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228 lines (178 loc) · 12.1 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


  • Added Kernelised Stein Discrepancy divergence in coreax.metrics.KSD.
  • Added the coreax.solvers.recombination module, which provides the following new solvers:
    • RecombinationSolver: an abstract base class for recombination solvers.
    • CaratheodoryRecombination: a simple deterministic approach to solving recombination problems.
    • TreeRecombination: an advanced deterministic approach that utilises CaratheodoryRecombination, but is faster for solving all but the smallest recombination problems.
  • Added supervised coreset construction algorithm in coreax.solvers.GreedyKernelPoints
  • Added coreax.kernels.PowerKernel to replace repeated calls of coreax.kernels.ProductKernel within the ** magic method of coreax.kernel.ScalarValuedKernel
  • Added scalar-valued kernel functions coreax.kernels.PoissonKernel and coreax.kernels.MaternKernel
  • Added progress_bar attribute to coreax.score_matching.SlicedScoreMatching to enable or disable tqdm progress bar terminal output. Defaults to disabled (False).



  • Refactored functionality into
    • coreax.inverses.RegularisedInverseApproximator replaced by coreax.least_squares.RegularisedLeastSquaresSolver
    • coreax.inverses.LeastSquaresApproximator replaced by coreax.least_squares.MinimalEuclideanNormSolver
    • coreax.inverses.RandomisedEigendecompositionApproximator replaced by coreax.least_squares.RandomisedEigendecompositionSolver
  • Refactoring of into coreax.kernels sub-package:
    • holds utility functions relating to kernels e.g. median_heuristic.
    • holds the base kernel class ScalarValuedKernel (renamed from Kernel), as well as the base composite classes UniCompositeKernel (renamed from CompositeKernel), DuoCompositeKernel (renamed from PairedKernel) and the derived duo-composite kernels AdditiveKernel and ProductKernel
    • holds all currently implemented scalar valued kernels e.g. SquaredExponentialKernel.



  • All uses of coreax.kernel.Kernel should be replaced with coreax.kernels.base.ScalarValuedKernel.
  • All uses of coreax.kernel.UniCompositeKernel should be replaced with coreax.kernels.base.CompositeKernel.
  • All uses of coreax.kernel.PairedKernel should be replaced with coreax.kernels.base.DuoCompositeKernel.
  • All uses of coreax.kernel.AdditiveKernel should be replaced with coreax.kernels.base.AdditiveKernel.
  • All uses of coreax.kernel.ProductKernel should be replaced with coreax.kernels.base.ProductKernel.
  • All uses of coreax.kernel.LinearKernel should be replaced with coreax.kernels.scalar_valued.LinearKernel.
  • All uses of coreax.kernel.PolynomialKernel should be replaced with coreax.kernels.scalar_valued.PolynomialKernel.
  • All uses of coreax.kernel.SquaredExponentialKernel should be replaced with coreax.kernels.scalar_valued.SquaredExponentialKernel.
  • All uses of coreax.kernel.ExponentialKernel should be replaced with coreax.kernels.scalar_valued.ExponentialKernel.
  • All uses of coreax.kernel.RationalQuadraticKernel should be replaced with coreax.kernels.scalar_valued.RationalQuadraticKernel.
  • All uses of coreax.kernel.PeriodicKernel should be replaced with coreax.kernels.scalar_valued.PeriodicKernel.
  • All uses of coreax.kernel.LocallyPeriodicKernel should be replaced with coreax.kernels.scalar_valued.LocallyPeriodicKernel.
  • All uses of coreax.kernel.LaplacianKernel should be replaced with coreax.kernels.scalar_valued.LaplacianKernel.
  • All uses of coreax.kernel.SteinKernel should be replaced with coreax.kernels.scalar_valued.SteinKernel.
  • All uses of coreax.kernel.PCIMQKernel should be replaced with coreax.kernels.scalar_valued.PCIMQKernel.
  • All uses of coreax.util.median_heuristic should be replaced with coreax.kernels.util.median_heuristic.


  • Pyright to development tools (code does not pass yet)


  • Nitpicks in documentation build
  • Incorrect package version number


  • Augmented unroll parameter to be consistent with block size in MMD metric


  • Badge to README to show code coverage percentage.
  • Support for Python 3.12.
  • Added a deterministic, iterative, and greedy coreset algorithm which targets the Kernelised Stein Discrepancy via coreax.solvers.coresubset.SteinThinning.
  • Added a stochastic, iterative, and greedy coreset algorithm which approximates the Gramian of a given kernel function via coreax.solvers.coresubset.RPCholesky.
  • Added coreax.util.sample_batch_indices that allows one to sample an array of indices for batching.
  • Added kernel classes coreax.kernel.AdditiveKernel and coreax.kernel.ProductKernel that allow for arbitrary composition of positive semi-definite kernels to produce new positive semi-definite kernels.
  • Added additional kernel functions: coreax.kernel.Linear, coreax.kernel.Polynomial, coreax.kernel.RationalQuadratic, coreax.kernel.Periodic, coreax.kernel.LocallyPeriodic.
  • Added capability to approximate the inverses of arrays via least-squares (coreax.inverses.LeastSquaresApproximator) or randomised eigendecomposition (coreax.inverses.RandomisedEigendecompositionApproximator) all inheriting from coreax.inverses.RegularisedInverseApproximator,
  • Refactor of package to a functional style to allow for JIT-compilation of the codebase in the largest possible scope:
    • Added data classes and that draw distinction between supervised and unsupervised datasets, and handle weighted data. Replaces and
    • Added coreax.solvers.base.Solver to replace functionality in, and In particular, coreax.solvers.base.CoresubsetSolver parents coresubset algorithms, coreax.solvers.base.RefinementSolver parents coresubset algorithms which support refinement post-reduction, coreax.solvers.base.ExplicitSizeSolver parents all coreset algorithms which return a coreset of a specific size.
    • coreax.reduction.MapReduce functionality moved to coreax.solvers.composite.MapReduce, now JIT-compilable via promise described in coreax.solvers.base.PaddingInvariantSolver.
    • Moved all coresubset algorithms in to
    • All coreset algorithms now return a coreax.coreset.Coreset rather than modifying a coreax.reduction.Coreset in-place.
  • Use Equinox instead of manually constructing pytrees.


  • Wording improvements in README.
  • Documentation now builds without warnings.
  • GitHub workflow runs automatically after Pre-commit autoupdate.


  • Documentation has been rearranged.
  • Renamed coreax.weights.MMD to coreax.weights.MMDWeightsOptimiser and added deprecation warning.
  • Renamed coreax.weights.SBQ to coreax.weights.SBQWeightsOptimiser and added deprecation warning.
  • requirements-*.txt will no longer be updated frequently, thereby providing stable versions.
  • Single requirements files covering all supported Python versions.
  • All references to kernel_matrix_row_{sum,mean} have been replaced with Gramian row-mean.
  • coreax.networks.ScoreNetwork now allows the user to specify number of hidden layers.
  • Classes in and now inherit from equinox.Module.
  • Performance tests replaced by jit_variants tests, which checks whether a function has been compiled for reuse.
  • Replace some pygrep-hooks with ruff equivalents.
  • Use Pytest fixtures instead of unittest style.


  • Bash script to run integration tests has been removed. pytest tests/integration should now work as expected.
  • Tests for coreax.kernels.Kernel.{calculate, update}_kernel_matrix_row_sum.
  • coreax.util.KernelComputeType; use Callable[[ArrayLike, ArrayLike], Array] instead.
  • coreax.kernels.Kernel.calculate_kernel_matrix_row_{sum,mean}; use coreax.kernels.Kernel.gramian_row_mean.
  • coreax.kernels.Kernel.updated_kernel_matrix_row_sum; use coreax.kernels.Kernel.gramian_row_mean if possible.
  • and; use and
  • and removed; use coreax.solvers.base.RefinementSolver or coreax.solvers.base.CoresubsetSolver to define coreset algorithms in coreax.solvers.coresubset.
  • coreax.reduction removed, use coreax.solvers.base.ExplicitSizeSolver in place of coreax.reduction.SizeReduce and coreax.solvers.composite.MapReduce in place of coreax.reduction.MapReduce. Use coreax.coreset.Coreset and coreax.coreset.Coresubset in place of coreax.reduction.Coreset.


  • All uses of coreax.weights.MMD should be replaced with coreax.weights.MMDWeightsOptimiser.
  • All uses of coreax.weights.SBQ should be replaced with coreax.weights.SBQWeightsOptimiser.
  • All uses of coreax.util.squared_distance_pairwise should be replaced with coreax.util.pairwise(squared_distance).
  • All uses of coreax.util.pairwise_difference should be replaced with coreax.util.pairwise(difference).


  • Base Coreax package using Object-Oriented Programming incorporating:
    • coreset methods: kernel herding, random sample
    • reduction strategies: size reduce, map reduce
    • kernels: squared exponential, Laplacian, PCIMQ, Stein
    • refinement: regular, reverse, random
    • metrics: MMD
    • approximations of kernel matrix row sum mean: random, ANNchor, Nystrom
    • weights optimisers: SBQ, MMD
    • score matching: sliced score matching, kernel density estimation
    • I/O: array data not requiring any preprocessing
  • Near-complete unit test coverage.
  • Example scripts for coreset generation, which may be called as integration tests.
  • Bash script to run integration tests in sequence to avoid Jax errors.
  • Detailed documentation for the Coreax package published to Read the Docs.
  • including an overview of what coresets are, setup instructions, a how-to guide, example applications and an overview of features coming soon.
  • Support for Python 3.9-3.11.
  • Project configuration and dependencies through pyproject.toml.
  • Requirements files providing a pinned set of dependencies that are known to work for each supported Python version.
  • Mark Coreax as typed.
  • This changelog to make it easier for users and contributors to see precisely what notable changes have been made between each release of the project.
  • to address any commonly asked questions.
  • Contributor guidelines, code of conduct, license and security policy.
  • Git configuration.
  • GitHub Actions to run unit tests on Windows, macOS and Ubuntu for supported Python versions.
  • Pre-commit checks to run the following, also checked by GitHub Actions:
    • black
    • isort
    • pylint
    • cspell spell check with custom dictionaries for library names, people and miscellaneous
    • pyroma
    • pydocstyle
    • assorted file format and encoding checks


  • Look-before-you-leap validation of all input to public functions