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420 lines (336 loc) · 15.9 KB

File metadata and controls

420 lines (336 loc) · 15.9 KB

kOS Mod Changelog


New Hotness

  • Updated fonts, Thanks @MrOnak
  • Now runtime errors show source location and call stack trace (Github issues #186 and #210). Example:
    Tried To push Infinity into the stack.
    At MyProgramFile2 on Archive, line 12
        PRINT var1/var2.
    Called from MyProgramFile1 on Archive, line 213
    RUN MyProgramFIle2("hello").
    Called from StartMission on Archive, line 2.
    RUN MyProgramFile1.
  • (WHEN and ON) Triggers that are taking longer than an Update is meant to take, and thus can freeze KSP are caught and reported (Github issue #104). Gives the user an explanatory message about the problem.
    • WARNING: Because of a change that had to be done for this, it is Highly recommended that you increase your InstructionsPerUpdate setting in config.xml to 150% as much as it was before (i.e. from 100 to 150, or if it was 200, make it 300.).
  • Multiple Terminal Windows - possible to have one open per CPU part. (Github issue #158)

Multiple Windows!

Old and Busted ( now fixed )

  • "rename" was deleting files instead of moving them. (Github issue #220).
  • Was parsing array index brakets "[..]" incorrectly when they were on the lefthand side of an assignment. (Github issue #219)
  • SHIP:SENSORS were reading the wrong ship's sensors sometimes in multi-ship scenarios. (GIthub issue #218 )
  • Integer and Floating point numbers were not quite properly interchangable like they were meant to be. (Github issue #209)


  • Fixed an issue with Dependancies that kept kOS modules from registering



  • BREAKING: Commrange has more or less been removed from stock kOS, we realized that most of the behavior of it was copied by other mods and was invisible to users
  • BREAKING: All direction references are now relative to the controlling part, not the vessel, this will only break on vessels there these two directions are not the same.
  • BREAKING: Direction:Vector will always return a unit vector.
  • BREAKING: Body:Velocity now returns a pair of orbit/surface velocities just like Vessel:Velocity does. (previously it returned just the orbit velocity as a single vector.)
  • BREAKING: Direction*Vector now returns the rotated Vector, and vectors can be rotated with DIRECTION suffix.
  • SHIP:APOAPSIS and SHIP:PERIAPSIS are deprecated for removal later, you can find them both under SHIP:OBT
  • SHIP:VESSELNAME is deprecated for later removal, use SHIP:NAME or SHIPNAME

New Features

  • Added the ability to get and set the current timewarp "Mode" either RAILS or PHYSICS
  • Added Boot files that will run when you get to the pad automatically, you select which one will run in the VAB thanks @WazWaz
  • Vessels and Bodies now can be used interchangeably as much as possible.
  • Three new prediction routines for finding state of an object at a future time:
  • POSITIONAT( Object, Time ).
  • VELOCITYAT( Object, Time ).
  • ORBITATAT( Object, Time ).
  • you can now get the FACING of all parts.
  • ITERATOR:END is now split into :NEXT and :ATEND
  • Direction can now always return a proper vector.
    • IE SHIP:FACING returned V(0,0,0) before
  • Added a 3d Drawing tool for letting you draw lines and labels.
  • Added a new and improved file editor so the edit command actually works again in game!
  • Added the ability to switch to MapView and back in code
  • ACTIVESHIP alias links to the ship that is currently under user direct control

Known Issues

  • due to issues with the new version of RemoteTech, you will always have a connection available for use with kOS.


  • if you have a target and attempt to set a new target and that fails, you would no longer have a target
  • increased power requirement of the kOS Module
  • Bodies are now targetable
  • MAXTHRUST no longer includes flamed out engines
  • resource floating values are now truncated to 2 significant digits to match the game UI and behavior
  • files saved to the local volume maintain their linebreaks
  • radar altimiter now returns a double
  • fixed an issues where setting some controls blocked the rest.
  • allow empty bodies on {} blocks
  • locks called from another lock are not correctly recognized
  • Neutralizing the controls will clear the values of all controls.
  • fixed node initialization
  • Better resource processing
  • LIST:COPY returns a kOS type that you can actually use
  • ORBIT:TRANSITION returns a string type that you can actually use.
  • Comments in code dont cause data loss on load/save



  • Fixed Terminal linewrap @ the bottom of the terminal
  • Fixed "Revert to Launch" button, it was blowing up the world and not allowing control before
  • Fixed LOCK s in subprograms
  • Fixed RemoteTech integration blowing up everything
  • Fixed flight controls not releasing when they should
  • Disabled RemoteTech Integration while RT development is stalled
  • Fix exception when trying to type a multiline instruction in the interpreter
  • srfprograde is available as a new shortcut
  • BODY now has an OBT suffix
  • Parts now have a SHIP suffix
  • You can now work with your target if that target is a docking port
  • Added a new PRESERVE keyword for repeating a trigger.
  • all active triggers are removed when a script is finished.


  • the aforementioned new parser by @marianoapp with all of its speed improvements and other goodies.
  • There's a config SpecialValue that can be used to control how some of the mod features work, like setting the execution speed, the integration with RT2 and starting from the archive volume.
  • The terminal screen can be scrolled using PageUp and PageDown
  • Negative numbers/expressions can be written starting with a minus sign, so no more "0-..."
  • Added ELSE syntax!
  • Added ELSE syntax!
  • Added NOT syntax!!
  • Added List square brackets [] as list subelement accessor
  • you can use variables as arguments for PRINT AT statements

This version adds a new 0.625m part. Thanks to SMA on this neat new addition.

  • it works as a kOS computer core
  • has 5000 units of code space
  • as a smaller part it is unlocked with "precision engineering" in career mode.
  • also has a light that will be controllable before the actual release

Bug fixes

  • Cannot "set" a variable that later will become a "lock" #13
  • Sanitize values sent to KSP #14
  • Strange order of operations: "and" seems to evaluate before ">" #20
  • moved some names back to "kOS"
  • Work on some structure's ToString return.
  • Parameters now get passed in the correct order
  • Ship resources no longer generate an error if they arent present
  • Ctrl+C now interrupts correctly once again.
  • ETA:TRANSITION returns the correct time.
  • Better handling of types.


  • BREAKING: Disk Space is now defined by the kOS part, existing missions might have the available space reduced to 500. (whaaw)

  • BREAKING: Vector * Vector Operator has been changed from V( X * X, Y * Y, Z * Z) to a dot product.

  • Added Ctrl+Shift+X hotkey to close the terminal window (jwvanderbeck)

  • Improved RemoteTech integration (jwvanderbeck) Current state is discussed

  • Added engine stats to the enginevalue

    • ACTIVE (get/set)
    • THROTTLELOCK (get)
    • THRUSTLIMIT (get/set)

  • Added a DockingPort Part Type, You can access it by "LIST DOCKINGPORTS IN ..."

  • Added PART:CONTROLFROM which centers the transform on that part.

  • Vector now has two new Suffixes

  • New math operators involving Vectors

    • VECTOREXCLUDE (VXCL) - projects one vector onto another
    • VECTORANGLE (VANG) - Returns the angle in degrees between from and to.
  • Direct control of vessel and nearby vessels (SHIP:CONTROL, TARGET:CONTROL)

    • YAW - Rotation (1 to -1)
    • PITCH - Rotation (1 to -1)
    • ROLL - Rotation (1 to -1)
    • FORE - Translation (1 to -1)
    • STARBOARD - Translation (1 to -1)
    • TOP - Translation (1 to -1)
    • ROTATION - Vector
    • TRANSLATION - Vector
    • NEUTRAL - bool,
    • MAINTHROTTLE (1 to -1)
    • WHEELTHROTTLE (1 to -1)
    • WHEELSTEER (1 to -1)
    • YAW - Rotation (1 to -1)
    • PITCH - Rotation (1 to -1)
    • ROLL - Rotation (1 to -1)
    • FORE - Translation (1 to -1)
    • STARBOARD - Translation (1 to -1)
    • TOP - Translation (1 to -1)
    • ROTATION - Vector
    • TRANSLATION - Vector
    • NEUTRALIZE - bool, releases vessel control,
    • MAINTHROTTLE (1 to -1)
    • WHEELTHROTTLE (1 to -1)
    • WHEELSTEER (1 to -1)
  • changing systems vessel load distance

    • LOADDISTANCE get/set for adjusting load distance for every vessel
    • VESSELTARGET:LOAD bool - is the vessel loaded
    • VESSELTARGET:PACKDISTANCE - Setter for pack distance for every vessel.
  • Added RANDOM() generator (0 - 1)

  • Power requirements are now directly tied to the active volume's size, the ARCHIVE's size is unlimited so it is capped at the equivalent of 50KB.


  • Thanks to enkido and jwvanderbeck for your help.

  • BREAKING: BODY, SHIP:BODY, TARGET:BODY now all return a Body structure rather than the name of the body


  • Basic RemoveTech Intergration

  • Added VOLUME:NAME to getting the current volume

  • Lists can now be populated with basic data that you can loop over or index Full Info

    • Bodies (eg Kerbin, Mun, Duna)
    • Targets - All Vessels other than current
    • Engines - Engines on the craft
    • Resources - All Ship Resources
    • Parts - All Ship Parts (slow)
    • Sensors - (eg Pres, Grav, Accel)
    • Elements - All flights connected to the active vessel
  • A Lot of bug fixes and refactoring

  • Constants (eg G, E, PI) are now retrieved using CONSTANT() rather than spreadout.

  • Commands resolve in order of descending specificity, rather than in the pseudorandom order they were in before

  • Added Math operators LN, LOG10, MIN, MAX.


  • Compatible with KSP 0.23 Thanks to Logris and MaHuJa for Commits

  • Added List() which creates a collection and the following commands

    • ADD - Adds the value of any variable
    • CONTAINS - Tests and returns if the value exists in the list
    • REMOVE - removes the item from the list if the list contains the item
    • LENGTH - returns a count of the items in the list
    • COPY - creates a copy of the list
    • You can also index into a list with # (ie LIST#1 gives you the second item in the list).
  • Added the following stats

  • Adding a few BODY members

    • RADIUS
    • MU - G * Body Mass
    • G - Gravitational Constant
    • ATM atmosphere info with sub elements
      • EXISTS
      • SCALE
      • HEIGHT
  • Added ORBIT to NODE

  • Added the following commands

    • UNSET #VARIABLE - remove the variable, ALL removes all variables Thanks a1070
    • FOR #USERVARIABLE IN #LIST takes a list and loops over it, exposing each item in the collection as a user defined variable
  • New close window action binding

  • Performance fixes


  • Fixed a bug where you couldn't have an IF or WHEN inside an UNTIL
  • Added INLIGHT


  • Fixed a bug where AND and OR wouldn't work on boolean values


  • New expression system added
  • Version Info can be grabbed programatically
  • Targeting of bodies, getting stats
  • Get values from other ships, just like current ship
  • Send commands to chutes, legs and solar panels individually
  • Round function to x decimals, modulo
  • Setting values on structures
  • Vectors now use double precision
  • Get apoapsis and periapsis of a node


  • Problems adding R() structures to headings
  • Some commands wouldn't allow dashes in filenames
  • Editor X-scrolling bug fixed
  • Delimeter matcher would cause error inside comments
  • Editor was crashing when you hit end
  • Error messages wouldn't have line numbers if the error occurred inside curly braces.
  • For nodes, :DELTAV:MAG now works correctly. Note that :DELTAV is now effectively the same as :BURNVECTOR
  • You can now use right & left arrows to edit lines in immediate mode
  • There is now a LEGS binding for landing legs, use it just like SAS or GEAR
  • Same with CHUTES for parachutes


  • Couldn't switch to a volume using it's number
  • All curly braces were horribly horribly broken


  • Maneuver node support added
  • Time structure added
  • Programs that call other programs no longer give multiple "Program ended" messages


  • Official release of mod interoperability
  • New altitude radar system
  • Improved whitespace support


  • Trigonometry Functions ARCSIN, ARCCOS, ARCTAN and ARCTAN2 are now implemented.
  • Programs can now contain parameters
  • You can now get the distance to an arbitrary latlng with :distance
  • Cpu clock speed has been raised from 1 to 5.
  • Variables now persist
  • Ranges have been increased


  • Simplified steering system
  • Support for driving your rover wheels to a specific location
  • Support for surface vectors
  • Rovers can be steered towards arbitrary geo coordinates
  • Preliminary support for 3rd party mod integration (Still testing)
  • Bug fixes


  • Rover bindings
  • Range limits for archive drive
  • Bug fixes
  • Trig functions
  • ABS function


  • Fix for the matching on boolean operators


  • Support for AND and OR in IF statements added
  • Fix for nested IF statements


  • Fixes locking and waiting for compound values


  • Fixes handling of compound values in certain circumstances


  • Fixes a bug dealing with the Archive folder


  • Bug fixes
  • Interact with subelements of R()
  • Targetting
  • Radar altitude
  • Plaintext editing
  • Toggle terminal & power from action group
  • Maximum thurst variable
  • Surface speed variable


  • Fix for the typing when not focussed bug
  • Fix for file renaming not checking for previous existing file
  • Resource tags re-enabled
  • Support for limited sub-expressions within R() expressions


  • Added non-qwerty keyboard support
  • Fix for laggy systems dropping typed characters


  • Fix for the case of texture paths that would break on linux


  • Implemented a friendly message that your textures are missing


  • Fixed an issue that would kill saves
  • Added support for maneuver nodes from Ehren Murdick's code
  • Added stage:solidfuel from Pierre Adam's code


  • Support for loops
  • Support for the IF statement
  • Support for the BREAK statement


  • Initial public release!
  • Execution system redesigned to be more heirarchical
  • Added support for compound statements
  • Successful test of synchronized orbiting


  • First trip to orbit successfully done
  • Terminal created
  • KerboScript designed and implemented
  • VAB Part created
  • Flight stats and bindings created