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268 lines (232 loc) · 17.3 KB

File metadata and controls

268 lines (232 loc) · 17.3 KB


  1. Add function bind_rows_dt, so as to facilitate row bindings of data.frames with same names but different data types.
  2. Revise col_max and col_min function according to issue pulled at #26.


  1. Imports data.table (>= 1.15.0) to ensure %notin% could be used.
  2. Depends on R (>=4.0.0).
  3. Add round0 function to ensure rounding includes 0 from behind.


  1. Remove %notin% in tidyfst and export it directly from data.table.
  2. Add import_fst_chunked to process fst files by chunks.


  1. Merge the request pulled recently(see #25).


  1. Change the .onAttach message to help users accessing the citation info.
  2. Update function dummy_dt referring to fastdummies::dummy_col to make it faster.
  3. Add maxth and minth to get the nth highest/lowest value of a vector.
  4. Use bibentry for citation info.


1.Fix error noted by CRAN. 2.Remove %notin% function as data.table would provide it later.


1.A request has been suggested and implemented, see #21. 2.Expired URLs have been removed from


  1. The previous select_dt could not handle a special case, when selecting multiple columns (say more than 8), it tends to throw an error. This time the bug is fixed.
  2. slice_max_dt could not handle date type when using minus symbol("-"), this has been fixed in this version.
  3. Make filter_dt more robust by using eval.parent to evaluate it.


  1. Remove top_n_dt,top_prop_dt and top_dt. These functions are considered as deprecated.
  2. Fix bugs in slice_max_dt and slice_min_dt, they could not perform correctly in group filtering by proportion in the previous version.


It seems some issues are urgent (#19), so I have to make the revision immediately. Apology for the inconvenience brought.

  1. Fix bug to make pst work.
  2. Use function instead of \ to avoid platform consistency bug, as stated in #18.
  3. Export setnames from data.table.


  1. Export data.table::setDT and data.table::%chin% for usage in tidyfst.
  2. Introduce functions pkg_load and pkg_unload as p_load and p_unload in package pacman.
  3. Make dummy_dt to be robust when there are NAs in the column. Refer to #15.
  4. Add %notin% function to be used.
  5. Add new name pst for function sys_time_print for convenience.


  1. Make a fix in complete_dt, letting it become more robust.
  2. Solve issue mentioned at #13.
  3. Update sys_time_print function to make time printing more user-friendly.


  1. Fix a bug in sql_join_dt, so as to let anti join and semi join work.
  2. Update pairwise_count function to be more fast when possible.
  3. Update ORCID number.


1.Set options("datatable.print.trunc.cols" = TRUE), so as to let the printing work like tibbles in dplyr. 2.Make functions in tidyfst could be used in other functions. Details see Some functions have replaced the previous eval to eval.parent. 3. Export %like% from data.table. 4. Add function sql_join_dt to implement case insensitive joining for data.frame. 5. Add function percent and add_prop to calculate percentage conveniently. 6. Add function pairwise_count_dt to count pairs of items within a group.



  1. Add "fromLast" parameter to distinct_dt
  2. Add a new function named col_max and col_min to get the max/min column name
  3. Upgrade dummy_dt to be faster



  1. Do not truncate the columns by default.
  2. Add print_options to control global printing od data.table.
  3. Add citation in the package, linking to the JOSS paper(
  4. Add rec_num and rec_char function for variable recoding.
  5. Get a cheat sheet for tidyfst.
  6. Export between from data.table.
  7. Support summarisation of multiple functions on multiple columns in summarise_vars.



  1. Add rename_with_dt like dplyr's rename_with
  2. Update slice_dt to support .N
  3. Update vignette "english_turoial" to remove the outdated codes
  4. Improve count_dt by using select_dt inside
  5. Correct error in example of impute_dt for user defined functions
  6. Export rleid and rleidv from data.table
  7. Add ".name" paramter to nest_dt and squeeze_dt
  8. Debug slice_max_dt and slice_min_dt
  9. Give the slice* family a "by" parameter to slice by group
  10. Debug select_dt
  11. Update the vignette of English tutorial
  12. Update filter_dt and do not support comma as "&" any more
  13. Use testthat package to implement unit test for tidyfst
  14. Give sample functions a "by" parameter to sample by group
  15. Correct errors in the English tutorial
  16. Import data.table v1.13.0 and use its new features



  1. Update separate_dt to accepte NA in parameter "into".
  2. Add a new collection of slice* function to match dplyr 1.0.0.
  3. Simplify the joining functions.
  4. Debug complete_dt to suppress unnecessary warning in special cases.
  5. Debug nest_dt to use full join to unnest multiple columns.
  6. Debug the joining functions to make it robust for non-data.table data frames.



  1. Update Chinense tutorial.
  2. Add impute_dt to impute missing values using mean, mode and median.
  3. Improve t_dt to be faster.
  4. Add set operations including union_dt,etc. This could be used on non-data.table data.frames, which is considered to be convenient.
  5. Update "Example 2" vignette.


Date: 20200410 0. Reason for update: The update of as_dt is very important(see point 5), becasue it is used everywhere in tidyfst. This update might be minor inside the function, but it can improve the performance by large, especially for extremly large data sets (this means in version before 0.9.5[<=0.9.4], operation on large data frames could be quite slow because copies are made in every movement).

  1. Improve distinct_dt to receive variables more flexibly.
  2. Add summary_fst to get info of the fst table.
  3. Upgrade "mcols" in nest_dt to accept more flexibly by using select_dt.
  4. Debug anti_join and semi_join to become more efficient and robust.
  5. Update as_dt and many functions, which make it faster by reducing data copying when possible, but still stick to principals that never modify by reference. Suppressing the copy when possible, but copies are still made when necessary(using
  6. Improve separate_dt and unite_dt.
  7. Improve replace_dt.
  8. For every summarise_ and mutate_, give a "by" parameter.
  9. Add summarise_when.


Date: 20200402 0. Reason for update: The former introduction of modification by reference is violating the principals of the package, remove them. Modification by reference might be good, I build another package named 'tidyft' to realize it.

  1. Add mat_df and df_mat to covert between named matrix and tidy data.frame, using base-r only.
  2. Add rn_col and col_rn.
  3. Add "by" parameter for summarise_vars and mutate_vars.
  4. Make filter_fst more robust.
  5. Update the vignette of fst.
  6. Add a new set of join functions with another syntax.
  7. Improve select_fst with select_dt
  8. Remove facilities of modification by reference in tidyfst, including set* family and "inplace" parameter in group_by_dt


Date: 20200324 0. Reason for update: The rmarkdown has a poor support of Chinese, which makes the vignette name messy on the CRAN page (see the vignette part of Therefore, have to change it to an English name. Also, as many new adjustments coming in, there are some substantial changes for tidyfst to be safer (robust), faster, simpler and feature richer.

  1. Improve group_by_dt to let it be more flexiable. Now it can receive what select_dt receives.
  2. Improve select_fst, can select one single column by number now.
  3. Improve fill_na_dt to make it faster with setnafill, shift and fcoalesce.
  4. Change the parameter data to .data. This change of API would be applied to all functions and some other parameters too (start with dot).
  5. Remove drop_all_na_cols and drop_all_na_rows, use delete_na_cols and delete_na_rows instead to remove columns or rows with NAs larger than a threshold in proportion or number.
  6. Rewrite rename_dt to be safer.
  7. Improve relocate_dt to make it faster, by moving names but not data.frame itself, only move at the final step.
  8. Remove mutate_ref. Design a new family for set_ to modify by reference. Details see ?set_in_dt.
  9. Add as_fst to save a data.frame as "fst" in tempfile and parse it back in fst_table.
  10. Improve longer_dt and wider_dt by using select_mix to select unchanged columns. Also, change the parameter API to make it more concise. Now it should be easier to use. The vignette of reshape(example 3) is updated too.
  11. Make separate_dt to be more robust by receiving non-character as column. This means you can use df %>% separate_dt(x, c("A", "B")) now. See examples in ?separate_dt.
  12. Give a "by" parameter to mutate_dt and transmute_dt to mutate by group.
  13. Fix a bug in select_dt.
  14. Removeall-at-if collection, use mutate_vars and summarise_vars instead.
  15. Add replace_dt to replace any value(s) in data.table.
  16. Add an english tutorial and test many basic and complicated examples.
  17. Debug wider_dt and add a new functionality to take list as aggregated function and unchop automatically.
  18. Improve mutate_vars with raw data.table codes, which is faster.


Date: 20200315 0. Reason for update: Check every function in data.table, dplyr and tidyr, optimize and add functionalities when possible, and keep up with the updates of dplyr (the upcoming v1.0.0). There are so many substantial updates, so I think an upgrade of version should be proposed. This package is driving to a stable stage later (if no fatal bugs coming after weeks), and the next minor updates will only come after the major updates of data.table (waiting for the release of v1.12.9) and the potential new bugs reported by users.

  1. Get better understanding on non-standard evaluation, update functions that could be optimized. The updated functions include: mutate_dt, transmute_dt,arrange_dt,distinct_dt,slice_dt,top_n_dt,top_frac_dt,mutate_when. Therefore, now these functions should be faster than before.
  2. Add nth to extract element of vector via position, useful when we want a single element from the bottom.
  3. The API of longer_dt has been changed to be more powerful, and update the examples in wider_dt. Update the Example 3: Reshape vignette.
  4. Rewrite the nest part, nest_by and unnest_col are deprecated, switch to nest_dt and unnest_dt for new APIs and features.
  5. Design squeeze_dt and add chop_dt/unchop_dt for new usage of nesting.
  6. Exporting frollapply from data.table, this is a powerful function for aggregation on sliding window.
  7. Enhances select_dt once more, does not export select_if_dt now, merges this functionality directly into select_dt. Also, we could now use - or ! to select the negative columns for regular expressions.
  8. Optimize top_n using frank (faster with less memory).
  9. Add sys_time_print to get the running time more intuitively.
  10. Add uncount_dt, works just like tidyr::uncount.
  11. Add rowwise_dt, could carry out analysis like dplyr::rowwise.
  12. Add relocate_dt to rearrange columns in data.table.
  13. Add top_dt and sample_dt for convenience.
  14. Add mutate_vars to complement all_dt/if_dt/at_dt.
  15. Add set_dt and mutate_ref for fast operation by reference of data.table.
  16. Add "fun" paramter to wider_dt for multiple aggregation.
  17. Debug separate_dt.
  18. Add a Chinese vignette for folks in China (titled as "tidyfst包实例分析").
  19. Shorten the description file to be more specific.
  20. Add group_by_dt and group_exe_dt to perform more convenient and efficient group operation.
  21. Add select_mix for super selection of columns.
  22. Fix typos in description.


Date: 20200305 0. Reason for update: I've been using tidyfst on my daily work by adding _dt to many past and current tasks. In these experience, I debug some important functions (they run well on simple tasks, but not on complicated ones), and add more functions. These features are so many that I think an update is necessary for users to get a better tookit earlier. If the update is too frequent, please accept my apology.

  1. Optimize group_dt. First, it is faster than before because I use [][] instead of %>%. (Using %>% for .SD is slow) Second, I design an alternative to use .SD directly in group_dt, which might improve the efficiency further.
  2. Debug filter_dt.
  3. Add fill_na_dt to fill NAs in data.table. Debug all missing functions. Examples are refreshed.
  4. Debug mutate_when.
  5. Add complete_dt to complete a data.frame like tidyr::complete.
  6. Add dummy_dt to get dummy variables from columns.
  7. Add t_dt to transpose data frame efficiently.
  8. Two functions:as_dt and in_dt to create a short cut to data.table facilities. Add vignette as tutorial in this feature.
  9. Add unite_dt and separate_dt for simple usage.
  10. Debug mutate_dt.


Date: 20200227 0. Reason for urgent update: The use of show_tibble violates the principals of programming. I hope this idea would not spread in the vignette. See changes in 4.

  1. Improve select_dt to let it accept a:c-like inputs. Add example iris %>% select_dt(Sepal.Length:Petal.Length). Moreover, now select_dt supports delete columns with - symbol.
  2. Improve group_dt to let "by" parameter also accept list of variables, which means we could not use mtcars %>% group_dt(by =list(vs,am),summarise_dt(avg = mean(mpg))).
  3. Fix a few typos in description and vignettes.
  4. Show the class of variables by default, using options("datatable.print.class" = TRUE), and remove the inappropriate use of show_tibble. Details see tidyverse/tibble#716.
  5. Add select_if_dt function. Moreover, support negative conditional selection in if_dt.
  6. Delete the vignette entitled "Example 5: Tibble", as this feature is not used any more.
  7. Add vignette "Example 5:Fst" for better introduction of the feature.
  8. Update vignette "Example 1:Basic usage".



  1. Change all print and cat function to message.
  2. Use tempdir() to write file and read it back in the example of parse_fst.
  3. Fix the bug in count_dt and add_count_dt and add examples in the function.
  4. Add show_tibble function, and now the package can use the printing form of tibble to get better information of the data.table. This is not used by default, but might be preferred for tidyverse users.
  5. Remove all the unnecessary \donttest and use \dontrun when have to write files to directory, only to make an example of how to use it(refer to utils::write.table document). This should make the best example for real usage.
  6. Add URL to Description file.
  7. More vignettes added.


  1. Major updates:(1) Change package name to tidyfst (according to the suggestions from CRAN);(2) Do not use maditr codes any more (change the description), based on stringr and data.table only; (3) Support fst package with tidy syntax; (4) Add 4 vignettes
  2. Support 'fst' package in various ways (see functions end with "_fst")
  3. Test the functions and get three vignettes for comparison
  4. Totally support group computing with group_dt function
  5. Correct various typos in the document
  6. Rewrite nest_by and unnest_col. Did not use "_dt" name because they are different from the tidyverse API. They might be even more efficient and simple to use.
  7. Add "negate" parameter to select_dt function.
  8. Add all_dt,at_dt and if_dt functions for flexible mutate and summarise.


Fix some bugs and add a vignette.


Rewrite all functions and use only data.table and stringr as imported packages. Have changed the license to MIT. This time, tidydt is lightweight,efficient and powerful. It is totally different from the previous version in many ways. The previous version would be archived in


Some issue seems to happen, check hope-data-science/tidydt0#1. Hope to get an offical answer from CRAN. Done in the mailing list, keep moving. [20200129]

v0.2.0 20200123

  1. Use new API for rename_dt, more like the rename in dplyr.
  2. Change some API name, e.g. topn_dt to top_n_dt.
  3. Add functions to deal with missing values(replace_na_dt,drop_na_dt).
  4. Change the on_attach.R file to change the hints.
  5. Add pull_dt, which I use a lot and so may many others.
  6. Add mutate_when for another advanced case_when utility.
  7. Fix according to CRAN suggestions.