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109 lines (76 loc) · 4.12 KB

File metadata and controls

109 lines (76 loc) · 4.12 KB


v1.6.0 (2014-03-03)


  • Dropped Node.js 0.6 support.
  • Supported awssum 1.2.0.
  • Supported Groonga 4.0.0.
  • Supported - for domain name.
  • [GitHub#141] Supported parameters specified by HTTP request body. Reported by zjx20. Thanks!!!


  • [GitHub#142] Fixed a bug that _ is treated as invalid character. Reported by zjx20. Thanks!!!


  • zjx20

v1.5.0 (booked at 2012-12-26)

API compatibility

  • Id part of "DocService/Arn", "SearchService/Arn", and "DomainId" of "DomainStatus" are now returned with the value different from the domain id string in the endpoint host name correctly. You always need to refer "DocService/Endpoint" or "SearchService/Endpoint" to know endpoint host names.
  • DefineIndexField never merge newly specified options with previously defined options. (In other words, now DefineIndexField always clear old options.)
  • XML SDF batches are now acceptable. (Note: all responses from documents/batch API are still returned in JSON.)

Command line interface

  • gcs-configure-from-sdf is now available. You can define multiple index fields from existing SDF file.

  • The option "--base-host" for the command bin/gcs is now obsolete. You don't need to give host name of the server to the server process anymore.

  • gcs-configure-fields now accept multiple "--option" options, like:

    $ gcs-configure-fields -d domain --name field --type literal --option search result


    $ gcs-configure-fields -d domain --name field --type literal --option search --option result


  • An environment variable GCS_BASE_HOST is now obsolete. You don't need to give host name of the server to the server process anymore.

v1.4.0 (2012-11-29)

API compatibility

  • Now "x-amzn-requestid" header is returned by the configuration API.
  • Support "rank" parameter for the search API partially. (Only simple sort is supported. Custom rank expressions are not available yet.)
  • Number of searchable documents is returned as a part of response from DescribeDomains action.
  • Error responses for CreateDomain, DeleteDomain, and other actions are now have better compatibility with Amazon CloudSearch.
  • "DocService/Arn", "SearchService/Arn" and "Processing" are returned as parts of domain statuses.
  • Now you can re-define existing index field with different type.
  • Now "facet enabled" and "result enabled" options of index fields are exclusive.
  • Creation and updated dates of index fields and domain options are stored correctly.
  • Update version of index fields are stored correctly.

Command line interface tools

  • Command line interface tools accept "-e" (or "--endpoint") option to specify the endpoint of the configuration API. For the gcs-post-sdf command, "--endpoint" has been renamed to "--document-endpoint".


  • The daemon is now configurable about port number, host name, etc. See the file "/etc/default/gcs".
  • Log files (access.log, error.log and query.log) are available at /var/log/gcs for daemons.

v1.3.0 (2012-10-29)

  • Now command line interface tools communicate with Groonga CloudSearch Server via HTTP.
  • Dashboard (administration console) is now separated to another project "gcs-console".

v1.2.0 (2012-08-29)

  • Simple access-control mechanism based on IP ranges is now available.
  • Now search domains have their own unique IDs.
  • Support multiple values for an index fields.
  • Support facet returnable index fields.
  • Support "facet" parameter for the search API.
  • Support "bq" parameter (complex queries) for the search API.
  • Following command line interface tools are now available.
    • gcs-create-domain
    • gcs-delete-domain
    • gcs-describe-domain
    • gcs-configure-field (create, update, and delete)
    • gcs-configure-text-options (for synonyms)
    • gcs-configure-default-search-field (Groonga CloudSearch’s extension)
    • gcs-post-sdf

v1.1.0 (2012-07-26)

  • New actions, "DeleteDomain", "DeleteIndexField" and "IndexDocuments" are available for the Configuration API.
  • Supports "delete" type batches by the documents API.

v1.0.0 (2012-07-05)

  • Initial release.