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387 lines (324 loc) · 16.3 KB

File metadata and controls

387 lines (324 loc) · 16.3 KB

v0.15.0-SNASPHOT (unreleased)

  • Added Client.fromHttpService to assist with testing.
  • Make all case classes final where possible, sealed where not.
  • Codec for Server Sent Events (SSE)
  • Added JSONP middleware
  • Improve Expires header to more easily build the header and support parsing of the header
  • Replce lazy Raw.parsed field with a siple null check
  • Added support for Zipkin headers
  • Upgrade to json4s-3.4.0

v0.14.4 (2016-08-29)

  • Don't render trailing "/" for URIs with empty paths
  • Avoid calling tail of empty list in /: extractor

v0.14.3 (2016-08-24)

  • Follow 301 and 302 responses to POST with a GET request.
  • Follow all redirect responses to HEAD with a HEAD request.
  • Fix bug where redirect response is disposed prematurely even if not followed.
  • Fix bug where payload headers are sent from original request when following a redirect with a GET or HEAD.
  • Return a failed task instead of throwing when a client callback throws an exception. Fixes a resource leak.
  • Always render Date header in GMT.
  • Fully support the three date formats specified by RFC 7231.
  • Always specify peer information in blaze-client SSL engines
  • Patch upgrades to latest async-http-client, jetty, scalaz, and scalaz-stream

v0.14.2 (2016-08-10)

  • Override getMessage in UnexpectedStatus

v0.14.1 (2016-06-15)

  • Added the possibility to specify custom responses to MessageFailures
  • Address issue with Retry middleware leaking connections
  • Fixed the status code for a semantically invalid request to 422 UnprocessableEntity
  • Rename json to jsonDecoder to reduce possibility of implicit shadowing
  • Introduce the ServerApp trait
  • Deprectate onShutdown and awaitShutdown in Server
  • Support for multipart messages
  • The Path extractor for Long now supports negative numbers
  • Upgrade to scalaz-stream-0.8.2(a) for compatibility with scodec-bits-1.1
  • Downgrade to argonaut-6.1 (latest stable release) now that it cross builds for scalaz-7.2
  • Upgrade parboiled2 for compatibility with shapeless-2.3.x

# v0.14.0 (2016-06-15)

  • Recalled. Use v0.14.1 instead.

v0.13.3 (2016-06-15)

  • Address issue with Retry middleware leaking connections.
  • Pass the reason string when setting the Status for a successful ParseResult.

v0.13.2 (2016-04-13)

  • Fixes the CanBuildFrom for RequestCookieJar to avoid duplicates.
  • Update version of jawn-parser which contains a fix for Json decoding.

v0.13.1 (2016-04-07)

  • Remove implicit resolution of DefaultExecutor in blaze-client.

v0.13.0 (2016-03-29)

  • Add support for scalaz-7.2.x (use version 0.13.0a).
  • Add a client backed based on async-http-client.
  • Encode keys when rendering a query string.
  • New entity decoder based on json4s' extract.
  • Content-Length now accepts a Long.
  • Upgrade to circe-0.3, json4s-3.3, and other patch releases.
  • Fix deadlocks in blaze resulting from default executor on single-CPU machines.
  • Refactor DecodeFailure into a new RequestFailure hierarchy.
  • New methods for manipulating UrlForm.
  • All parsed headers get a parse method to construct them from their value.
  • Improve error message for unsupported media type decoding error.
  • Introduce BlazeClientConfig class to simplify client construction.
  • Unify client executor service semantics between blaze-client and async-http-client.
  • Update default response message for UnsupportedMediaType failures.
  • Add a lenient flag to blazee configuration to accept illegal characters in headers.
  • Remove q-value from MediaRange and MediaType, replaced by MediaRangeAndQValue.
  • Add address to Server trait.
  • Lazily construct request body in Servlet NIO to support HTTP 100.
  • Common operations pushed down to MessageOps.
  • Fix loop in blaze-client when no connection can be established.
  • Privatize most of the blaze internal types.
  • Enable configuration of blaze server parser lengths.
  • Add trailer support in blaze client.
  • Provide an optional external executor to blaze clients.
  • Fix Argonaut string interpolation

v0.12.4 (2016-03-10)

  • Fix bug on rejection of invalid URIs.
  • Do not send Transfer-Encoding or Content-Length headers for 304 and others.
  • Don't quote cookie values.

v0.12.3 (2016-02-24)

  • Upgrade to jawn-0.8.4 to fix decoding escaped characters in JSON.

v0.12.2 (2016-02-22)

  • Upgrade to jawn-0.8.4 to fix decoding escaped characters in JSON. Oops.

v0.12.1 (2016-01-30)

  • Encode keys as well as values when rendering a query.
  • Don't encode '?' or '/' when encoding a query.

v0.12.0 (2016-01-15)

  • Refactor the client API for resource safety when not reading the entire body.
  • Rewrite client connection pool to support maximum concurrent connections instead of maximum idle connections.
  • Optimize body collection for better connection keep-alive rate.
  • Move Service and HttpService, because a Client can be viewed as a Service.
  • Remove custom DateTime in favor of java.time.Instant.
  • Support status 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons.
  • Various blaze-client optimizations.
  • Don't let Blaze IdentityWriter write more than Content-Length bytes.
  • Remove identity Transfer-Encoding, which was removed in HTTP RFC errata.
  • In blaze, requireClose is now the return value of writeEnd.
  • Remove body from Request.toString and Response.toString.
  • Move blaze parser into its own class.
  • Trigger a disconnect if an ignored body is too long.
  • Configurable thread factories for happier profiling.
  • Fix possible deadlock in default client execution context.

v0.11.3 (2015-12-28)

  • Blaze upgrade to fix parsing HTTP responses without a reason phrase.
  • Don't write more than Content-Length bytes in blaze.
  • Fix infinite loop in non-blocking Servlet I/O.
  • Never write a response body on HEAD requests to blaze.
  • Add missing '&' between multivalued k/v pairs in UrlFormCodec.encode

v0.11.2 (2015-12-04)

  • Fix stack safety issue in async servlet I/O.
  • Reduce noise from timeout exceptions in ClientTimeoutStage.
  • Address file descriptor leaks in blaze-client.
  • Fix FollowRedirect middleware for 303 responses.
  • Support keep-alives for client requests with bodies.

v0.11.1 (2015-11-29)

  • Honor connectorPoolSize and bufferSize parameters in BlazeBuilder.
  • Add convenient ETag header constructor.
  • Wait for final chunk to be written before closing the async context in non-blocking servlet I/O.
  • Upgrade to jawn-streamz-0.7.0 to use scalaz-stream-0.8 across the board.

v0.11.0 (2015-11-20)

  • Upgrade to scalaz-stream 0.8
  • Add Circe JSON support module.
  • Add ability to require content-type matching with EntityDecoders.
  • Cleanup blaze-client internals.
  • Handle empty static files.
  • Add ability to disable endpoint authentication for the blaze client.
  • Add charset encoding for Argonaut JSON EntityEncoder.

v0.10.1 (2015-10-07)

  • Processes render data in chunked encoding by default.
  • Incorporate type name into error message of QueryParam.
  • Comma separate Access-Control-Allow-Methods header values.
  • Default FallThrough behavior inspects for the FallThrough.fallthroughKey.

v0.10.0 (2015-09-03)

  • Replace PartialService with the Fallthrough typeclass and orElse syntax.
  • Rename withHeaders to replaceAllHeaders
  • Set https endpoint identification algorithm when possible.
  • Stack-safe ProcessWriter in blaze.
  • Configureable number of connector threads and buffer size in blaze-server.

v0.9.3 (2015-08-27)

  • Trampoline recursive calls in blaze ProcessWriter.
  • Handle server hangup and body termination correctly in blaze client.

v0.9.2 (2015-08-26)

  • Bump http4s-websockets to 1.0.3 to properly decode continuation opcode.
  • Fix metrics incompatibility when using Jetty 9.3 backend.
  • Preserve original headers when appending as opposed to quoting.

v0.9.1 (2015-08-19)

  • Fix bug in servlet nio handler.

v0.9.0 (2015-08-15)

  • Require Java8.
  • StaticFile uses the filename extension exclusively to determine media-type.
  • Add / method to Uri.
  • Add UrlFormLifter middleware to aggregate url-form parameters with the query parameters.
  • Add local address information to the Request type.
  • Add a Http method 'or' (|) extractor.
  • Add VirtualHost middleware for serving multiple sites from one server.
  • Add websocket configuration to the blaze server builder.
  • Redefine default timeout status code to 500.
  • Redefine the Service arrow result from Task[Option[_]] to Task[_].
  • Don't extend AllInstances with Http4s omnibus import object.
  • Use UTF-8 as the default encoding for text bodies.
  • Numerous bug fixes by numerous contributors!

v0.8.5 (2015-08-26)

  • Preserve original headers when appending as opposed to quoting.
  • Upgrade to jawn-0.8.3 to avoid transitive dependency on GPL2 jmh

v0.8.4 (2015-07-13)

  • Honor the buffer size parameter in gzip middleware.
  • Handle service exceptions in servlet backends.
  • Respect asyncTimeout in servlet backends.
  • Fix prefix mounting bug in blaze-server.
  • Do not apply CORS headers to unsuccessful OPTIONS requests.

v0.8.3 (2015-07-02)

  • Fix bug parsing IPv4 addresses found in URI construction.

v0.8.2 (2015-06-22)

  • Patch instrumented handler for Jetty to time async contexts correctly.
  • Fix race condition with timeout registration and route execution in blaze client
  • Replace ConcurrentHashMap with synchronized HashMap in staticcontent package.
  • Fix static content from jars by avoiding "//" in path uris when serving static content.
  • Quote MediaRange extensions.
  • Upgrade to jawn-streamz-0.5.0 and blaze-0.8.2.
  • Improve error handling in blaze-client.
  • Respect the explicit default encoding passed to decodeString.

v0.8.1 (2015-06-16)

  • Authentication middleware integrated into the server package.
  • Static content tools integrated into the server package.
  • Rename HttpParser to HttpHeaderParser and allow registration and removal of header parsers.
  • Make UrlForm EntityDecoder implicitly resolvable.
  • Relax UrlForm parser strictness.
  • Add 'follow redirect' support as a client middleware.
  • Add server middleware for auto retrying uris of form '/foo/' as '/foo'.
  • Numerous bug fixes.
  • Numerous version bumps.

v0.8.0 (2015-06-16)

  • Mistake. Go straight to v0.8.1.

v0.7.0 (2015-05-05)

  • Add QueryParamMatcher to the dsl which returns a ValidationNel.
  • Dsl can differentiate between '/foo/' and '/foo'.
  • Added http2 support for blaze backend.
  • Added a metrics middleware usable on all server backends.
  • Websockets are now modeled by an
  • Add User-Agent and Allow header types and parsers.
  • Allow providing a Host header to the blaze client.
  • Upgrade to scalaz-stream-7.0a.
  • Added a CORS middleware.
  • Numerous bug fixes.
  • Numerous version bumps.

v0.6.5 (2015-03-29)

  • Fix bug in Request URI on servlet backend with non-empty context or servlet paths.
  • Allow provided Host header for Blaze requests.

v0.6.4 (2015-03-15)

  • Avoid loading javax.servlet.WriteListener when deploying to a servlet 3.0 container.

v0.6.3 (2015-03-15)

  • Forgot to pull origin before releasing. Use v0.6.4 instead.

v0.6.2 (2015-02-27)

  • Use the thread pool provided to the Jetty servlet builder.
  • Avoid throwing exceptions when parsing headers.
  • Make trailing slash insignificant in service prefixes on servlet containers.
  • Fix mapping of servlet query and mount prefix.

v0.6.1 (2015-02-04)

  • Update to blaze-0.5.1
  • Remove unneeded error message (90b2f76097215)
  • GZip middleware will not throw an exception if the AcceptEncoding header is not gzip (ed1b2a0d68a8)

v0.6.0 (2015-01-27)


  • Remove ResponseBuilder in favor of Response companion.
  • Allow '';'' separators for query pairs.
  • Make charset on Message an Option.
  • Add a flatMapR method to EntityDecoder.
  • Various enhancements to QueryParamEncoder and QueryParamDecoder.
  • Make Query an IndexedSeq.
  • Add parsers for Location and Proxy-Authenticate headers.
  • Move EntityDecoder.apply to Request.decode and Request.decodeWith
  • Move headers into org.http4s.headers package.
  • Make UriTranslation respect scriptName/pathInfo split.
  • New method to resolve relative Uris.
  • Encode query and fragment of Uri.
  • Codec and wrapper type for URL-form-encoded bodies.


  • Add SSL support to all server builders.


  • Add Date header to blaze-server responses.
  • Close connection when error happens during body write in blaze-server.


  • Use asynchronous servlet I/O on Servlet 3.1 containers.
  • ServletContext syntax for easy mounting in a WAR deployment.
  • Support Dropwizard Metrics collection for servlet containers.


  • Empty strings are a JSON decoding error.


  • Add codec instances for Argonaut's CodecJson.


  • Add codec instances for Json4s' Reader/Writer.


  • New module to support Twirl templates


  • Split scala-xml support into http4s-scala-xml module.
  • Change inferred type of scala.xml.Elem to application/xml.


  • Support for signing oauth-1 requests in client.


  • Fix blaze-client when receiving HTTP1 response without Content-Length header.
  • Change default blaze-client executor to variable size.
  • Fix problem with blaze-client timeouts.

v0.5.4 (2015-01-08)

  • Upgrade to blaze 0.4.1 to fix header parsing issue in blaze http/1.x client and server.

v0.5.3 (2015-01-05)

  • Upgrade to argonaut-6.1-M5 to match jawn. #157

v0.5.2 (2015-01-02)

  • Upgrade to jawn-0.7.2. Old version of jawn was incompatible with argonaut. [#157]](http4s#157)

v0.5.1 (2014-12-23)

  • Include context path in calculation of scriptName/pathInfo. #140
  • Fix bug in UriTemplate for query params with multiple keys.
  • Fix StackOverflowError in query parser. #147
  • Allow ';' separators for query pairs.

v0.5.0 (2014-12-11)

  • Client syntax has evloved and now will include Accept headers when used with EntityDecoder
  • Parse JSON with jawn-streamz.
  • EntityDecoder now returns an EitherT to make decoding failure explicit.
  • Renamed Writable to EntityEncoder
  • New query param typeclasses for encoding and decoding query strings.
  • Status equality now discards the reason phrase.
  • Match AttributeKeys as singletons.
  • Added async timeout listener to servlet backends.
  • Start blaze server asynchronously.
  • Support specifying timeout and executor in blaze-client.
  • Use NIO for encoding files.

v0.4.2 (2014-12-01)

  • Fix whitespace parsing in Authorization header #87

v0.4.1 (2014-11-20)

  • Uri.query and Uri.fragment are no longer decoded. #75

v0.4.0 (2014-11-18)

  • Change HttpService form a PartialFunction[Request,Task[Response]] to Service[Request, Response], a type that encapsulates a Request => Task[Option[Response]]
  • Upgrade to scalaz-stream-0.6a
  • Upgrade to blaze-0.3.0
  • Drop scala-logging for log4s
  • Refactor ServerBuilders into an immutable builder pattern.
  • Add a way to control the thread pool used for execution of a Service
  • Modernize the Renderable/Renderer framework
  • Change Renderable append operator from ~ to <<
  • Split out the websocket codec and types into a seperate package
  • Added ReplyException, an experimental way to allow an Exception to encode a default Response on for EntityDecoder etc.
  • Many bug fixes and slight enhancements

v0.3.0 (2014-08-29)

  • New client API with Blaze implementation
  • Upgrade to scalaz-7.1.0 and scalaz-stream-0.5a
  • JSON Writable support through Argonaut and json4s.
  • Add EntityDecoders for parsing bodies.
  • Moved request and response generators to http4s-dsl to be more flexible to other frameworks'' syntax needs.
  • Phased out exception-throwing methods for the construction of various model objects in favor of disjunctions and macro-enforced literals.
  • Refactored imports to match the structure followed by scalaz.

v0.2.0 (2014-07-15)

  • Scala 2.11 support
  • Spun off http4s-server module. http4s-core is neutral between server and the future client.
  • New builder for running Blaze, Jetty, and Tomcat servers.
  • Configurable timeouts in each server backend.
  • Replace Chunk with scodec.bits.ByteVector.
  • Many enhancements and bugfixes to URI type.
  • Drop joda-time dependency for slimmer date-time class.
  • Capitalized method names in http4s-dsl.

v0.1.0 (2014-04-15)

  • Initial public release.