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233 lines (172 loc) · 7.91 KB

File metadata and controls

233 lines (172 loc) · 7.91 KB


wsperf is a WebSocket load testing probe.


You will need to have 2 environment variables set:

  • BOOSTROOT pointing to a Boost installation
  • WSPP_ROOT pointing to a WebSocket++ source distribution

Note that (for now), you will need the flow_control2 branch with WebSocket++ checked out.

To build:


To cleanup

scons -uc


time ./wsperf ws:// 4 200000 1000 2000 > results.json


Analyzing results can be done with (a quick hack, needs more love). We need a streaming JSON parser, since results are getting big:

git clone
cd ijson
~/pypy-2.1/bin/easy_install ijson



Build and run the testee:

$ cd ~/scm/websocketpp
$ scons
$./build/release/testee_server/testee_server 9002 4

Run the test (from another shell):

$ cd ~/scm/wsperf
$ make test_ws
pypy --wsuri ws:// --workers 4 --threads 0 --conns 50000 --lowmark 250 --highmark 500
Loading wsperf result file result_0.json ..
Loading wsperf result file result_1.json ..
Loading wsperf result file result_2.json ..
Loading wsperf result file result_3.json ..

Aggregate results (WebSocket Opening+Closing Handshake)

          Duration:      13.5 s
             Total:    200000
           Success:    200000
              Fail:         0
            Fail %:      0.00
    Handshakes/sec:     14796

     Min:       7.6 ms
      SD:      11.2 ms
     Avg:      68.4 ms
  Median:      68.2 ms
  q90   :      82.8 ms
  q95   :      87.6 ms
  q99   :      96.5 ms
  q99.9 :     106.4 ms
  q99.99:     108.6 ms
     Max:     109.2 ms

Analyze done.

Autobahn Multicore

Run the testee:

$ cd ~/scm/AutobahnPython/examples/websocket/echo_multicore
$ pypy --wsuri ws://localhost:9000 --workers 4 --silence

Run the test (from another shell .. make sure to run that test multiple times without restarting the testee to give the PyPy JIT compiler chance to warmup on the hotpaths):

$ cd ~/scm/wsperf
$ make test_ab
pypy --wsuri ws:// --workers 4 --threads 0 --conns 50000 --lowmark 250 --highmark 500
Loading wsperf result file result_0.json ..
Loading wsperf result file result_1.json ..
Loading wsperf result file result_2.json ..
Loading wsperf result file result_3.json ..

Aggregate results (WebSocket Opening+Closing Handshake)

          Duration:      11.7 s
             Total:    200000
           Success:    200000
              Fail:         0
            Fail %:      0.00
    Handshakes/sec:     17058

     Min:       1.0 ms
      SD:      16.9 ms
     Avg:      31.6 ms
  Median:      27.6 ms
  q90   :      52.2 ms
  q95   :      65.9 ms
  q99   :      95.8 ms
  q99.9 :     115.2 ms
  q99.99:     124.7 ms
     Max:     138.0 ms

Analyze done.


Run the testee:

cd ~/scm/netty
mvn install
java -cp ./all/target/netty-all-4.0.12.Final-SNAPSHOT.jar:./example/target/netty-example-4.0.12.Final-SNAPSHOT.jar io.netty.example.http.websocketx.autobahn.AutobahnServer 9999

Run the test (from another shell .. make sure to run that test multiple times without restarting the testee to give the HotSpot JIT compiler chance to warmup on the hotpaths):

$ cd ~/scm/wsperf
$ make test_netty
pypy --wsuri ws:// --workers 4 --threads 0 --conns 50000 --lowmark 250 --highmark 500
Loading wsperf result file result_0.json ..
Loading wsperf result file result_1.json ..
Loading wsperf result file result_2.json ..
Loading wsperf result file result_3.json ..
Aggregate results (WebSocket Opening+Closing Handshake)
Duration: 12.2 s
Total: 200000
Success: 200000
Fail: 0
Fail %: 0.00
Handshakes/sec: 16397
Min: 2.4 ms
SD: 34.7 ms
Avg: 29.3 ms
Median: 25.2 ms
q90 : 33.4 ms
q95 : 36.9 ms
q99 : 194.0 ms
q99.9 : 420.2 ms
q99.99: 466.5 ms
Max: 477.3 ms

Analyze done.

Linux Perf

Basic statistics:

oberstet@corei7-ubuntu:~/scm/wsperf$ sudo perf stat ./wsperf ws:// 8 200000 1000 2000 > results.json

 Performance counter stats for './wsperf ws:// 8 200000 1000 2000':

      56397,171142 task-clock                #    3,576 CPUs utilized          
           177.411 context-switches          #    0,003 M/sec                  
            23.577 cpu-migrations            #    0,418 K/sec                  
           595.352 page-faults               #    0,011 M/sec                  
   186.462.389.466 cycles                    #    3,306 GHz                     [83,25%]
   144.686.178.873 stalled-cycles-frontend   #   77,60% frontend cycles idle    [83,57%]
    83.129.352.607 stalled-cycles-backend    #   44,58% backend  cycles idle    [66,67%]
    84.877.715.262 instructions              #    0,46  insns per cycle        
                                             #    1,70  stalled cycles per insn [83,35%]
    16.967.531.711 branches                  #  300,858 M/sec                   [83,40%]
       673.808.823 branch-misses             #    3,97% of all branches         [83,11%]

      15,771390852 seconds time elapsed


Detailed event recording:

oberstet@corei7-ubuntu:~/scm/wsperf$ sudo perf record -e cycles,branch-misses,cache-misses ./wsperf ws:// 8 200000 1000 2000 > results.json
[ perf record: Woken up 119 times to write data ]
[ perf record: Captured and wrote 30.653 MB (~1339248 samples) ]


oberstet@corei7-ubuntu:~/scm/wsperf$ sudo perf report --stdio
# ========
# captured on: Mon Nov  4 08:03:59 2013
# hostname : corei7-ubuntu
# os release : 3.8.0-32-generic
# perf version :
# arch : x86_64
# nrcpus online : 8
# nrcpus avail : 8
# cpudesc : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz
# cpuid : GenuineIntel,6,26,4
# total memory : 12296476 kB
# cmdline : /usr/bin/perf_3.8.0-32 record -e cycles,branch-misses,cache-misses ./wsperf ws:// 
# event : name = cycles, type = 0, config = 0x0, config1 = 0x0, config2 = 0x0, excl_usr = 0, excl_kern = 0, 
# event : name = branch-misses, type = 0, config = 0x5, config1 = 0x0, config2 = 0x0, excl_usr = 0, excl_ker
# event : name = cache-misses, type = 0, config = 0x3, config1 = 0x0, config2 = 0x0, excl_usr = 0, excl_kern
# HEADER_CPU_TOPOLOGY info available, use -I to display
# HEADER_NUMA_TOPOLOGY info available, use -I to display
# pmu mappings: cpu = 4, software = 1, tracepoint = 2, uncore = 6, breakpoint = 5
# ========
# Samples: 249K of event 'cycles'
# Event count (approx.): 190156545668
# Overhead  Command        Shared Object                                                                    
# ........  .......  ...................  ..................................................................
     4.68%   wsperf         [.] _int_malloc                                                   
     3.94%   wsperf         [.] _int_free                                                     
     3.20%   wsperf  [kernel.kallsyms]    [k] __ticket_spin_lock                                            
     2.91%   wsperf         [.] malloc                                                        
     1.86%   wsperf  wsperf               [.] std::__shared_count<(__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>::~__shared_cou
     1.84%   wsperf  wsperf               [.] std::__shared_count<(__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>::__shared_coun
     1.61%   wsperf   [.] pthread_mutex_lock                                            
     1.28%   wsperf         [.] tolower                                                       
     1.12%   wsperf         [.] __memcpy_ssse3_back                                           
     1.09%   wsperf  [.] __cxxabiv1::__vmi_class_type_info::__do_dyncast(long, __cxxabi
     1.06%   wsperf         [.] free                                                          