving.

Read a document

Send a GET-request to the /documents-route + the key of the wanted document (for example$key).

If the document exists, you'll get the following response:

  • Status-Code: 200 OK
  • Body: A JSON containing the key text for the text of the document.

If not, this:

  • Status-Code: 404 Not Found
  • Body: A JSON containing the key message for a short description of the issue while getting.

Delete a document

Send a GET-request to the /documents/delete-route + the key of the wanted document + the deleteSecret (for example$key/$deleteSecret).

If everything succeeded, you'll get the following response:

  • Status-Code: 200 OK

If the deleteSecret is missing, the following:

  • Status-Code: 400 Bad Request

If the secret or the key is wrong, this:

  • Status-Code: 403 Forbidden

Every response contains this:

  • Body: A JSON containing the key message for a short description of what happened.


There are rateLimits on creating and deleting documents to prevent attacks that might cause a crash. The amount of allowed requests per time per ip can be changed in the config.js. Once the rateLimit is reached, you'll get the following response:

  • Status-Code: 429 Too Many Requests
  • Body: A JSON containing the key message for a short description of what happened.