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Harry edited this page Sep 1, 2022 · 2 revisions

In this page, we are going to talk about CI/CD in hypertrons-crx. We've got three workflows in hypertrons-crx: build, release-deploy, and update-information.


on push or pull request, this workflow checks format of the code and tests build to master branch. We also create a pre-release if it is a push to master branch.

state "on:push on:pull_request" as A
state A{
    checkout: Check out repository code
    setup: Setup Node.js
    install: Install dependencies
    format: Code Format checks
    zip: Zip to
    existence: Check file existence
    Prerelease: Pre-release

    [*] --> checkout
    checkout --> setup
    setup --> install
    install --> format
    format --> Build
    Build --> zip
    zip --> existence
    existence --> Prerelease: output file exists and is on push
    Prerelease --> [*]
    existence --> [*]


when a workflow_dispatch is triggered, we bump a new version within the pre-commit. Then, we build and zip the package, rename the release packages, and add them to the Release. At last, we would deploy the packages to both Chrome store and Edge store.

state "on:workflow_dispatch" as A
state A{
    checkout: Check out repository code
    setup: Setup Node.js
    cca: Conventional Changelog Action
    rename:Append version to release file names

    [*] --> checkout
    checkout --> setup
    setup --> cca
    cca --> Build
    Build --> rename
    rename --> Release
    Release --> Deploy
    Deploy --> [*]


On worflow_dispatch is triggered, we also upload some needed information to data center.

state "on:workflow_dispatch" as A
state A{
    checkout: Check out repository code
    upload: Upload update_information.json to oss

    [*] --> checkout
    checkout --> upload
    upload --> [*]

We would like to add more tests on hypertrons-crx, if you have any ideas, feel free to create an issue to contact us!