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  • a C++ compiler that supports at least C++20
  • a SYCL 2020 implementation, such as AdaptiveCpp and intel/llvm
  • Boost libraries
    • the version of Boost libraries required may be newer than that provided by system package manager (see below "BOOST_INLINE and HIP conflicts")
    • Debian-like: libboost-all-dev
    • RHEL-like: boost-devel
  • hwloc (optional)
  • FFTW 3 (optional)
    • Debian-like: libfftw-dev
    • RHEL-like: fftw-devel
  • Qt 5 (optional)
    • Debian-like: qtdeclarative5-dev qml-module-qtquick2 qml-module-qtquick-window2
    • RHEL-like: qt5-qtdeclarative-devel
    • Qt 6 not working (TODO)
  • Python 3 with development headers & numpy & matplotlib
    • Debian-like: python3-numpy python3-matplotlib

if ROCm backend enabled, additional dependencies:

  • ROCm
  • hipfft
  • rocfft

if CUDA backend enabled, additional dependencies:

  • CUDA toolkit
  • cufft

if MUSA backend enabled, additional dependencies:

  • MUSA toolkit
  • mufft

Compiler requirements

SYCL compilers used should support these C++ / SYCL features:

  • C++ 20, for concept, std::identity, etc.
  • unified address part of SYCL USM
    • i.e. managed / shared memory is not required, but may useful for device with limited VRAM
  • parallel_for with nd_range
    • for emulation of sycl::reduction using modified SYCL Parallel STL
  • ... maybe others

Building System

This project uses CMake 3.

Configure options:

  • SRTB_SYCL_IMPLEMENTATION: switches SYCL implementation used. Default to AdaptiveCpp.
    • set to AdaptiveCpp to use AdaptiveCpp
    • set to intel-llvm to use intel/llvm
      • additionally, CMAKE_C_COMPILER & CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER should be set to intel/llvm installation (see example below)
    • the arch of target GPU, e.g. gfx906 or gfx1030, required if SRTB_ENABLE_ROCM is ON, otherwise no effect
    • the arch of target GPU, e.g. sm_86, required if SRTB_ENABLE_CUDA is set ON, otherwise no effect
  • for MUSA and OpenCL, should auto detect; or use SRTB_ENABLE_MUSA, SRTB_ENABLE_OPENCL to force
  • or for AdaptiveCpp the user may define ACPP_TARGETS directly, see doc of this variable

Example configure command: (assuming project path is $PROJECT_PATH)

  • using AdaptiveCpp:


  • using intel/llvm: (note C++ compiler is explicitly set here, assuming intel/llvm is installed at /opt/intel-llvm)
-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/opt/intel-llvm/bin/clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/opt/intel-llvm/bin/clang++ \

Compile-time configs

There are several compile-time configurations in srtb/config.hpp, some may be toggled for specific setup, e.g.

  • srtb::real = float or double, usually float for GPU (for less VRAM usage & avoid restriction of double FLOPs by some vendor)
  • SRTB_USE_USM_SHARED_MEMORY, define this to use sycl::usm::shared for device memory, or don't define it to use sycl::usm::device for device memory (in case shared memory is not supported)

Refer to this source file for more configurations and their docs.


1. BOOST_INLINE and HIP conflicts

See Boost.Config issue 392 , which means if compile for ROCm, Boost 1.80+ may be needed.

You may use CMake configure option BOOST_ROOT to set the Boost library used, i.e. add -DBOOST_ROOT=<path to installed Boost libraries> to configure command above.

2. configure error: "clangrt builtins lib not found"

If compile with intel/llvm, ROCm/HIP may search 'clang_rt.builtins' in intel/llvm, but this module isn't built by default.

To fix this, Add

--llvm-external-projects "compiler-rt"

when executing buildbot/

Also add openmp if needed, e.g. use intel/llvm as a compiler for AdaptiveCpp

3. cannot load shared libraries

When executing main program, some shared libraries may not be able to load:

simple-radio-telescope-backend: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

One cause is that intel/llvm is not installed to a location where ldconfig recognizes.

To fix this,

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/intel-llvm/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

where /opt/intel-llvm should be substituted by actural intel/llvm installation location.

4. QML compile error on old OS, e.g. Ubuntu 20.04

Patch is needed to support old Qt & C++ standard library:

diff --git a/userspace/include/srtb/gui/spectrum_image_provider.hpp b/userspace/include/srtb/gui/spectrum_image_provider.hpp
index c54ae76..5836f00 100644
--- a/userspace/include/srtb/gui/spectrum_image_provider.hpp
+++ b/userspace/include/srtb/gui/spectrum_image_provider.hpp
@@ -410,8 +410,8 @@ class SimpleSpectrumImageProvider : public QObject, public QQuickImageProvider {
   void trigger_update(size_t data_stream_id) {
     if (parent) {  // object should be main window
       QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent, "update_spectrum",
-                                Q_ARG(int, data_stream_id),
-                                Q_ARG(int, spectrum_update_counter));
+                                Q_ARG(QVariant, (int) data_stream_id),
+                                Q_ARG(QVariant, (int) spectrum_update_counter));
       SRTB_LOGD << " [SimpleSpectrumImageProvider] "
                 << "trigger update, spectrum_update_counter = "
diff --git a/userspace/include/srtb/io/udp/packet_parser.hpp b/userspace/include/srtb/io/udp/packet_parser.hpp
index ebdb29c..3ec6a60 100644
--- a/userspace/include/srtb/io/udp/packet_parser.hpp
+++ b/userspace/include/srtb/io/udp/packet_parser.hpp
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ struct gznupsr_a1_packet_parser {
         (static_cast<counter_type>(word[6])) |
         (static_cast<counter_type>(word[7]) << (CHAR_BIT * vdif_word_size));
-    const vdif_header vh = std::bit_cast<vdif_header>(word);
+    const vdif_header vh = sycl::bit_cast<vdif_header>(word);
     // TODO: timestamp
     return std::make_tuple(/* header_size = */ packet_header_size,
diff --git a/userspace/src/main.qml b/userspace/src/main.qml
index 57d4441..9777da8 100644
--- a/userspace/src/main.qml
+++ b/userspace/src/main.qml
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Window {
     property var spectrum_window: new Map()
     readonly property Component spectrum_window_component: Qt.createComponent("spectrum.qml")
-    function update_spectrum(window_id: int, counter: int) {
+    function update_spectrum(window_id, counter) {
         if (!spectrum_window.hasOwnProperty(window_id)) {
             spectrum_window[window_id] = 
                 spectrum_window_component.createObject(/* parent =  */ this, {