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Example: Language Chooser

James Alexander Rosen edited this page Jul 1, 2015 · 6 revisions

In this example, we build a menu that lets users select their language.

// app/language-select/component.js
import Ember from "ember";
const { Component, computed } = Ember;

export default Component.extend({
  tagName: 'select',
  classNames: [ 'language-select' ],
  i18n: Ember.inject.service(),
  current: computed.readOnly('i18n.locale'),

  locales: computed('i18n.locales', function() {
    const i18n = this.get('i18n');
    return this.get('i18n.locales').map(function (loc) {
      return { id: loc, text: i18n.t('language-select.language.' + loc) };

  // It would be nice to do this with `{{action "setLocale" on="change"}}`
  // in the template, but the template doesn't include the component's own
  // tag yet. See
  change: function() {
    this.get('i18n').set('locale', this.$().val());
{{!-- app/language-select/template.hbs --}}
{{#each locales as |loc|}}
  <option value="{{}}">{{loc.text}}</option>