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603 lines (571 loc) · 35.9 KB

File metadata and controls

603 lines (571 loc) · 35.9 KB


  • AppImage version no longer warns about image examples not being in physical directory.
  • Fixed bug where auto-update of AppImage version wasn't updating some required plugins.
  • Added ability to add multiple directories to the image database.
  • Added separate reset database button.
  • Example images now only load in to an empty (fresh) database.
  • Displayed file paths in image browser no longer resolve symlinks.


  • Rebuilt IDTFConverter under linux to remove old library dependencies and ensure works on old and new linux.
  • Extended user angle measurements by allowing out-of-plane dragging of user measurements' depth handle.
  • Added copying of user measurements between faces interactively and added batch CLI copy function.
  • Added action to copy all user measurements from selected to other face in Metrics menu.
  • Reordered fields on Assessment Information dialog and fixed duplicate tool-tips.
  • Renamed "Calliper" measurements to "User measurements" throughout.
  • Enabled ability to delete all user measurements upon load (without measurements being visible).
  • Changed "Assessment" to "Assessor" in reports and Assessment Information dialog.
  • Set default import/export metadata directory to be same as current model.
  • Fixed snapping of newly added user measurement handle to landmarks or other path handles if visible.
  • User measurements show the angle projected into the three facial planes.
  • User measurements forced to have a non-empty default name.
  • Added preferences option to show examples in Image Browser.
  • Fixed broken left double-click to focus after previous VTK version upgrade.
  • Updated FaceModel to store current thumbnail and avoid unneccessary refreshes.
  • Adding new landmarks to newly loaded model causes opening of landmark confirmation dialog.
  • Removed ABC scores and diagnostic expression level from FASD plugin and associated report.
  • Fixed missing image format plugins on Windows which was causing report generation issues.
  • Reviewed and updated help documentation for the FASD module plugin.
  • Ensured manual stats changes on Measurements browser propagate.
  • Fixed preferences not showing correctly in dialog upon first open.
  • Fixed tab order in Assessment Information dialog.
  • Fixed membership of mixed ethnicity codes.
  • Updated CLI menu options and help.
  • Moved to new installer for Windows.


  • Calliper handles prevented from snapping to the same landmark.
  • Model recentring now refixes the transform and sets the camera on the model.
  • Realignment now always performs fresh Procrustes on the underlying mask.
  • Improved dashed bounding box representation for unaligned models.
  • Now shows 3DF file persisted out of alignment model orientation.
  • Manual model alignment mode turned off after saving or mesh changes.
  • Improved surface point placement on some less regular geometries.
  • Fixed crash if crop facial region excluding landmarks around mouth.
  • Fixed crash on loading of small 3DF models from command line.
  • Fixed facet slicing bug for symmetric faces.


  • Fixed reversed palpebral fissure inclination angle.
  • Fixed negated mandibular contour angle.
  • Fixed save icon not greying out after initial save to 3DF.
  • Removed old mesh references from non-enabled radial selector.
  • Added nasal root depth measurement including Farkas 1981 statistics.
  • Added HPO terms depressed and prominent nasal bridge.


  • Removed help button from Preferences dialog due to modality clash bug.
  • Fixed Windows repeatedly asking to authorise clinifaceUpdater on update.
  • Fixed inability to update Linux AppImage version.
  • Fixed broken CLI commands (thanks Harry).


  • Added mentolabial angle.
  • Reduced render window font sizes.
  • Updated some landmark descriptions.
  • Improved landmark placement accuracy.
  • Small reduction in landmark dot radius.
  • Added visualisations of surface differences.
  • Capped maximum number of legend value labels.
  • Surface visualisations now toggle on and off.
  • Default opacity overlap reduction fixed at 0.01.
  • Removed plain vector (vertex normal) visualisation.
  • Dialogs try not to overlap the main viewer on opening.
  • Overlap opacity now updates correctly when moving models.
  • Removed wireframe and outline visualisations from toolbar.
  • Degree of opacity can now be set per individual model view.
  • Thumbnails of non-textured models are now properly lit.
  • Each measurement now stores its own default statistics.
  • Statistic auto-matching now applies individually to each model.
  • Missing landmarks from earlier file versions automatically set.
  • Camera distance, focus, and direction shown in status when moving camera.
  • Metric charts now shows measurements out of range and with a warning.
  • Camera orientation and distance now maintained upon changing focal point.
  • Changed camera orientation action to three step alignment process.
  • Corrected scaling of embedded models in generated reports.
  • Camera synchronisation now enabled by default.
  • Changed caption fonts for better readability.
  • Increased size of undo/redo stack.
  • Added custom report page dimensions.
  • Added 5 degree stepped camera horizontal and vertical rotation.
  • Model opacity now allowed to go all the way to zero (transparent).
  • Removed filtering of metrics when selecting HPO in HPO terms dialog.
  • Removed preference for changing amount of opacity change on overlap.
  • Removed selection by clicking the views - use the dropdown instead.
  • Removed preference for setting maximum number of models to load.
  • Removed memory usage tracking bar from the preferences dialog.
  • Removed preference for setting smoothing parameter.
  • Removed parameters that configure face registration.
  • Removed vertex / polygon identifier labels actions.
  • Removed preference for model auto-focus on select.
  • Removed radial selection tool from toolbar.
  • Removed Cliniface logo from main toolbar.
  • Reformatted PDF report template and removed orientation axes.
  • Reformatted model properties dialog.
  • Moved manifold removal actions to model properties dialog.
  • Removed change to bounding box format depending on landmarks.
  • Capture and birth date set as earliest file time for new (non-3DF) images.
  • Added static 2D image of model to generated reports.
  • Reformatted layout of assessment information dialog.
  • Restricted maximum number of models within a viewer to two.
  • Restricted maximum number of loaded models to two.
  • Restricted number of views of a model to two.
  • Updated portable MiKTeX for Windows.
  • Added advisory on actions to take after face detection failure.
  • Lengthy report generation now always happens in background.
  • Fixed crash on failure to detect face.
  • Fixed rare hang on align and detect actions.
  • Fixed occasional crash when using the calliper tool.
  • Fixed opacity widget not updating on model reselect.
  • Fixed non-symmetric colour mapping for even colour counts.
  • Fixed rare crash on completion of some asynchronous actions.
  • Fixed inverted outer canthal nasal angle measurement.
  • Fixed incorrect risizing of side viewer when merging model view.
  • Fixed disappearing "Not stated" label in Assessment Info dialog.
  • Fixed incorrect alignment of coregistered mask on model load.
  • Fixed refreshing of clipping planes when zooming in deeply.
  • Fixed landmark and path handle rescaling on model scale.
  • Fixed inability to immediately produce PDFs from some models.
  • Fixed jittery positioning of radial selection handle.
  • Fixed spelling error (thanks Tracey ;D).
  • Improved responsiveness and efficiency.
  • Updated documentation.


  • Added and updated mouth landmarks.
  • Updated definition of the lip circularity measurement.
  • Updated FASD plugin documentation.


  • Updated FASD plugin documentation.


  • Added inferior facial angle measurements.
  • Added mid-labial inferius/superius landmarks.
  • Changed lip circularity measurement to use new landmarks.
  • Fixed bug when writing OBJs when facets don't have texture coordinates.


  • Updating now consolidates patches from multiple versions.
  • Patching of the AppImage version for Linux now possible.
  • Updating now asks for elevated privileges if necessary.

5.2.1 (removed from release)

  • Some formatting changes to the updates dialog.
  • Removed donation links in dialogs.
  • Fixed TLS not initialized bug.


New Features

  • Double left click now sets the camera focus.
  • Camera focus can now be set on the surface behind other graphical elements.
  • View presets use current camera distance for orientation only resetting distance if orientation matches preset.
  • Direct distance size components shown in calliper measurement readout.
  • Landmarks and calliper measurement visualisations are now toggled for all views of a single model.
  • Face becomes semi-transparent when moving calliper measurements or hovering over the depth handle.
  • Measurement precision for the calliper handle caption now matches the onscreen measurements readout (2 d.p.).
  • Calliper measurements can now be added at the position of landmarks.
  • New calliper measurements can now be added using the C key.
  • Simplified calliper measurement renaming dialog and limited labels to be no more than 19 characters.
  • Checking and advisement of new available versions at startup.
  • Fixed crash if model closed while a calliper measurement or a landmark is being moved.
  • Fixed crash if exporting a model to CSV format when no measurements yet recorded.
  • Fixed landmarks visualisation "shudder" when actor interaction mode is active and a landmark is moved.
  • Fixed the ability to set the visibility of individual landmarks from the landmarks dialog.
  • Fixed landmark labels sometimes not disappearing after moving the mouse off them.
  • Fixed redo inconsistencies when adjusting a sequence of different paths/landmarks.
  • Fixed ability to remove individual calliper measurements using the DEL key.
  • Fixed missing tooltips on opacity and visualisation adjustment spin boxes.
  • Centred help browser in screen upon first opening.
  • Right clicking a calliper measurement handle no longer activates reposition mode.
  • Removed ability to change measurement units in preferences (require use of model rescaling tool).
  • Undo/redo events for landmarks and calliper measurement now activate corresponding visualisations.
  • Disabled ability to select a different model while in model interaction mode.
  • Disabled broken 3MF file format importer.
  • Updating a calliper measurement's depth handle no longer recalculates the entire path.
  • Removed redundant processing of interaction events for improved performance.
  • [Linux] Fixed file drag and drop.
  • [Windows] Fixed calliper measurement handle detachment from cursor after initial add.


  • Fixed report layout from letter to A4.
  • Fixed issue where PDF reports not generating if spaces in username folder (Windows).
  • Changed display formatting of bilateral measurements to indicate right, left, and mean values.


  • Rebuilt against latest versions of third-party libraries.
  • Models without texture now appear properly in 3D model embedded PDFs.
  • Assessment info dialog now appears upon face redetection if DoB same as capture date.
  • Fixed scaling issues on high DPI screens under Windows (blurry elements to be fixed).
  • Fixed bug where L/R z-score for bilateral measurements was incorrectly swapped.
  • Added export to CSV and set as default filetype when choosing to export data.
  • Reformatted and added hyperlinks to HPO terms in assessment info dialog.
  • Added hyperlinks in generated PDFs to online HPO terms database.
  • Fixed occasional bad formatting of charts on generated reports.
  • Added ability to generate reports straight from the command line.
  • Added and improved report scripting functions when listing notable morphology.
  • Included version number in reports.
  • 3DF files now store textures in JPEG format for reduced size.
  • Renamed "dysmorphology" summary to "morphology" summary.
  • Disabled merging of statistics from different sources.
  • Reworked command line options and interface.
  • Added new help documentation on command line interface and metadata exporting.
  • Changed to simple flat green/blue Cliniface logo throughout.
  • Fixed ability to change subject's DoB to be ahead of image capture date.
  • Removed "Aggregated" category from ethnicity selection menus.
  • Added ability for users to record image and subject reference in the 3DF.
  • Fixed possibility to select empty statistics in measurements dialog.
  • Reduced OpenGL version on Windows to 2.0 (from 3.2) and added override environment variables.


  • Updated mask registration applied to example images.
  • Changed filenames in 3DF format and now saving mask to PLY format (format remains backwards compatible).
  • Fixed inability to load models with file paths having non-latin characters.


  • Fixed crash after attempting to read in corrupt model file.
  • Fixed landmark label remaining visible sometimes after moving a landmark.
  • Fixed status message not disappearing after some actions.
  • Status bar messages now appear on request (repaint forced).
  • Fixed landmarks dialog closing after redoing landmark detection.
  • Camera oriented to front view now on opening landmarks dialog - not on closing.
  • Face detection / mask registering can now be reperformed without having to select at least one landmark to overwrite.
  • Changed default parameters for non-rigid registration.
  • Added itemised list of questions in help FAQs.
  • Added some explicit draw calls to ensure graphical rendering is GPU driven and improve responsiveness.
  • Fixed bug where model could be saved out of alignment so would be in incorrect alignment when loaded back in.


  • Fixed crash on exit when camera in parallel projection and viewer synchronised mode.
  • Camera synchronisation now works as expected with cameras in parallel projection mode.
  • When matching atypical measurements, selecting a term in the HPO Browser now also selects it in the Measurements Browser.
  • Status message of long running asynchronous actions is refreshed every second.
  • Model opacity now resets to 1.0 after all models closed.
  • Closing Landmarks Dialog no longer resets Assessments Information if changes not applied.
  • Prevented setting of image capture date in Assessments Information to be before DoB.
  • Improved detection of initial (rigid) model alignment.
  • Updated help docs.
  • Set default face extraction radius to 100 instead of 110 mm.
  • Changed command line options.
  • Fixed undo from face detection not restoring model back to previous position.


  • Compare the same facial measurements between two or more different faces.
  • Facial detection / landmark placement now performed using non-rigid registration.
  • Coregistred template mask saved out to 3DF file and added ability to flip between mapped mask and original surface.
  • Using interpolated lighting (default) on model surfaces. New preferences option to toggle off/on.
  • Measurements now dynamically update as landmarks change.
  • Changed scalar mapping visualisations to use interpolated vertex texture mapping.
  • Number of scalar mapping colour bands fixed to only even numbers.
  • Consolidated HPO terms Telecanthus (HP:0000506) with Dystopia Canthorum which uses W index to establish presence of trait.
  • Added new preference options.
  • Exported OBJ no longer exports an MTL file if the model has no texture information.
  • Save now forwards to SaveAs after metadata (e.g. landmarks, paths) added before already being saved in 3DF format.
  • Model deselect removed - a model is always selected if one is loaded (remove bounding boxes via preferences for screenshots etc).
  • With multiple open views of a model, clicking empty part of a different viewer now automatically selects the correspoding view.
  • Changed default installation directory on Windows to "\Users\user_name\AppData\Local\Programs\Cliniface"
  • Transforming the selected model into standard position/centre no longer changes the camera distance.
  • Smooth now warns user if facial landmarks are present prior to working.
  • Added action to fix inconsistent face (triangle) normals on meshes.
  • Added greater transparency to landmark / path handles for more accurate surface placement.
  • Added option to show all landmark labels (irrespective of whichever landmark cursor is over).
  • Added STL filetype export support.
  • Swapped left/right profile face labels (now with regard to subject).
  • Removed X,Y,Z rotation icons from toolbar.
  • Camera position now changed on model rescaling.
  • Added camera views from beneath and above.
  • Added anatomical planes (median, transverse, frontal).
  • Undo/redo now also changes the camera view in the selected viewer for actions that also update the camera.
  • Moved to OpenCV 4.1.1 entailing a new set of HaarCascades features for improved initial 2D eye/face detection.
  • Moved to Eigen backend for all linear algebra (and integration with new r3d libraries).
  • Added capacity for actions to scrap last created undo state if found not to be needed.
  • Added delete all paths for current assessment.
  • Post detection/correspondence mapping, correspondence mesh can be exported.
  • Fixed busy cursor disappearing event if asynchronous actions are still working.
  • Fixed black surface showing on models without texture after reflecting.
  • Fixed formatting of memory usage bar in preferences dialog.
  • Fixed 'close all' action not closing all open models.


  • Updated desktop categories for Linux AppImage version.
  • Modified implementation of ICP - now faster and more accurate.
  • Link to examples in $HOME/.cliniface directory now set dynamically (removed on exit).
  • Increased size of world axes grid.
  • Changed to OpenCV 3.2 on Windows for consistency with Linux (also on 3.2).
  • Path handle, landmarks, and radial selection handle coordinates now shown in status bar.
  • Improved robustness of initial face/landmark detection.
  • Model movement now propagates between viewers (when multiple views of the same model are open).
  • Model views now prefer to place themselves on the centre viewer after merging or closing models.
  • Different colours for polygon and vertex labels.
  • Modified Windows installer to allow existing installations to be overwritten.
  • Fixed undo/redo bug where state restoration was being performed on the selected model.
  • Fixed incomplete restoration of model geometry after undo.
  • Fixed render flicker when opening context menu.


  • Cliniface now stores all user data in the .cliniface directory inside user's home directory.
  • Created secondary location from which plugins can be loaded (from $HOME/.cliniface/plugins).
  • Symlink to examples now always located at $HOME/.cliniface/examples.
  • Renamed core platform plugin 'symmetry' to 'asymmetry'.
  • Removed setting of unused mask path string in preferences.
  • Update plugins documentation.


  • Added polygon labels visualisation.
  • Some minor bug fixes concerning the accuracy of surface point placement.


  • Fixed corruption of scalar map upon mirror reflecting the model.
  • Fixed rounding errors in surface point finding and point triangle membership routines.
  • Fixed jittery movement of radial region selection handle.
  • Manual distance measurements fail less often.
  • Fixed creation of holes / edges when making "half" faces.
  • Undo/redo tooltips update with the details of the action to be undone/redone.
  • Ensured Plugins section of help documentation is available even without any plugins loaded.


  • Model cleaning now less destructive - only removes unused vertices.
  • New manifold discovery and per manifold boundary finding algorithms.
  • Improved hole filling algorithm.
  • Parameterised per model limit on maximum number of 2D triangulated manifolds (top N in terms of polygon count).
  • Selection bounding cuboid now shows only a single cuboid for each model containing all manifolds.
  • Added function to remove the selected manifold.
  • Added function to remove all other manifolds except the selected one.
  • Added function to export metadata in XML or JSON formats without saving to 3DF.
  • Added function to import metadata from XML or JSON format.
  • Added Undo/Redo functionality for certain actions.
  • Added function to create left/right symmetric faces.
  • Rotation and reflection actions now behave with respect to detected face if landmarks present.
  • Transform to standard position is now clearer about when transforming to saved position or detected position.
  • Model bounding box remains at an angle when model is not in its saved/detected orientation.
  • Added more keyboard shortcuts for common actions.
  • Added context sensitive help text to actions.
  • Added process memory usage gauge in preferences dialog.
  • Removed action that removed non-face components.
  • Reordered context menu actions.
  • Can now toggle surface/texture on regardless of whether texture available for model.
  • Manifold outlines now shown with different colours.
  • Added units to world axes (mm).
  • Added centre object action.
  • More efficient action event handling.
  • Faster background processing of surface metrics.
  • Added vertex labels visualisation.
  • Fixed crash when detecting a face when another face present in same viewer without texture.
  • More use of background processing for actions entailing extensive geometry changes.
  • Renamed some actions for clarity.
  • Changed smooth action icon for better distinction with crop action (scalpel).
  • Removed set min/max scalar mapping colours from visualisation toolbar.
  • Removed model remeshing from toolbar.
  • Removed per viewer duplicated camera reset and screenshot buttons (functionality available from views menu).
  • Set screenshot action in view menu to be per viewer and only enabled if a model selected in the viewer.
  • Long standing hole filling bug causing crash fixed.
  • Camera now automatically focus on model upon selection; toggle action added to view/camera menu to toggle.
  • Added dropdown selection boxes for models beneath viewers as an alternative to clicking the models to select.
  • Added support for exporting to PLY format.
  • Removed generic model remesh (edge subdivision) action.
  • Consolidated scalar visualisations toolbar into main visualisation toolbar for purposes of toggling toolbar on/off.
  • Added a visualisation to display the vertex label IDs (useful when exploring the behaviour of algorithms on geometry).
  • Fixed setting of near clipping plane to prevent small objects from being clipped when camera is close to them.
  • New Model Properties dialog (accessed via File manu) giving details of model geometry.
  • Removed vertex/polygon counts from "Scan Info" dialog (now renamed "Image Info").
  • Enabled min/max scalar mapping and number of colours widgets only when a scalar visualisation set.
  • Added confirmation check before removing manifolds.
  • Asymmetry visualisation now available for models without landmarks (models with landmarks still use these to define orientation).
  • Set default visible range of asymmetry visualisation to +/-5mm with available range still +/-10mm.
  • Changed camera/model move toggle icon.
  • New model resize action.
  • New preferences dialog in file menu.
  • Reformatted HPO terms dialog.
  • Reordered placement of model transform tools in menu and on toolbar.
  • Checkable metric visualisation action now shows/hides associated metric, phenotype, and chart dialogs.
  • Antialiasing now turned on by default.
  • Increased initial window layout dimensions.
  • Improved dialog scaling on high DPI displays under Windows.
  • Changed Image Info icon.
  • Inner sphere handling when performing loop select now has a fixed apparent scale.
  • Streamlined resource locking behaviour for more efficient concurrent processing.
  • Surface mapping visualisations can now be toggled on and off while remaining exclusive.
  • Camera synchronisation per viewer now relative to camera movements on viewer that the user is interacting with.
  • Radius change amount now as a proportion of the initial model size.
  • New option to use white rendering background.
  • Moved anti-aliasing to preferences.
  • Consolidated camera actions and moved as menu to main menu bar.
  • Separated out Tools menu into Transform and Geometry menu.
  • Moved toggle camera/actor interaction to camera menu.
  • Model transformation actions now reset viewer interaction mode to camera on completion.
  • Wait/busy cursor shown for long running operations.
  • Status bar now shows running / finished actions.
  • Major backend changes to storage efficiency of model vertices.
  • Backface culling now applies to all views of all models in the selected model's viewer.
  • Discovered phenotypic traits now shown in the assessment information dialog.
  • Added model age in years and months to report template.
  • Provided ethnic group categories from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
  • Provided separate entries for maternal and paternal ethnicity.
  • New help system with documentation to match online.
  • New sex/ethnicity matching for growth curve statistics against subject.
  • Multiple assessments per file for several sets of landmarks / paths / notes.
  • Automatic combining of growth curve stats for different ethnicities.
  • Reformatted PDF report elements.
  • Added "What's This" icon in help menu.
  • Fixed model lighting when switching between textured and scalar mapping modes.
  • Fixed inability to reload an existing renamed 3DF file.
  • Fixed bug causing occasional crash on model close due to hanging pointer within model entry/exit interactor on closed view.
  • Fixed bug where model age not calculated to image capture but rather to the current date.
  • Fixed bug on report generation with unsanitized text.


  • Cliniface configuration now persists in user's home directory.
  • Reduced initial height of UI window for lower resolution monitors.
  • Removed fixing of triangle normals on model load by AssImp since broken in some cases.
  • Moved to AssImp version 4.1.0.
  • Subject age replaced with date of birth (3DF files remain backwards compatible).
  • Now calculating orientation and face centre dynamically from landmarks.
  • Transform to Standard Position now only available if model not already in standard position & orientation.
  • Added initial centre and orientation plus detected centre and orientation to 3DF file format.
  • Record initial model centre and orientation for reset to image capture position.
  • New command line interface for batch landmark detection, face component finding and 3DF export.
  • Added Cliniface version to main window title bar when no model selected.
  • Report templates can now specify their own availability for generation given a model's metadata.
  • Fixed reappearance of prior landmark detection errors after a successful detection.
  • Fixed crash when matching phenotypes against a metric without growth data.
  • Fixed crash when merging faces back together with metric visualisation text showing.
  • Fixed appearance of cursor and text label when (de)selecting landmarks.


  • Added Linux version as AppImage.
  • Moved rendering backend from QVTKWidget to QVTKOpenGLWidget.
  • New ancestry / sex dropdown menus for ScanInfo and MetricChart.
  • Close button for MetricChart dialog.
  • Metrics now provide multiple growth curves for separate ethnicities/sex.
  • Scan Info dialog available ancestry / ethnicity now sourced from available metrics.
  • Reformatted Scan Info dialog.
  • Scan Info cancel button now works properly.
  • Removed intersex options - made disjunction of female / male.
  • Sorting enabled on metrics and HPO dialog tables.
  • Multiple selectable distributions per metric.
  • Changed landmark alignment algorithm to Procrustes rigid superimposition.
  • Transforming a face back to standard position now also resets the camera.
  • Dynamic loading of Lua scripts for defining phenotypes and metrics.
  • Phenotypes now tested and indicated ones now written out on save.
  • Option to ignore ethnicity when plotting subject on charts.
  • Removed some less used actions from main toolbar.
  • Landmarks on the non-selected face now have a different (more muted) colour.
  • Removed disabling of model selection on viewing of metrics.
  • Backface culling enabled automatically on orientation change if orientation matches glabella normal.
  • Slight increase in tool button sizes and other small style changes.
  • Caliper measurements now draw a path that follows the model's surface curvature.
  • Semi-opaque backgrounds for bottom left and right text actors for better visibility.
  • Improved search for initial facial detection and estimation of orientation.
  • New options dialog to mask certain landmarks from being moved upon redetection.
  • Moved face detection/classification models into data directory.
  • Added action to reset detections and transform model back to origin.
  • Added study ID to scan info (and XML file output).
  • Added ability to save growth curve charts as image files.
  • New dynamically loaded Lua PDF report definitions.
  • U3D models cache in background as soon as report generation selected.
  • Transformed model coordinates for media9 inclusion in LaTeX reports.
  • Changed interaction mode in PDF reports to spin around Z axis for better control.
  • Editable user preferences file for location of pdflatex etc.
  • Newly created PDF reports now open after save in PDF reader.
  • Changed min/max range mapping for asymmetry visualisation to -/+ 10mm.
  • Fix exported U3D models to now use ambient instead of point lighting.
  • Fix FaceActionManager to now clean up properly after itself.
  • Fix landmark and path captions to now scale correctly.
  • Fix progress bar now updates outside of GUI thread (still not showing for many actions).
  • Fix overlap to reset across all views of a model when deselecting metric visualisation.
  • Fix memory leak concerning thumbnail creation.
  • Fix ScanInfo dialog always flagging model as unsaved on okay even without changes.
  • Fix crash on applying visualisation layers when not available after copy or move.
  • Fix update to metric calculation after changing source data in chart dialog.


  • Radial selection added to context menu.
  • Changed movement of radial selection to left-click and drag on centre reticule.
  • Changed resize of radial selection area to require mouse hover over centre reticule.
  • Highlight radial selection visualisation when mouse hovers over centre reticule.
  • Made landmark/path handle size independent of camera zoom.
  • Cross cursor icon when moving landmarks/path handles or face actors.
  • Changed some notifications and status bar wordings.
  • Can add landmarks/paths now without first enabling the corresponding visualisations.
  • Side viewers prevented from collapsing entirely by user (or expanding when empty by dragging sides).
  • Incorporated storage of facial "centre" in XML file.
  • Changed implementation of ActionRadialSelect.
  • Changed behaviour of actions that rely on ActionRadialSelect.
  • Changes to action framework to allow conditional processing of actions based on delegate lambdas.
  • Provided delegate lambda functionality for process flag determination on auto process of actions.
  • Auto-setting of opacity now restores the moved view to full opacity upon moving out of overlap.
  • Radial select visualisation turned off after crop.
  • Consolidated surface/texture into a single actor.
  • Changed implementation of wireframe view to retain surface.
  • Changed texture visualisation into toggle on/off option.
  • Changed initial face detection range to be further away.
  • Changed refinement calculation of facial orientation upon landmark detection.
  • Changed landmark detection routines.
  • Changed landmark names.
  • Added action to toggle scalar legend on/off.
  • Added action to change surface colour of selected FaceViews.
  • Added actions to rotate 90 degrees through X,Y,Z axes.
  • Added action to apply mirror reflection.
  • Added action to invert polygon normals.
  • Added FXAA antialiasing toggle.
  • Added stereo rendering toggle.
  • Added asymmetry visualisation (plugin).
  • New texture and wireframe visualisation icons.
  • Removed vertices only view.
  • Changed email links in sample PDF report.
  • New scalar mapping toolbar.
  • Re-organised some menu/toolbar options.
  • Added camera and scalar mapping sub-menus.
  • Renamed "Tools" to "Model" menu
  • Improved accuracy of automated face orientation.
  • Enabled world axes by default.
  • Added sex, age, ethnicity, and capture date metadata to FaceModel.
  • Updated XML file format to include new metadata.
  • New image details dialog for updating metadata.
  • Incorporated age into .3df file for FaceModels.
  • Selected interlandmark distances calculated automatically on detection and output to .3df on save.
  • New metric calculator and visualisations.
  • Metrics dialog for subselection of visualisation.
  • Dynamic loading of metric age mapped statistic distributions (only Interlandmark distances supported for now).
  • Included thumbnail of image in XML file.
  • Updated acknowledgements, copyright info, and application description.
  • Fix Poking transform now applies to all views on all visualisations - whether or not applied.
  • Fix Translation of surface actors now properly synchronised when translating the face actor.
  • Fix Set focus now synchronised across viewers.
  • Fix Newly detected landmarks now displayed across copied views when detected on one.
  • Fix Region selector now works correctly over models having > 1 component.
  • Fix Crash fixed when region selector is unable to adjust centre position.
  • Fix Crash fixed when region selection radius goes to zero.
  • Fix Fixed some initial positioning issues of radial selector when > 1 view of a model shown.
  • Fix Landmark captions no longer flicker when dragging.
  • Fix View copying resource deadlock issue fixed.
  • Fix Fixed action queueing after copy.
  • Fix Fixed memory leak in reapplication of visualisation actors when switching viewers.
  • Fix Opacity setting now correctly applies to all models in a single viewer (and at load).
  • Fix Opacity reset on other views in viewer when selected view moved/copied/closed.
  • Fix Logo on about page now links out to website.
  • Fix Camera synchronises to viewer attached to currently selected FaceView.


  • Remeshing algorithm changes to improve polygon integration with unchanged polygons.


  • Fix backface culling (and opacity) now persist between model resets.
  • Fix orientation of polygon normals on hole filling and remeshing now matches adjacent polygons.
  • Fix hole filling no longer an available action when multiple components showing and hole boundaries on any of them.
  • Fix queued actions in FaceActionManager are now executed when previous queued actions aren't entered.
  • Fix outline views of holes/boundaries now complete loop (RVTK issue).


  • Fixed viewer rendering upon orientation change action.
  • New hole filling algorithm.
  • New vertex remeshing algorithm.
  • Very large reduction in size of texmfs for PDF reporting.
  • Fix remeshing no longer causes texture map to disappear due to model copy.


  • Fixed referencing of facetools and pdf generation folders relative to application directory.
  • Updated location of GitHub repository to "Cliniface/releases" page.
  • Renamed PDF export action and placed button on toolbar.
  • Fix Models are now viewed properly after loading from command line.


  • Moved face centre to mean of eye centres and nose tip for more central placement.
  • Backface culling now applies to all model views in directly selected viewers.
  • Modified remesh to silently fail instead of crashing on problem.
  • Face profile buttons act over all viewers if "triple camera" selected.
  • Offline installer created.
  • Fix model filepath not updating on selection change (regression)
  • Fix fixed vertex key mapping in ObjModel.


  • Camera/model movement interaction switching.
  • One and two button mouse camera/model interaction.
  • Orthographic projection mode.
  • World coordinates visualisation toggle.
  • Fixed model transform to standard position.
  • Re-worked caliper path measurement tool.
  • Caliper path info written to 3DF.
  • Landmark add/delete/rename included on context menu.
  • Path add/delete/rename included on context menu.
  • Added option to synchronise camera movement between viewers.
  • Model opacity select and auto semi-opacity on overlap.
  • Backface culling toggle.
  • Region select visualisation now using RFeatures::ObjModelRegionSelector.
  • Left and right face profile view actions.
  • Action to align faces across landmarks with same names.
  • Installation/updates using Qt based maintenance tool.
  • Landmark and path actors mapped for fast (hash) lookup.
  • Interaction data change events handled separately from Actions.


  • Version provided to Cathryn Poulton for Milan demo.