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L- and R-Value Expressions

A Puppet Program consists of a sequence of Expressions. There are two kinds of expressions:

  • R-value expressions that produce a result (of some type)
  • L-value expressions that provide an assignable "slot"

The letters L, R are used as type parameters e.g. Expression<R>in this specification only (there are no such types in the type system).

L-value Expressions

The L-value expressions are Variable Expressions when on the LHS in an Assignment Expression.

Versions of the Puppet Programming Language before 4x allowed assignment to unassigned slots in Array and Hash values - i.e. an Access Expression (e.g. $a[1]) was also an L-value. This is no longer supported - all variables and values are strictly immutable in the Puppet Programming Language.

R-Value Expressions

All other expressions produce a value.


Operators and expressions in the Puppet Programming Language have a defined precedence. This is shown in the table Expression / Operator Precedence.

Literal Value Expressions

Literal Numbers

# Integers
10   # decimal
0777 # octal
0xFF # hexadecimal

# Floating Point

Numbers are tokens produced by the Lexing of the source text. See Numbers in Lexical Structure. Literal Numbers evaluate to the value of the token interpreted in the appropriate base.

Numbers evaluate to themselves.

Literal Strings

# Single quoted strings
'I take a bit
more room'
'He said "hello", but it sounded like \'yello\''

# Double quoted strings
"You can quote me on that"
"I keep \t of things around here"
"I can not drink more than $max_beers beers"

# Heredoc
Text until the given end marker
is in the resulting string.

A single quoted string is a single token produced by the Lexing of the source text Strings in Lexical Structure. Lexical processing also produces Heredoc is also the result of lexical processing

A Single Quoted string evaluates to a runtime String type.

A Double Quoted String is a sequence of text string parts, and expression parts. When evaluated the text parts evaluate to runtime String type, and the expression parts are first evaluated and the result is converted into a runtime String type. The produced value is the concatenation of all the produced runtime Strings into a single String.

The text parts of a double quoted string are produced by Lexing of the source text. See Double Quoted String Expression Interpolation] in Lexical Structure for details.

Both types of strings (single and double quoted) can span multiple lines. When they do, the \r\n or \n line endings are included in the result. There is no unification of line endings.

String Interpolation

String interpolation can be performed two different ways:

  • "$varname" - interpolates the result of referencing the variable named 'varname'
  • "${expression}" - interpolates the result of evaluating the embedded expression.

The expression part has the following rules:

  • class, define, or node expressions; or statement-like function calls (only function name without parentheses) are not allowed.
  • Automatic conversion to a variable is performed if the expression has one of the forms:
    • ${<KEYWORD>} - e.g. ${node}, ${class} becomes ${$node}, ${$class}
    • ${<QualifiedName>} - e.g. ${var} becomes ${$var}
    • ${<DECIMAL>} - e.g. ${0} becomes ${$0}
  • Automatic conversion is also performed in the following cases but variables having the same name as a keyword must be written with a preceding $:
    • ${<AccessExpression>} - e.g. ${var[key]}, ${var[key][key]} becomes ${$var[key]}, ${$var[key][key]}
    • ${<MethodCall>} - e.g. ${var.each ...} becomes ${$var.each}, which also works for the leftmost name in a sequence of method calls e.g. ${} becomes ${$}
  • In all other cases a name or number that should be interpreted as a variable must be preceded with a $
    • ${if + 1} - error, i.e. not $if + 1
    • ${2 + 2} - is 4, not $2 + 2
    • ${x + 3} - error, is 'x' + 3, not $x + 3 (which yields an error because + does not operate on String)
    • ${if[2]} - error, since if is a keyword and the expression is not just the if-name (causes syntax error since an if expression is allowed, but must have correct syntax e.g. ${if true { 'always' } else { 'never' }}
These rules are different from the rules in Puppet 3x where many constructs did not work because of failure to recognize what should not be interpreted as a variable reference. Anything but the simplest forms of expression interpolation could have surprising effect.

The result of the expression is converted to a String as specified in the following section.

Expression Result to String Conversion

  • undef is converted to an empty string ''
  • QualifiedName is converted to the reference in string form
  • QualifiedReference is converted to string
  • Boolean is converted to 'true' or 'false' respectively
  • A String is copied verbatim
  • A Numeric is converted to string using decimal radix (base 10), and uses platform specific defaults for conversion of floating points numbers (the result may vary from platform to platform). (Precise control over numeric formatting is provided by the sprintf function).
  • Regular Expressions are converted to a regular expression pattern string in transitive form (can be converted back to a regular expression again)
  • A Type is converted to its program source text form
  • An Array is converted to string by enclosing the contents in '[' ']' and then applying the conversion rules recursively to each element using ', ' to separate the elements.
  • A Hash is converted to string by enclosing the contents in '{' '}' and then applying the conversion rules to each element's key and value, producing <key> '=>' <value> for each element separated by ', '.
  • For Array and Hash, no trailing comma is produced after the last element.


Heredoc is covered in a separate section. See Heredoc.

Qualified Name

A qualified name evaluates to a string unless it occurs in a context where the name has specific meaning.

 $a = apache::port # equal to $a = 'apache::port'

Qualified Reference

A qualified reference evaluates to a Type.

 $a = Integer # a is a reference to the Integer type

Regular Expression

A regular expression pattern evaluates to a runtime regular expression.

 $a = /.*/  # a is a reference to the regular expression

Array and Hash Expressions

Array Expression

A "literal" Array has the following syntax:

   : '[' ((Expression<R> (',' Expression<R>)*)? ','?) ']'

The expressions are evaluated from left to right, and a runtime array is produced with the result. The expressions must result in an R-value.

The Puppet Programming Language '[' token is used in grammatical constructs in a way that creates an ambiguity. This is resolved by the following rules:

  • [] as an access operator (accessing an 'identified detail' from the LHS) has higher precedence than [] as a Literal Array.
  • When [] appears first in a file, or after a WHITESPACE, the intermediate whitespace sequence changes the lexical meaning of the initial '[' to mean start of literal array.
  • The precedence can be modified by using an expression separator ';' between the LHS and '['.
  • A [] that appears without a LHS is always interpreted as a literal array.


 $a = [1, 2, 3] # $a becomes Literal Array of 3 numbers
 $x = $a[1]     # $x becomes 2 (Accessing element at index 1 in the value referenced by $a)
 $x = $a; [1]   # $x becomes the literal array, a literal array containing '1' is produced
 $x = abc[1]    # $x becomes 'b' (character at index 1 in string 'abc')
 abc [1]        # calls the function abc with the literal array containing '1' as an argument
 foo()[1]       # calls function foo and gets index 1 in returned enumerable
 foo() [1]      # calls function foo, then produces an array with the Integer 1

Hash Expression

A "Literal" Hash has the following syntax.

   : '{' ((key = HashEntry (',' value = HashEntry)*)? ','?)) '}'

   : Expression<R> '=>' Expression<R>

The hash entries are evaluated from left to right, key before value and a runtime hash object is produced with all of the entries.

Hash Expression without braces

A HashEntry is a legal Expression in an array or an argument list. One or more adjacent HashEntry expressions are converted into one single Hash as if they were surrounded by curly braces.


 $a = [1, 2, a => 3, b => 4, 5]              # $a becomes [1, 2, {a => 3, b => 4}, 5]
 foo('hello', a => 'universe', b => 'world') # same as   foo('hello', { a => 'universe', b => 'world' })
 Struct[a => Integer, b => String]           # same as Struct[{a => Integer, b => String}]

HashEntry expressions can only be used in a function call argument list when the list is enclosed in parentheses.


+ operator

 PlusExpression : Expression<R> '+' Expression<R> ;
  • Performs a concatenate/merge if the LHS is an Array, Hash, or URI
  • Adds LHS and RHS numerically otherwise
    • Operation fails if LHS or RHS are not numeric
  • Is not commutative for non numeric/string operands ( [1,2,3] + 3 is not the same as 3 + [1,2,3], and [1,2,3] + [4,5,6] is not the same as [4,5,6] + [1,2,3] )


Addition of integer values produces an integer result. If one of the operands is a Float the result is also a Float. An implementation may raise an error if integral values overflow, but may never silently produce an incorrect value.

1 + 1      # produces 2
1.0 + 1.0  # produces 2.0
Timestamps and Timespans

Timestamps and Timespans can participate in most arithmetic operations.

T = Timestamp, D = Timespan (Duration), I = Integer (seconds), and F = Float (seconds with fraction)

T + T is illegal
T + D = T
T + I = T
T + F = T
D + T = T
D + D = D
D + I = D
D + F = D
I + T = T
F + T = T
I + D = D
F + D = D

Illegal operations:

T + T

Concatenation / Merge

  • When LHS is an Array
    • Concatenates an array or a non array value converted to a single entry array to the end of a new copy of the LHS array.
    • If the RHS is a Hash, it is converted to an Array before concatenation (to instead concatenate a Hash, use the << operator).
  • When LHS is a Hash
    • Merges a Hash by copying the LHS and adding or overwriting keys with the RHS hash
    • If the RHS of a merge is an Array, it is converted to a Hash (the array should be on the form [key, value, key, value, ...], or [[key, value], [key, value], ...]
      • if the array does not have one of the expected forms and error is raised.
    • The merged result retains the insertion order of the LHS's keys irrespective of if the value has been modified or not. Additional merged keys from the RHS are inserted into the result in their RHS order.
  • When LHS is a URI
    • If RHS is an URI it is merged with the LHS URI. The parts of the LHS URI takes precedence. A hierarchical URI is merged with respect to the included paths so that an absolute path in LHS replaces the RHS path and a relative path in LHS is appended to the RHS path.
    • If RHS is a String, it is first converted to an URI and then merged with the LHS URI.


# LHS must evaluate to an Array or a Hash (or it is a form of arithmetic expression)
[1,2,3] + [4,5,6]               # => [1,2,3,4,5,6]
[1,2,3] + 4                     # => [1,2,3,4]
[1,2,3] + {a => 10, b => 20}    # => [1,2,3, [a, 10], [b, 20]]

{a => 10, b => 20} + {b => 30}  # => {a => 10, b => 30}
{a => 10, b => 20} + {c => 30}  # => {a => 10, b => 30, c => 30}
{a => 10, b => 20} + 30         # => error
{a => 10, b => 20} + [30]       # => error
{a => 10, b => 20} + [c, 30]    # => {a => 10, b => 20, c => 30}

URI('') + URI('/c/d') # => URI('')
URI('') + URI('c/d')  # => URI('')
URI('' ) + URI('c/d')  # => URI('')

- operator

 MinusExpression : Expression<R> '-' Expression<R> ;
  • Performs a delete if the LHS is an Array or Hash
  • Subtracts RHS from LHS otherwise
    • LHS and RHS are converted to Numeric (see the section on Numeric Conversions in Conversions and Promotions)
    • Operation fails if LHS or RHS are not numeric or conversion failed
  • Is (by definition) not commutative


Subtraction of integer values produces an integer result. If one of the operands is a Float the result is also a Float. An implementation may raise an error if integral values underflow, but may never silently produce an incorrect value.

10 - 1     # produces 9
10.0 - 0.1 # produces 9.9

The following applies when a Timestamp or Timespan is involved:

T = Timestamp, D = Timespan (Duration), I = Integer (seconds), and F = Float (seconds with fraction)

T - T = D
T - D = T
T - I = T
T - F = T
D - D = D
D - I = D
D - F = D
I - D = D
F - D = D

Illegal operations:

D - T
I - T
F - T


Deletion produces the LHS \ RHS (set difference).

  • Deletes matching entries from the LHS as given by the RHS. A copy of the LHS is first created, the original LHS is unchanged. The copy (after deletions) is produced as the result.
  • When LHS is an Array, RHS, if not already an array, is transformed to an array and all matching elements are removed (matching is done by equality == comparison of each array element).
  • When LHS is a Hash;
    • and the RHS is an Array, the entries with keys matching the elements in the array are deleted
    • and the RHS is a Hash, the entries with matching keys are deleted


# LHS must evaluate to an Array or a Hash (or it is a form of arithmetic expression)
[1,2,3,4,5,6] - [4,5,6]         # => [1,2,3]
[1,2,3] - 3                     # => [1,2]
[1,2,b] - {a => 1, b => 20}     # => [2]

{a => 10, b => 20} - {b => 30}  # => {a => 10}
{a => 10, b => 20} - a          # => {b => 20}
{a => 10, b => 20} - [a,c]      # => {b => 20}

unary - operator

 UnaryMinusExpression : '-' Expression<R> ;
  • Changes the sign of the operand

* operator

 MultiplicationExpression : Expression<R> '*' Expression<R> ;
  • Multiplies LHS and RHS
    • LHS and RHS are converted to Numeric (see the section on Numeric Conversions in Conversions and Promotions)
    • Operation fails if LHS or RHS are not numeric or if conversion failed

Multiplication of integer values produces an integer result. If one of the operands is a Float the result is also a Float. An implementation may raise an error if integral values overflow, but may never silently produce an incorrect value.

The following applies when a Timestamp or Timespan is involved:

T = Timestamp, D = Timespan (Duration), I = Integer, and F = Float

D * I = D
D * F = D
I * D = D
F * D = D

Illegal operations:

T * <any>
<any> * T
D * D

unary * operator (splat)

UnarySplatExpression : '*' Expression<R> ;
  • Transforms the RHS Expression to an Array if not already an Array
    • If the RHS evaluates to undef the result is an empty array in general and interpreted as nothing when unfolded where a comma separated list of values is accepted.
    • If the RHS is a Iterator it is unrolled into the produced Array.
    • If the RHS is a Hash it is transformed to an Array of key-value arrays.
    • Any other value is wrapped in an Array.
  • Unfolds the content of the RHS array (or just converted value) when applied in a context where a comma separated list of values is accepted:
    • arguments to a call
    • options in a Case Expression Proposition
    • options in a Select Expression Proposition


$args = [1,2,3]

# same result as

Note that unfold of *undef in a case or select does not match anything, not even undef.

/ operator

 DivisionExpression : Expression<R> '/' Expression<R> ;
  • Divides LHS by RHS
    • LHS and RHS are converted to Numeric (see the section on Numeric Conversions in Conversions and Promotions)
    • Operation fails if LHS or RHS are not numeric or conversion failed
    • Division by 0 is an error

Division of integer values produces an integer result (without rounding). If one of the operands is a Float the result is also a Float.

The following applies when a Timestamp or Timespan is involved:

T = Timestamp, D = Timespan (Duration), I = Integer, and F = Float

D / D = F
D / I = F
D / F = F

Illegal operations:

T / <any>
<any> / T
I / D
F / D

% (modulo) operator

 ModuloExpression : Expression<R> '%' Expression<R> ;
  • Produces the remainder (modulo) of dividing LHS by RHS
    • LHS and RHS are converted to Numeric (see the section on Numeric Conversions in Conversions and Promotions)
    • Operation fails if LHS or RHS are not Integer or if conversion failed
    • Modulo by 0 is an error

Note that % is not supported for Float (an error is raised) as this creates very confusing results.

The following applies when a Timestamp or Timespan is involved:

T = Timestamp, D = Timespan (Duration), I = Integer, and F = Float

D % I = I (seconds)
I % D = F (seconds and fractions of second)

Illegal operations:

T % <any>
<any> % T
D % D
F % D
D % F

<< operator

 LeftShiftExpression : Expression<R> '<<' Expression<R> ;
  • Performs an append if the LHS is an Array
  • Performs binary left shift of the LHS by the RHS count of shift steps otherwise
    • LHS and RHS are converted to Numeric (see the section on Numeric Conversions in Conversions and Promotions)
    • Operation fails if LHS or RHS are not Integer or if conversion failed
    • A left shift of a negative count reverses the shift direction

Left Shift

Left shift is performed on Integer numbers. The LHS is shifted the given amount of bits to the left. The shift does not overflow.

 1 << 1  # 2
 2 << 2  # 8
 8 << -1 # 4


When the LHS is an Array, the RHS is appended to the end of a copy of the LHS, and the result is produced. The RHS is not converted.


 [1,2,3] << 4       # [1,2,3,4]
 [1,2,3] << [4]     # [1,2,3,[4]]
 [1,2,3] << {a=>10} # [1,2,3,{a=>10}]

>> operator

 RightShiftExpression : Expression<R> '>>' Expression<R> ;
  • Performs right shift of the LHS by the RHS count of shift steps otherwise
    • LHS and RHS are converted to Numeric (see the section on Numeric Conversions in Conversions and Promotions)
    • Operation fails if LHS or RHS are not Integer or if conversion failed
    • A right shift of a negative count reverses the shift direction

Right shift is performed on Integer numbers. The LHS is shifted the given amount of bits to the right. The shift does not underflow. A value smaller than 0 is never produced.

 1 >> 1   # 0
 8 >> 2   # 2
 2 >> -1  # 4

and, or, !, logical operators

   : Expression<R> 'and' Expression<R>
   : Expression<R> 'or' Expression<R>
   : '!' Expression<R>

The logical connectives and, or evaluates their LHS and RHS until the truth or falsehood of the expression is known. Remaining evaluation is skipped.

  • The and operator produces true if both LHS and RHS are "truthy", and false otherwise
  • The or operator produces true if either LHS or RHS are "truthy", and false otherwise
  • The and operator has higher precedence than or.
  • The unary ! (not) operator reverses its operand, false if the operand is "truthy", and true otherwise.
  • The ! operator has higher precedence than both and and or.


 true and false  # false
 true or false   # true
 true and 1      # true
 true and ''     # true
 true and undef  # false
 true and !undef # true
 true and !false # true

See Boolean Conversion for more information about "truthy".

Equality and Comparison Operators


== operator

   : Expression<R> '==' Expression<R>

Tests if LHS is equal to RHS and produces a Boolean.

  • If the base type of LHS and RHS is different the result is false
  • String comparison is done case independently.
    • Case independence is only done for the /[a-zA-Z]/ character range as the rest of the characters' status depends on Locale. PUP-1800
  • Arrays are equal if they have the same size and each element is equal (with the semantics of the == operator)
  • Hashes are equal if they have the same size and each element is equal (with the semantics of the == operator applied to the keys and values).
  • Types are equal if they represent the same type
  • Regular Expressions are equal if they have identical pattern strings.
  • Booleans are equal if they represent the same value - a boolean is not equal to a "truthy" value
  • All other objects are equal if the underlying runtime representation reports them as equal (safety net)


 true   == true    # true
 true   == ''      # false
 false  == ''      # false
 true   == undef   # false
 false  == undef   # false
 false == !''      # true
 false == !!''     # false

!= operator

   : Expression<R> '!=' Expression<R>

Tests if the LHS is not equal to RHS and produces a Boolean.

The logical reverse of the == operator. The same as evaluating !(LHS == RHS).

Pattern Match

Pattern matching supports matching a value against a regular expression or against a type.

=~ match operator

   : Expression<R> '=~' pattern = Expression<R>

Tests if the LHS matches the RHS pattern expression and returns a Boolean result. As a side effect when the RHS is a Regular Expression or a String, the variables $0-$n are set with the produced captured group matches (or undef if there is no match or non matching groups).

When the RHS is a Type:

  • the match is true if the LHS is an instance of the type
    • No match variables are set in this case.

When the RHS is a SemVerRange

  • the match is true if the LHS is a SemVer, and the version is within the range
  • the match is true if the LHS is a String representing a SemVer, and the version is within the range
  • If the LHS is neither a String with a valid SemVer representation, nor a SemVer an error is raised.
  • otherwise the result is false (not in range).

When the RHS is not a Type:

  • If the RHS evaluates to a String a new Regular Expression is created with the string value as its pattern.
  • If the RHS is not a Regexp (after string conversion) an error is raised.
  • If the LHS is not a String an error is raised. (Note, Numeric values are not converted to String automatically because of unknown radix).

The numeric variables $0-$n are set as follows when RHS is not a type:

  • $0 represents the entire matched (sub-) string
  • $1 represents the first (leftmost) capture group
  • $2-$n represents the subsequent capturing groups enumerated from left to right
  • Unmatched sections evaluate to undef
  • Numeric variables $0-$n are not visible from outer scopes
  • If a match is performed in an inner scope, it will obscure all numerical variables in outer scopes.

The numeric match variables are in scope until the end of the block if the match is performed without introducing a conditional block, and until the end of the conditional constructs if such a block is introduced.


if abc =~ /(a)b(c)/ {
  # $0 == 'abc', $1 == 'a', $2 == 'c'
elsif {
  # same as above
else {
  # same as above
# $0-$n return to the values they had before the if


$x = abc =~ /(a)b(c)/
# $0 == 'abc', $1 == 'a', $2 == 'c' (until end of block, or next match)

Example using Type:

[1,2,3] =~ Array[Integer]          # => true
[1,999,5] =~ Array[Integer[1,10]]  # => false (one value > 10)

The setting of match variables is also covered per expression that introduces conditional blocks (if, elsif, case and ? { } (selector)).

3x Compatibility
The match expression works differently than in the 3x version of Puppet where the LHS is transformed (arrays are flattened, and numeric values are turned into decimal strings, etc.) before applying the regular expression. When similar behavior is wanted, in 4x. the in operator should be used. If flattening or other transformations are wanted, they should be done explicitly.

!~ match operator

   : Expression<R> '!~' pattern = Expression<R>

Tests if the LHS does not match the RHS and returns a Boolean result. This is the same as evaluating ! (LHS =~ RHS). The numerical match variables are set as a side effect if the RHS is not a Type.

See =~ operator for details.

<, >, <=, >=, comparison operators

   : Expression<R> ('<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=') Expression<R>

Comparisons are done by ordering the LHS and RHS as being less than, equal, or greater than. A comparison operator converts the result to a Boolean.

  • <, true if LHS is less than RHS
  • >, true if LHS is greater than RHS
  • <=, true if LHS is less than or equal to RHS
  • >=, true if LHS is greater than or equal to RHS
  • If <= is true so is < and ==
  • If >= is true so is > and ==

Comparison Semantics per Type

  • Comparisons of strings is case independent
    • Case independence is only done for the /[a-zA-Z]/ character range as the rest of the characters' status depends on Locale. PUP-1800
  • It is possible to compare:
    • String with String
    • Numeric with Numeric, Timespan, or Timestamp
    • Timespan with Timespan or Numeric
    • Timestamp with Timestamp or Numeric
    • Type with Type
      • Here the smaller type is the more specific. See The Type System, and example below.
  • SemVer instances can be compared.
  • It is not possible to compare other types (except for equality)

Comparison involving type:

  • A type T is considered greater than (>) another type Q, if T is a wider (more general) type. e.g. Any > Integer is true.
  • A type T is equal to another type Q if they describe the exact same type

IN operator

The in operator tests if the LHS operand can be found in the RHS operand. Both LHS and RHS are evaluated before conducting the test. The result produces a Boolean indicating if the LHS was considered to be in the RHS.

When a search using the in operator is performed with a regular expression, the match variables $0-$n will contain the values from the first successful match. When matching against an Array, this will be the element of the Array with the lowest index, whose value matches the regular expression. When matching against a Hash the keys are searched in the order the keys were inserted.


  : Expression<R> 'in' Expression<R>
The in operator in Puppet 3x is a mysterious beast, it does not use the Puppet rules for equality and results in paradoxes. It is also not very versatile (it allows searching for a fixed substring in a string, but not a patterns, a not a substring in a collection of strings/keys.

Result per Type

The following table shows the result of searching for a LHS of a particular type in a RHS of a particular type.

LHS RHS Description
String String searches for the LHS string as a substring in RHS (LHS and RHS downcased), true if a substring is found. Also see PUP-1800 regarding case.
String SemVerRange true if the SemVer version represented by the LHS String is in the range
Regexp String true if the string matches the Regexp (=~)
Type  String false
any other String false
Type Array true if there is an element that is an instance of the given type
Regexp Array true if there is an array element that matches the Regexp (=~). Non string elements are skipped.
SemVer SemVerRange true if the version is in the range
any other Array true if there is an array element equal (==) to the LHS
any Hash true if the LHS in the array of hash keys is true
any any other false

Assignment Operator

The assignment operator assigns the result of the RHS to one or more L-values produced by the LHS expression. An L-value is a name referring to a named "slot" in the current scope (that is, typically a variable).

  • A $ variable produces an L-value name
  • Only a Simple Name is accepted, it is not allowed to assign to something in another namespace
  • Numerical L-values are not allowed (numerical variables are read-only and set by side effect of matching with a regular expression).
  • Assignment is an R-value
  • The value of an assignment is the value of the RHS
  • An array of L-values forms a multi-assignment where several variables can be assigned at once from the given RHS source
  • In a multi-assignment the result depends on the type of the RHS:
    • Array - each variable is assigned from the RHS array's index 0-n. It is an error if there are too few values.
    • Hash - each variable is assigned the value from the corresponding key in the RHS hash. It is in an error if the key is not present.
    • Type[Class] - each variable is assigned the value of the corresponding variable/parameter in the referenced class. The class must have been added to the catalog, and the referenced variable must exist, but may have an undef value assigned.

Assignment also takes place in parameter declarations of user defined resource types and classes. An alternate form of assignment also takes place when resource attributes are set. These are covered in Catalog Expressions.

  : Expression<L> '=' Expression<R>

Assigns the evaluated RHS value to the given L-value name. The RHS value is produced as the result. Chained assignments are permitted.


    $a = 10
    $x = $y = 0

    # from array
    [$a, $b] = [1, 2]  # assigns 1 to $a, and 2 to $b

    # from hash
    [$a, $b] = { a => 10, b => 20, c => 30 }  # assigns 10 to $a, and 20 to $b

    # from class
    class mymodule::someclass::example($x = 100) {
      $a = 10
    include example
    [$a, $x] = Class['mymodule::someclass::example']  # assigns 10 to $a, and 100 to $x

[ ] Access Operator

The AccessExpression operator [] is one of the most versatile in the Puppet Programming Language. It has different meaning depending on the type of the LHS operand.

The grammar is:

 : Expression<R> '[' keys += Expression<R> (',' keys += Expression<R>)* ']'

The arity of the list of expressions varies (number of keys) with the evaluated type of the LHS. The arity is never less than 1 (it is a syntax error).

The [ ] operator supports access to:

  • one, or a range of elements from an Array
  • one, or selection of keys from a Hash
  • a single character from a String
  • a range of characters (substring) from a String

The [ ] operator supports creation of parameterized types:

  • a specialized (parameterized) type when applied to a more generic type
  • a collection of types (for certain types)

The [ ] operator supports access to Resource instance attributes:

  • the set attribute value of a resource parameter can be accessed

The various forms are detailed in the following sub-sections.

Array Value [ ]

Accepts two signatures:

  : SingleElementAccess | ElementRangeAccess
  : '[' index = Index ']'
  : '[' index = Index ',' count = Index ']'

Index <Integer>: Expression<R> ;
  • index is an index starting at 0 (the first element), 1 is the element after the first etc.
  • A negative index enumerate from the end, where -1 is the last element
    • A negative index that is abs(from) > length(array) is a position before the first element
  • SingleElementAccess produces the element at the given index If the index is outside of the range of the array, the value undef is produced
  • ElementRangeAccess produces an Array including the given range of elements, starting at index, and containing a (max) count of elements.
    • if count is negative it enumerates a position from the end and the count of elements to include is computed as the elements from the computed (start) index to the computed end index.
      • if this results in a range extending to the left of the index, an empty array is produced
    • If the computed range is partially outside of the array, the overlapping range is produced.
    • An empty overlapping range produces an empty Array (i.e. resulting count of elements in array is 0)
    • (the value undef is never produced when a length is specified)
  • Fewer than one key is a syntax error, and more than two keys generates a runtime error.


[1,2,3][2]       # => 3
[1,2,3][2,1]     # => [3]
[1,2,3][2,0]     # => []
[1,2,3,4][1,2]   # => [2,3]
[1,2,3][100]     # => undef
[1,2,3][100,1]   # => []
[1,2,3,4][-1]    # => 4
[1,2,3,4][2,-1]  # => [3,4]
[1,2,3,4][-5,-3] # => [1,2]
[1,2,3,4][2,-3]  # => []

Hash Value [ ]


  : '[' keys += Expression<R> (',' keys += Expression<R>)* ']'
  • If keys contain a single key the result is the lookup of that key
    • If the key does not exist, undef is produced.
    • If the value entry is undef, undef is produced.
  • for multiple given keys, the result is an array with the result of looking up each key from left to right.
    • Non existing keys does not produce entries in the result.
    • Value entries that are undef does not produce entries in the result.
    • If none of the keys were found, and empty array is produced.


{'a'=>1, 'b'=>2, 'c'=>3}['b']         # => 2
{'a'=>1, 'b'=>2, 'c'=>3}['b', 'c']    # => [2, 3]
{'a'=>1, 'b'=>2, 'c'=>3}['x']         # => undef
{'a'=>1, 'b'=>2, 'c'=>3}['x', 'y']    # => []
{'a'=>1, 'b'=>2, 'c'=>3}['x', 'b']    # => [2]

Note that the result of using multiple keys results in a compacted array where all missing and explicit undef entries have been removed.

String Value [ ]

Access to characters in a string (a substring) has the following signature:

  : Expression<String> '[' k1 = Expression<Integer> (',' k2 = Expression<Integer>) ']'

And with the following semantics:

  • k1 denotes the start index where the first character in the string has index 0, the second character index 1, etc.
  • A negative k1 is a start index resulting from (string.length + k1)
    • e.g. k1 == -1 means the index of the last character in the string, k1 == -2 the next to last etc.
    • if string.length + k1 is negative, the index is negative and represents a position to the left of the string.
  • A positive k2 denotes the number of characters to (max) include in the result (count)
    • the available characters are included if there are fewer characters available than the count
  • A negative k2 represents a computed count measured from the computed start index to the index computed the same way as the index for a negative k1
    • if the range extends to the left of the start index an empty string is produced
  • If optional k2 is not given it defaults to 1
  • If the given start index + count is outside of the range of the string, an empty string is produced.
  • Fewer than one key is a syntax error, and more than two keys generates a runtime error.


"Hello World"[6]       # => "W"
"Hello World"[1,3]     # => "ell"
"Hello World"[6,-1]    # => "World"
"Hello World"[-5,-1]   # => "World"
"Hello World"[6,-2]    # => "Worl"
"Hello World"[-11,-2]  # => "Hello Worl"
"Hello World"[-12,-2]  # => "Hello Worl"
"Hello World"[-666,-2] # => "Hello Worl"
"Hello World"[-11, 2]  # => "He"
"Hello World"[-12, 2]  # => "H"
"Hello World"[-13, 2]  # => ""
"abcd"[2,-3]           # => ""

Operation on Types

Regexp Type [ ]

Creates a regular expression type from the given pattern. For more information about the type see Regexp Type.


  : Expression<Type<Regexp>> ('[' pattern = PatternExpression ']')?

  : Expression<String>
  | Expression<Regexp> 
  • The pattern must evaluate to a String or a Regexp
  • If the pattern is a String
    • it must be a valid regular expression
    • The pattern string should not include the leading and trailing / used in a literal regular expression (if they are included they become part of the pattern).
  • A Regexp that represents all regular expressions is obtained by leaving out the [] part.
  • A Type[Regexp] is not a substitute for a Regexp in match expressions, the Pattern type should be used if instance-of semantics is wanted.


$r = Regexp['(f)(o)(o)']         # => Regexp[/(f)(o)(o)/]
'foo' =~ $pattern                # => true
'bar' =~ $pattern                # => false
notice $1                        # => 'o'
'x' =~ Regexp[/x/]               # => false 'x' is a String, not a Regexp

Pattern Type [ ]

Creates a parameterized Pattern Type given one or more patterns. For more information see Pattern Type. (A Pattern type is a pattern based enumeration of acceptable string values).


  : Expression<Type<Pattern>> 
    ('[' patterns += (PatternExpr ',' patterns += PatternExpr) ','? ']')?

  : Expression<String>
  | LiteralRegexp
  | Expression<RegexpType>
  | Expression<PatternType>
  • When a pattern is a String
    • it must be a valid regular expression
    • it should not include the leading and trailing / used in a literal regular expression (if they are used, they become part of the pattern).
  • When the pattern is a Type[Pattern], all of its patterns are included
  • When the pattern is a Type[Regexp] , its pattern is included
  • Does not set the numeric match variables when used in a match.
  • An unparameterized Pattern represents nothing, and matches nothing


$pattern = Pattern[red, blue, green]  # => a pattern type
'red' =~ $pattern                     # => true
'blue' =~ $pattern                    # => true
'yellow' =~ $pattern                  # => false

Enum Type [ ]

Specializes an Enum type by producing a new Enum with the given strings as possible values. For more information see Enum Type

  : Expression<Type<Enum>> ('['
     values += Expression<String> (',' values += Expression<String>)*


Enum[blue, red, green]

Hash Type [ ]

Specializes a Hash Type by producing a new type with parameterized types for key and value.


  : Expression<Type<Hash>> ('[' 
        key_t = Expression<Type> ','  value_t = Expression<Type>
        (',' size_t = SizeConstraint)?
  : from = Expression<Integer> (',' to = (Expression<Integer> | 'default'))?
  • The value_t and key_t must evaluate to types
  • Fewer than two or more than four parameters raises an error
  • When two types are given, the key type is the first, and the value type the second
  • The size of the hash may be constrained by giving a min (from) and a max (to) integer value, and a literal default may be used to denote +Infinity.
  • A min/from value < 0 raises an error
  • Note that an unparameterized Hash defaults to Hash[Scalar, Data, 0, default]


Hash[String, Integer]            # => Hash[String, Integer] (type)
$h = Hash[Scalar, String]        # => Hash[Scalar, String] (type)
$h[]                             # => syntax error
$h[Scalar, Integer]              # => Hash[Scalar, Integer] (type)

Hash[Scalar, String, 1, 10]      # => Hash type with min 1, max 10, Scalar => String entries

Array Type [ ]

Specializes an Array Type by producing a new type with specific element type.


  : Expression<Type<Array>> ('[' 
      value_t = Expression<Type> (',' size_t = SizeConstraint)?

# SizeConstraint is the same as for Hash
  • The key must evaluate to a Type
  • One to three parameters may be given
    • Fewer or more parameters raises an error
  • The size of the array may constrained by giving a min (from) and a max (to) integer value, and a literal default may be used to denote +Infinity.
  • A min/from value < 0 raises an error
  • Note that an unparameterized Array defaults to Array[Data, 0, default].


Array                            # => Array[Data]
Array[String]                    # => Array[String] (type)
$a = Array[String]               # => Array[String] (type)
$a[]                             # => syntax error
$a[Integer]                      # => Array[Integer] (type)

Array[Data, 1]                   # => Array[Data] (type) that is non empty
Array[Data, 2,4]                 # => Array[Data] (type) with min 2, and max 4 entries

Tuple Type [ ]

Specializes a Tuple type by producing a new type that matches the specified sequence of types. For more details about the type se Tuple Type

  : Expression<Type<Tuple>> ('['
     types += Expression<Type> (',' types += Expression<Type> )*
     (',' size_t = SizeConstraint)?
  • All parameters (except the final 1-2 size constraint parameters) must evaluate to Type
  • An optional size constraint specifies the minim and maximum number of entries in a matching array.
  • The SizeConstraint is the same as for Hash.
  • An empty set of parameters raises an error

Struct Type [ ]

Specializes a Struct type by producing a new type that matches the specified mix of name => type entries in a Hash. For more information about the type see Struct Type.

  : Expression<Type<Struct>> ('['
     entries_t = Expression<Hash<String<1>, Type>>>
  • The keys and types of entries are specified with a Hash
    • keys must be non empty strings
    • values must be instances of Type
  • Size of the struct is determined by the number of specified entries
  • Optional entries are supported by giving their type as Optional[T]

Collection Type [ ]

Specializes a Collection type by producing a new type for all collections within the specified size range. For more information about the type see Collection Type.

  : Expression<Type<Collection>> ('['
     size_t = SizeConstraint
  • The SizeConstraint is the same as for Hash.
  • It is an error to have an empty list of parameters

Class Type [ ]

Specializes a Class Type by producing a new type that refers to a particular class. For more information see Class Type

A Class type has two forms:

  • open - Any Class
  • reference - Specific class reference


  : Expression<Type<Class>
     ('['  names += Expression<String> (',' names += Expression<String>)* ']')?

The rules are:

  • If the [] part is omitted, the created type represents all classes (an open Class type).
  • When [] is applied to an open class:
    • The names must evaluate to String
    • One or more names may be given
      • no names raises a syntax error
    • If more than one name is given, the result is an Array of class types in reference form; evaluated from left to right.
  • When [] is applied to a reference class type:
    • The names are references to the parameters or metaparameters of the referenced class and must evaluate to String.
    • Produces a single value when there is a single key, and an array of values otherwise


Class                            # => any class
Class[apache]                    # => Class[apache] (reference to the class 'apache')
Class[apache, nginx]             # => [Class[apache], Class[nginx]] (array of classes)
$c = Class[apache]               # => Class[apache]
$c[]                             # => syntax error

If the [] operator is applied to a class in reference form the result is the lookup of a class parameter.


class myclass($x = 10, $y=20) { }
include myclass
Class[myclass][x]                # => 10
$someclass = Class[myclass]
$someclass[x]                    # => 10
$someclass[y]                    # => 20
$someclass[x, y]                 # => [10, 20]

Note that only parameters of a parameterized class can be obtained, it is not possible to obtain the class variables using this syntax.

  • Note that lookup of a parameter that has no value will result in lookup of its current default value. PUP-??? Open Issue
  • Evaluation of parameter lookup is evaluation order dependent and that resource instantiation is lazily evaluated.
  • Note that metaparameters only include values for what has explicitly been assigned as they defaults are evaluated late, and may depend on other values.
  • Note that metaparameters is an open ended concept where each metaparameter defines its own behavior.

Resource Type [ ]

Specializes a Resource type by producing a new type that refers to a particular subtype of Resource, or a fully qualified instance of Resource, and when applied to a fully qualified Resource the value of a parameter is produced.

Note that, since all capitalized names are types, names that are taken to be specializations of Resource e.g. Resource['File'] == File. For more information see Resource Type

A Resource type has three forms:

  • open - Any Resource
  • typed - Specific resource type
  • reference - Specific resource instance reference


  : OpenResource | TypedResource | ResourceReference | ResourceTypeExpression

# Any expression that evaluates to a Resource Type in some form
  : Expression<Type<Resource>>

  : 'Resource'

  : 'Resource' '[' type_name = TypeNameExpression ']'
  : 'Resource' 
      '[' type_name = TypeNameExpression 
          titles += Expression<String> (',' titles += Expression<String>)*

  : Expression<String>
  | ResourceType

These rules apply:

  • If expressed as just Resource (no [] part), a Resource type in open form is created.

  • Accepts one or multiple keys

    • When the form is open:
      • The first key must evaluate to a Resource type (type key), or a String resource type name
        • Case is ignored if a string is given.
      • Subsequent (optional) reference keys must evaluate to String
      • Produces a single typed Resource type when there are fewer than 2 reference keys, and an array of reference Resource types otherwise
    • When the form is typed:
      • The keys are all reference keys and must evaluate to String
      • Produces a single reference Resource type when there are fewer than 2 reference keys, and an array of reference Resource types otherwise
    • When the form is reference:
      • The keys are references to the parameters of the referenced resource and must evaluate to String.
      • Produces a single value when there is a single key, and an array of values otherwise
  • In all forms, a syntax error is raised if there are no keys.


Resource                           # => any resource type
Resource[File]                     # => File
Resource['File']                   # => File
Resource['file']                   # => File
Resource[file]                     # => File
Resource[File, '/tmp/x']           # => File['/tmp/x']
Resource[File]['/tmp/x']           # => File['/tmp/x']
Resource[File, '/tmp/x', '/tmp/y]  # => [File['/tmp/x'], File['/tmp/y']]
File                               # => File
file                               # => "file" (a string, not a Resource type)
File['/tmp/x']                     # => File['/tmp/x']
File['/tmp/x', '/tmp/y']           # => [File['/tmp/x'], File['/tmp/y']]

File['/tmp/x'][mode]               # => the value of the file /tmp/x's mode parameter

This shows that the left hand type can be specialized; an open Resource to a specific typed Resource, and a typed resource to a specific (titled) Reference resource (instance), and then further specialized to refer to a parameter of a referenced resource.

If a parameter is not explicitly set, a default value is returned if a user defined type's parameter has a default value expression, or if there is an already evaluated Resource Defaults expression that defines a default value for that type/parameter. In all other cases the result is undef for a parameter that is not explicitly set.

  • It is an error to attempt to get a value for a name that is not an attribute of the type
  • It is an error to attempt to get a value from a resource that is not instantiated (it may be virtual or exported and unrealized)
  • Note that Evaluation of parameter lookup is evaluation order dependent and that resource instantiation is lazily evaluated. (This means that a resource instantiation followed immediately by a parameter access will not be able to get default values due to the lazy/ queuing behavior of resource evaluation. See Modus Operandi.
  • Note that accessing a default value set via a Resource Defaults expression depends on evaluation order as the Resource Defaults expression must have been evaluated for it to have any effect. See Modus Operandi.
  • Note that a collector expression with an override clause may modify attribute values of resources and that overrides are evaluated late.

Due to the dependency on evaluation order and that late evaluating overrides and Resource Override expressions accessed resource parameter values may be different than what the value eventually ends up being in the produced catalog.

Integer Type [ ]

Produces a new Integer type with a range. An Integer type has the default range -Infinity to +Infinity. An Integer range where one or both ends is Infinity is said to be an open range, else it is a closed range. The set of values in a range is inclusive of the given values.

It is possible to iterate over the values in a closed range. The range can be described as an ascending or descending range (the values in the set are the same, but the order is different).


  : Expression<Type<Integer>> '[' exact = IntegerRangeValue ']'
  | Expression<Type<Integer>> '[' from = IntegerRangeValue ',' to = IntegerRangeValue ']'
  : Expression<Integer>
  | 'default'
  • Accepts one or two integer range values
  • A range value must evaluate to Integer, or to literal default
  • A value of default means -Infinity if given as the value of from, and +Infinity if given as to. If only an exact value of default is given this is the same as Integer[default, default], which again is the same as just Integer (i.e. all integers +/- Infinity).
  • The from value may be greater than the to value
  • Values may be negative
  • If the to key is smaller than the first key the direction of the range is in descending order, while the range of values is the same as if they were specified in ascending order. (This only matters if the type is enumerated).


Integer[2]        # the exact value 2
Integer[1,3]      # values 1 to 3 inclusive
Integer[3,1]      # values 3 to 1 inclusive

Integer[1,3].each {|x| . . . }   # iterate over 1,2,3
It is the type that represents a range and values are created on demand when iterating (no array should be generated).

Float Type [ ]

Produces a new Float type with a range. A Float type has the default range -Infinity to +Infinity. A Float range where one or both ends is Infinity is said to be an open range, else it is a closed range. The set of values in the range is inclusive of the given values.

It is not possible to iterate over the values (in contrast to an Integer range). The range can be described as an ascending or descending range (the values in the set are the same).


  : Expression<Type<Float>> '[' exact = FloatRangeValue ']'
  | Expression<Type<Float>> '[' from = FloatRangeValue ',' to = FloatRangeValue ']'
  : Expression<Numeric>
  | 'default'
  • Accepts one or two keys
  • Keys must evaluate to a Float, or an Integer, or to literal default
  • A value of default means -Infinity if given as the value of from, and +Infinity if given as to. If only an exact value of default is given this is the same as Float[default, default], which again is the same as just Float (i.e. all floating point values in the range +/- Infinity).
  • The from value may be greater than the to value.
  • The range values may be negative.


Float[2]          # the exact value 2.0
Float[2.0]        # the exact value 2.0
Float[1, 3.2]     # values 1.0 to 3.2 inclusive
Float[3.2,1.5]    # values 3.2 to 1.5 inclusive
Float[-1.0,1.0]   # values -1.0 to 1.0 inclusive
It is not possible to enumerate a `Float` range.

Timespan Type [ ]

Produces a new Timespan type with a range. A Timespan type has the default range -Infinity to +Infinity. A Timespan range where one or both ends is Infinity is said to be an open range, else it is a closed range. The set of values in the range is inclusive of the given values.


  : Expression<Type<Timespan>> '[' exact = TimespanRangeValue ']'
  | Expression<Type<Timespan>> '[' from = TimespanRangeValue ',' to = TimespanRangeValue ']'
  : Expression<Timespan>
  | Expression<Initializer[Timespan]>
  | Expression<String>
  | Expression<Integer>
  | Expression<Float>
  | 'default'
  • Accepts one or two keys
  • Keys must evaluate to a Timespan, an Initializer[Timespan], a String, a Float, an Integer, or to literal default
  • A key that evaluates to Initializer[Timespan], a String, a Float, or an Integer, will be coerced into a Timespan instance
  • A value of default means -Infinity if given as the value of from, and +Infinity if given as to. If only an exact value of default is given this is the same as Timespan[default, default], which again is the same as just Timespan (i.e. all floating point values in the range +/- Infinity).
  • The from value may be greater than the to value.
  • The range values may be negative.


Timespan[2]                        # a timespan of 2 seconds
Timespan[77.3]                     # a timespan of 1 minute, 17 seconds, and 300 milliseconds
Timespan[{hour => 1}, {hour => 2}] # a timespan between 1 and two hours
Timespan['1-00:00:00', '2-00:00:00'] # a timespan between 1 and 2 days
Timespan[Timespan('11', '%H'), Timespan('12', '%H')]              # a timespan between 11 and 12 hours
Timespan['1-00:00:00', Timespan({days => 2, nanoseconds => -1})] # a timespan between 1 and up to (but not including) 2 days
It is not possible to enumerate a `Timespan` range.

Timestamp Type [ ]

Produces a new Timestamp type with a range. A Timestamp type has the default range -Infinity to +Infinity. A Timestamp range where one or both ends is Infinity is said to be an open range, else it is a closed range. The set of values in the range is inclusive of the given values.


  : Expression<Type<Timestamp>> '[' exact = TimestampRangeValue ']'
  | Expression<Type<Timestamp>> '[' from = TimestampRangeValue ',' to = TimestampRangeValue ']'
  : Expression<Timestamp>
  | Expression<Initializer[Timestamp]>
  | Expression<String>
  | Expression<Integer>
  | Expression<Float>
  | 'default'
  • Accepts one or two keys
  • Keys must evaluate to a Timestamp, an Initializer[Timestamp], a String, a Float, an Integer, or to literal default
  • A key that evaluates to Initializer[Timestamp], a String, a Float, or an Integer, will be coerced into a Timestamp instance
  • A value of default means -Infinity if given as the value of from, and +Infinity if given as to. If only an exact value of default is given this is the same as Timestamp[default, default], which again is the same as just Timestamp (i.e. all floating point values in the range +/- Infinity).
  • The from value may be greater than the to value.
  • The range values may be negative.


Timestamp['2000-01-01T00:00:00.000', default] # a timestamp in the 21st century or later
Timestamp['2012-10-10']                       # The exact Timestamp 2012-10-10T00:00:00.0 UTC
Timestamp[default, 1433116800]                # A Timestamp <= 2015-06-01T00:00:00 UTC (here expressed as seconds since epoch
Timestamp['2010-01-01', '2015-12-31T23:59:59.999999999'] # A timestamp greater >= year 2010 and < 2016. 
It is not possible to enumerate a `Timestamp` range.

Optional Type [ ]

Produces a new Optional type for a given single type. For more information about the type see Optional Type.

  : Expression<Type<Optional>> ('['
      type = Expression<Type>
  • A single type can be given as parameter
  • It is an error if the list of parameters is empty

Variant Type [ ]

Produces a new Variant type for the given set of types. For more information about the type see Variant Type.

  : Expression<Type<Variant>> ('['
      types += Expression<Type> (',' types += Expression<Type>)*
  • One or more types can be given as parameters
  • It is an error if the list of parameters is empty

Type Type [ ]

Produces a new Type type for a given single type. For more information about the type see Type.

  : Expression<Type<Type>> ('['
      type = Expression<Type>
  • A single type can be given as parameter
  • It is an error if the list of parameters is empty

Type SemVer [ ]

Produces a new SemVer type that matches one or a (possibly disjunct) set of version ranges. For more information about the type see SemVer.

A SemVer type is constructed from one or more:

  • Strings - each in Semantic Version string form, which can represent a single versio or a range
  • An instance of SemVer
  • An instance of SemVerRange

Function Calls

The Puppet Programming Language supports calling functions.

Function calls come in three forms:

  • statement - arguments to the function does not require parentheses, may not appear in expressions, have syntactical restrictions on their arguments. Only a handful of explicitly listed functions can be called this way. Users can not add new statement type functions as their names are determined by the Puppet Parser.
  • prefix
    • function name is first, arguments are always given in parentheses.
    • Type expression is first, arguments are always given in parentheses.
  • infix - uses '.' to apply a function to the first argument to the function. Additional arguments are placed in parentheses after the function name (for example, $x.notice, $x.notice($y)).


  : QualifiedName Expression (',' Expression)* 

  : (QualifiedName | Expression<Type>) arguments = ArgumentList LambdaExpression?

   : Expression '.' QualifiedName ('(' Expression (',' Expression)* ','? ')')? LambdaExpression?

  :  '(' args += Expression (',' args += Expression)* ','? ')'

  : '|' ParameterList? '|' ReturnType? '{' Statements? '}'

  : ParameterDeclaration (',' ParameterDeclaration)* ','?

  : type= Expression<Type>?
    varag ?= '*'?
    name = VariableExpression ('=' default_value = Expression)?

VariableExpression : VARIABLE ;  # e.g. $x, $my_param

  : '>>' Expression<Type>


  • In 4x the Qualified Name function name is not restricted to a simple name (in 3x all functions are in the same namespace, and in 4.x they can be namespaced).
  • A function may be called using any of the three styles (statement style is restricted to a given list of functions, see below) - there is no difference in evaluation between them - only syntactical differences, and the varying support for calls without arguments, and passing an optional lambda.
  • Functions that are declared (in their 3x plugin logic) to be :rvalue functions produce a value, those that that are declared to be :statement produce undef as their result.
  • The 4x function API (for plugin Ruby functions) do not make a distinction between r-value and statement type, they all produce a value, and a function should produce Ruby nil (mapped to undef) if no other valid return value is suitable.
  • A function call is never an L-value (a function can not produce something that is assignable).
  • A call to a Type is the same as calling the function new with that type as the first argument.


  • Parameters may be optionally typed by preceding them with a type expression
  • An untyped parameter defaults to Any
  • The last parameter may optionally be marked as captures rest when prefixed with a splat *
  • A parameter with a default value expression may not appear to the left of one without

Statement Style:

  • StatementStyleCall may only appear at top level in a file, or in a block (i.e. the body of a Case Proposition, the conditional blocks for if, unless, else, elsif, the blocks constituting the body of class and define expressions.
  • As shown in the grammar above, a StatementStyleCall requires an argument; a call without arguments requires use of one of the other two styles.
  • A function implementation may invoke the lambda that is given to it, but it may not use it after the function has returned (and it may not return the lambda).
  • This style cannot be used when the argument is a literal Hash because the expression is indistinguishable from a resource expression without title. (PUP-979)
  • A statement type call always produces undef.


require 'myclass'

Functions that allow being called using statement style:

# catalog manipuation

# logging

# stop execution

# raises an error as it is discontinued

Prefix Style:

  • Requires parentheses around the 0-n arguments
  • Accepts an optional lambda
  • May appear anywhere where an Expression can appear


$pi = sprintf("%.4f", 3.1415123)     # => '3.1415'
map([1,2,3]) |$x| { $x * 10 }        # => [10, 20, 30]

Postfix Style

  • Accepts leaving out the parentheses around an empty argument list
  • The RHS of the . operator is given to the function as the first argument (argument 0)
  • Any additional arguments (given within parentheses) are given to the function as argument 1-n)
  • Parentheses are required around additional arguments
  • Accepts an optional lambda after the (optional) argument list


[1,2,3].map |$x| { $x * 10 }                                    # => [10, 20, 30]
[1,2,3].reduce(10) |$memo, $x| { $memo + $x }                   # => 16
'myclass'.require                                               # => undef
[1,2,3].map |$x| { $x * 10 }.reduce |$memo, $x| { $memo + $x }  # => 60


  • A Lambda is an unnamed function, it has an optional ParameterList that declares the name and an optional default value expression (if too few arguments are given when it is invoked).
  • Parameter declarations with default value expressions must come after parameter declarations without default value expressions.
  • The parameter list is syntactically the same as the parameter list for a Resource Type definitions, and a Class definitions.
  • Evaluation of default value expressions take place in the scope where the lambda is declared.
  • Since 4.7.0 it is possible to specify the expected return type of a lambda. An automatic type assertion will be made when the lambda has a specified return type.

Calling Types - new-operation Since 4.5.0.

Calling a type - for example:


creates a new instance of the type and an assertion is made that the value is compliant with the type. An error is raised if the result is not compliant.


Would fail, since the result is not within the given range 0-10.

The parameters are specific to each type - see the documentation per type.

A call to a type is equivalent to calling the function new with the type as the first argument.

Function Call Semantics

  • Given arguments are assigned to parameters left to right
  • The type of the given argument must be compatible with the specified type
  • If a value is not given for a parameter that has no default argument an error is raised
  • If more values are specified than there are parameters and the last parameter is not a captures rest, and error is raised.
  • If the last parameter is a captures rest and there is no given argument for it, its value is an empty array (unless it has a default expression that will be used in this case).
  • If the last parameter is a captures rest and there is one or more given arguments for it, the value is an Array with the captured arguments as values.
  • Each argument captured by a captures rest parameter must comply with the parameters specified type such as T $param produces a value compatible with an Array[T, 0, default].
  • A given undef value counts as given and does not trigger substitution with the value of the default expression.
  • Function call supports unfolding arrays into individual arguments.
A future version may make named function definition available in the Puppet Programming Language. A future version may introduce real closures, allowing lambdas to be invoked after a function has returned.

Argument Unfold / Splat Support

Function calls (all styles) support unfolding arrays into individual arguments. The expression is an unary * (referred to as 'splat') followed by the array. When splat is applied to a non array, is is a no-op.

Technically, the Unfold Expression is not evaluated when used in an argument - it is simply (as the name implies) unfolded.

# These two calls are equivalent
foo( *[1,2,3])

Splat is an unary and non-associative operator.

Conditional Expressions

The conditional expressions are R-Value Expressions.

The conditional expressions are:

  • if (else elsif)
  • unless (else)
  • case
  • selector - i.e x ? y => z

if (elsif, else) expression


  : 'if' IfPart
  : TestExpression '{' Statements? '}' ElsePart? 
  : 'elsif' IfPart
  | 'else' '{' Statements? '}'
TestExpression : Expression ;  

The TestExpression is evaluated, and if "thruty" the IfPart statements are evaluated, else the ElsePart. If the ElsePart is an IfPart the evaluation recurses until either an IfPart is evaluated, an unconditional ElsePart is evaluated (if one exists), or until there are no more parts.

  • The last evaluated expression in the selected expression block is produced as a result
  • If all conditionals evaluated to false, and there was no ElsePart, the produced result is undef.

unless (else) expression

Unless is the equivalent of if !(TestExpression), but does not have an 'elsif' or (fictitous) elsunless part.


  : 'unless' TestExpression '{' Statements? '}' ('else' '{' Statements? '}')?
TestExpression : Expression ;  

case expression

A case expression tests a value Expression against a series of propositions. The first matching proposition triggers the evaluation of an associated set of statements. If no matching proposition exists, a default proposition is selected if one exists.


  : 'case' case_expression = Expression<R> '{' Propositions? '}'
  : Option (',' Option)* ':' '{' Statements? '}'
  : Expression<R>
  | LambdaExpression
  | 'default'
  • the case_expression is evaluated first
  • options are evaluated in the order they are given; top-down, with option propositions evaluated left to right until one proposition matches.
    • each proposition is evaluated before a match is performed using the produced value
  • A match is computed as:
    • if the option is a literal default, the option is skipped (this rule does not apply recursively). (PUP4520)
    • if the option is a Regexp the value must be a string for the match to trigger
    • if the option is a Type and the value is not, the option matches if the value is an instance of the type.
    • if the option is a SemVerRange the value matches using operator =~ semantics (version in range)
    • the option matches if the option and value both are of Array type, have the same length, and all entries in the option match the corresponding entry in the value (using the case matching rules recursively).
    • the option matches if the option and the value are both of Hash type, and the option key-value pairs match entries in the value hash by having identical keys and matching value (using the case matching rules recursively).
    • a literal default nested inside an Array or Hash always matches the corresponding entry. Such a default is not considered to be the case expression's default entry.
    • the option matches if it is a lambda expression and the call of this lambda expression with result of the evaluated case_expression unfolded as arguments results in a value that is neither false nor undef. (PUP-4193)
    • in all other cases, the option matches if the value is equal (using operator == semantics) to the option value.
  • If one of the options match, the proposition's associated Statements are evaluated
    • remaining options in the same proposition are not evaluated
    • if the case_expression evaluated to literal default it will match the default option without first testing the remaining options.
  • The result of evaluating the last expression in the Statements is produced as result
  • If no matching options was found, and one option is the literal default, the Statements
    associated with the Proposition with a default option is selected.
  • If no matching Statements were evaluated, the result is undef
  • The default may appear anywhere in the list of propositions, but may only appear once in one proposition.
  • When a match is made with a regular expressions, the numerical match variables are set as a side effect. When the case expression has been evaluated, the previously set match variables are restored. (TODO: same comment for if etc)
  • It is an error to have more than one option with a literal default value in the same case expression. (PUP-978)
  • An option producing a literal default does not count as the default entry. It will only be
    triggered if the case_expression itself is a literal default.
  • An option that is an Unfold Expression (splat) transforms the given expression to individual options. A splatted default does not count as the default entry.
  • If no option matched in any proposition, the proposition that had a skipped default option is selected (PUP4520). If there is no such default entry, no option is selected and the value of the case expression is undef.


# example 1
case $observed {

  'cat', 'sylvester': { 
    notice 'I taw a puddy cat'
  'seed': {
    notice 'Feed me!'
  'toe': {
    notice 'This widdle piddy went to market' 

# example 2 - using cases an expression
notice case $name {

  'paul', 'ringo', 'george', 'john': { 
    'One of The Beatles'
  'mick', 'keith', 'charlie', 'ronnie': {
    'One of The Rolling Stones'
  default: { 'In Some other band' }

# example 3 - using type
notice case [1,2,50] {

  Array[Integer[1,49]]: {
    'in range'
  default : {
    'out of range'

# example 4 - using matching array
$x = [green, 2, $whatever]
case $x {
  [/ee/, Integer[0,10], default] : {
    notice 'this will be noticed'
  default: {
    notice 'this will not be noticed'

Option Support for Unfold/Splat

If an option is an unary Unfold Expression, it is unfolded into individual options for the same Proposition before matching takes place.

case $x {
  *[paul, ringo, george, john] : {
    'One of The Beatles'

case $x {
  you, *[paul, ringo, george, john], me : {
    'One of The Beatles, you, or me ;-)'

? (selector) expression

Matches a LHS expression against a sequence of propositions. The value expression associated with the matching option expression is evaluated and produced as the result.

The semantics are the same as for the case expression with the exception that an error is raised if no match is found.


  : selector_expression = Expression '?' Proposition | '{' Propositions '}'
  : Option '=>' Value
  : Proposition (',' Proposition)* ','?
Option: Expression<R> ;
Value: Expression<R> ;
  • The selector_expression is evaluated first
  • the Proposition expressions are processed from top to bottom
    • the Option expression is evaluated
    • The proposition matches if the Option matches using the same match semantics as for case expression propositions
    • The result of the SelectorExpression is the result of the Value expression if the Proposition was matched.
    • If a proposition is the literal default it is set aside and its value expression is used if no other proposition matched.
  • If no match was found (and there was no default proposition), an error is raised.
  • An option that is a Regexp sets the match variables $0-$n, and makes them available in the Value expression. The match variables are restored when the value expression has been evaluated.
  • It is an error to have more than one option with default value. (PUP-978)


# Ex 1.
$x = $y ? sad => blue
# the same as
$x = if $y == sad { blue }

# Ex 2.
$x = $y ? {
  hot     => red,
  sad     => blue,
  seasick => green,
  default => normal,
# The same as
$x = case $y {
  hot: { red }
  sad: { blue }
  seasick: { green }
  default: { normal }

Option Support for Unfold/Splat

The Selector Expression supports unfold/splat the same way as in Case Expression.

Definition Expressions

The Puppet Language has several definition expressions:

  • Function definition
  • User defined resource definition
  • Host Class definition
  • Type Alias definition

The user defined resource definition and host class definition expressions are specified in Catalog Expressions, and function definition in Puppet Functions, and Function API.

Type Alias Expression

The Type Alias Expression makes it possible to assign a type definition to a type name, and use the new type name as a 100% equivalence to the assigned type.

In this version of the specification, only the case of the initial letter in each name segment is significant; MyType is equivalent to MYTYPE, MytYPe, etc. This may change in a later release.

The grammar is:

  : 'type' QualifiedReference '=' Expression<Type>

Example use:

type PositiveInts = Array[Integer[0, default]]
$a = [1,2,3] ~= PositiveInts
$b = Array[Integer[0, default]] == PositiveInts

Would set both $a and $b to true.

Type references are autoloaded from the environment and modules. The autoloading rules are:

  • The name of the file must be in lower case.
  • No underscore _ should be used to separate words in a camel cased name; the file for MyType should be mytype.pp, not my_type.pp.
  • Each namespace segment maps to a directory path with the same name.
  • For a module, the <module_root>/types corresponds to the module's namespace.
  • For an environment, the <env_root>/types corresponds to the global namespace.
  • For an environment, it is recommended to always use the Environment:: namespace under <env_root>/types/environment.
  • An autoloaded type alias .pp file may only contain a single type alias. No other expressions are allowed (comments are).
  • The autoloaded type alias must use the full namespace on the left hand side, e.g. MyModule::MyType, or MyModule::Nested::MyType for a nested namespace.

Type references may be created in any manifest, but this should be avoided as they cannot be autoloaded and is affected by the order in which manifests are loaded and evaluated. This is mainly supported to enable writing small examples and experimentation.

In general:

  • Type aliases are processed before the rest of the logic in the file.
  • All types are allowed on the RHS, even the alias being defined (this creates a self recursive type).
  • Recursive types are supported in general, i.e. not only by direct recursion created by using the alias being defined on the RHS.

Example: Type Aliases are defined before evaluation takes place

function foo(MyType $x) {
  notice $x
notice foo(42)

type MyType = Integer[42,42]

Examples of recursive types:

type IntegerTree = Array[Variant[Integer, IntegerTree]]
type Mix = Variant[Integer, String, MixedTree]
type MixedTree = Array[Variant[Mix, MixedTree]]

function integer_tree(IntegerTree $x) {
  notice $x
integer_tree( [1, 2, [42, 4], [[[ 5 ]]] ] )

function mixed(MixedTree $x) {
  notice $x
mixed( [1, 2, [hello, 4], [[[ 5, deep ]]] ] )

Since 4.4.0