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A small react component library to display header elements in different neon optics.

A storybook with some examples can be found at and the source code at

The npm package is published at


To install the package, run

npm install react-neon-components


The different neon components can be directly imported from react-neon-components and can then be used as a standard react component.


import { NeonH1 } from 'react-neon-components';

  <NeonH1 color='red' effect="flicker" fontSize="5rem">Neon</NeonH1>

Available Properties

react-neon-components currently supports the following properties:

  • color / string / required - The color of the element. It can be every valid CSS color - e.g. red, rgb(255,0,0) or ##ff0000.
  • fontSize / string / optional - The font size of the element in rem, em or px.
  • effect / string / optional - Specifies which effect should be used. Available options are glow, flicker, subtle-flicker and pulsate. Defaults to glow.
  • border / boolean / optional - Specifies if a border should be displayed. Defaults to false.
  • reflection / boolean / optional - Specifies if a reflection should be displayed. Defaults to false.