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gmt4 edited this page Jun 7, 2023 · 21 revisions

Contribute answers in a Q: A: format to your favorite Frequently Asked Questions.

Windows support ?

The current focus is on UNIX/Linux OSes, supporting Windows is out of scope ATM. Your best aim for using mpvc under Windows is to follow mpv documentation:

  • First, step should be installing Cygwin/MSYS2 and mpv.
  • Second, step should be getting mpvc.
  • Third, should be getting a socat (see socat.ps1) replacement command under windows to perform read/write on the MPVC_SOCKET named pipe used by mpv/mpvc.
  • Last, AFAIK nobody has got to this point, so if somebody gets mpvc working on windows, report back, and update this.

MPRIS support ?

Check mpv-mpris instruction, below is a quick setup:

mkdir -p ~/.config/mpv/scripts
curl -fsSL -o ~/.config/mpv/scripts/

Then, once mpv speaks MPRIS, if your WM does not speak MPRIS, get playerctl.

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