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wendyliu235 is testing out GitHub Action #49

wendyliu235 is testing out GitHub Action

wendyliu235 is testing out GitHub Action #49

name: openxla ci
run-name: ${{ }} is testing out GitHub Action
- wenjun/ci
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true
runs-on: Intel_openxla
- name: Check out repository code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: Prepare Conda Environment
# run: |
# set +e
# CONDA_ENV=openxla_preCI_${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}_${{ }}
# source /opt/miniconda/bin/activate ${CONDA_ENV}
# if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
# echo 'conda env does not exist'
# conda create -n ${CONDA_ENV} python=3.10 -y
# conda activate ${CONDA_ENV}
# fi
# pip install jax==0.4.20 jaxlib==0.4.20
# pip install numpy
# conda install libstdcxx-ng==12.2.0 -c conda-forge
# pip install absl-py
# pip list | grep numpy
# pip list | grep jax
# - name: Build openXLA
# run: |
# set +e
# CONDA_ENV=openxla_preCI_${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}_${{ }}
# source /opt/miniconda/bin/activate ${CONDA_ENV}
# which bazel
# if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
# wget
# bash --user
# fi
# export PATH=$PATH:/home/sdp/bin
# source /home/sdp/.bazel/bin/bazel-complete.bash
# bazel --version
# basekit_path=/home/sdp
# complier_path=${basekit_path}/intel/oneapi/compiler/latest
# mkl_path=${basekit_path}/intel/oneapi/mkl/latest
# #get build config
# if [ -d "jax_test" ]; then
# echo "jax_test folder already exists. Doing nothing."
# cp ./jax_test/openxla/config/openXLA_demoxla_auto_configure_mkl.exp .
# else
# git clone jax_test
# cp ./jax_test/openxla/config/openXLA_demoxla_auto_configure_mkl.exp .
# fi
# python --version
# chmod +x ./openXLA_demoxla_auto_configure_mkl.exp
# ./openXLA_demoxla_auto_configure_mkl.exp $complier_path $mkl_path
# bazel clean --expunge --async
# bazel build //xla/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package
# ./bazel-bin/xla/tools/pip_package/build_pip_package ./
# build_result=${PIPESTATUS[0]}
# echo $build_result
# if [ "$build_result" = "0" ];then
# echo "Build successful"
# pip install *.whl
# else
# echo "Build Failed"
# exit 1
# fi
# - name: UT testing
# run: |
# set +e
# CONDA_ENV=openxla_preCI_${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}_${{ }}
# source /opt/miniconda/bin/activate ${CONDA_ENV}
# # install requirement from
# # pip install -e . (install in local )
# basekit_path=/home/sdp
# source ${basekit_path}/intel/oneapi/compiler/latest/env/
# source ${basekit_path}/intel/oneapi/mkl/latest/env/
# if [ -d "jax_test" ]; then
# echo "jax_test folder already exists. Doing nothing."
# else
# git clone jax_test
# fi
# cd jax_test/openxla
# pip install ./tools/*.whl
# pip install -r test-requirements.txt
# mkdir -p ./logs/ut
# find ./tests -name "*.py" | sed 's#\./##g' |& tee ut_list.txt
# file_path=./ut_list.txt
# reference_file=./distribute_ut_list.txt
# # run distribute ut first
# # Check if the file exists
# if [ -f "$file_path" ]; then
# # Read each line using a while loop
# while IFS= read -r line; do
# # Process each line (you can replace this with your own logic)
# echo "Processing line: $line"
# if grep -qFx "$line" "$reference_file"; then
# echo "'$line' is distribute case"
# log_name=$(basename "$line" .py)
# python $line |& tee ./logs/ut/$log_name.log
# if [ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0 ]; then
# echo "$line" >> ./logs/ut/successful.log
# else
# echo "$line" >> ./logs/ut/err.log
# fi
# fi
# done < "$file_path"
# else
# echo "File not found: $file_path"
# exit
# fi
# # Loop through all Python files in the folder and execute them
# dev_num=4 #IDC have 4 1100 pvc card
# # Create a pipe and bind the file descriptor 6
# tmp_fifofile="/tmp/$$.fifo"
# mkfifo $tmp_fifofile
# exec 6<>$tmp_fifofile
# rm $tmp_fifofile
# # Writing NUM_PROC blank data to the pipe
# for ((i=0;i<$dev_num;i++)); do
# echo "$i"
# done >&6
# while IFS= read -r line; do
# read -u6 id
# {
# # Process each line (you can replace this with your own logic)
# echo "Processing line: $line"
# if grep -qFx "$line" "$reference_file"; then
# echo "'$line' is distribute case,skip"
# echo $id >&6
# else
# log_name=$(basename "$line" .py)
# echo "running ut on device-$id"
# echo $line
# echo $id
# echo "ZE_AFFINITY_MASK=$id python $line"
# ZE_AFFINITY_MASK=$id python $line |& tee ./logs/ut/$log_name.log
# if [ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0 ]; then
# echo "$line" >> ./logs/ut/successful.log
# else
# echo "$line" >> ./logs/ut/err.log
# fi
# # writing one data to the pipe for the next task
# echo $id >&6
# fi
# } &
# done < "$file_path"
# wait
# exec 6>&-
# if [ -f "./logs/ut/err.log" ]; then
# echo "exist fail cases"
# cat ./logs/ut/err.log
# exit 1
# else
# echo "run successful"
# fi
- name: Upload XLA CI Data
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: XLA-CI-Data
path: /home/sdp/actions-runner/workspace_openxla/intel-extension-for-openxla/intel-extension-for-openxla/jax_test/openxla/logs