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chrisorwa edited this page Oct 23, 2014 · 12 revisions

Welcome to UmatiCodebase

This code is presented for purposes of making the Umati research project reproducible. The code is arranged in four sections which emerged as separate pillars in the projects. These pillars are:

  • Collection
  • Tagger
  • Analysis
  • Utilities


Data collection is divided into two section, Facebook and Twitter. Facebook collection is built in Python via the Graph API v2.0 while Twitter collation is built in R using the streaming and search API v2.0.


This is used to set the authentication for access to the streaming API, read about setting it up here: collect_tweets.r Used to collect tweets based of a string of keywords, up to a limit of ** 400 keywords** each <60 characters long There's also a hack that allows you to monitor a specific twitter account so that you can update the list of key words when you can't log into the server.


Keywords are stored in a csv file. Keywords.csv Store of the keywords.


Noise Reduction Various noise reduction techniques to filter large amounts of tweets. Consists of two scripts: association.r classification.r Association.r This script works by finding the words the are most associated with a given keyword using association mining. We use a lower correlation limit of 0.2 but this should on varied depending on the size of your corpus. It then goes into the database and selects the tweets that mention your keyword and it's most relevant associations. It will also drop duplicates and retweets. Classification.r Does tokenisation for feature extraction and uses individual words as features for the naive-Bayes algorithm as a predictive model. Used to reduce noise.


Creates a parse tree of tweets. For visual inception for the grammatical structure of tweets, particularly tweets of interest.


This is used to monitor twitter accounts so that you can tell what they are talking about within a given time period. Developed so as reduce the amount of time it takes before monitors are aware that an event has broken out so that the keyword can be added to the list of keywords being tracked. Words that occur above a certain threshold are then tweeted by a twitter bot that can be monitored and send SMS notifications.

Currently in version 0.2, the vision for this program is to be one day be able to add keywords automatically without human intervention.


Log file for keywords added via a Twitter account.

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