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Graphics Documentation

Current sprite used is Guile.

Modules Within the Folder

These modules should be used in Top_Student.v

Other Utility/Useful Modules

CustomClock is a global module for generating clocks, and its documentation here is just as a reminder for usage for modules.

Current Features Implemented

  • Sprite moving, still, basic attack and getting hit animation.
  • Coordinate translation and mirroring of the sprite.
  • Background image that changes its hue over time.
  • Option to generate 2 sprites with one in original colour and one reddish.
  • Health bar (KO bar) with dropping health animation. Reset health bar available.



Shoots out a bullet each time the special combo is done.

module bullet(
    input clk,
    input [1:0] attack_state,
    input mirrored,
    input [6:0] player_1x,
    input [6:0] player_1y,
    input [6:0] player_2x,
    input [6:0] player_2y,
    input [12:0] pixel_index,
    input [4:0] random_5bit_val,

    output reg [6:0] bullet_x = 0,
    output reg [6:0] bullet_y = 0,
    output reg bullet_en = 0,
    output reg [15:0] oled_colour

player_1 refers to the player throwing the bullet while player_2 is the enemy that the bullet will head towards. Mirrored is used to determine the direction of the bullet.

random_5bit_val is taken from the LSFSRrandom.v. It is used to randommize the colour of the bullet coming out.

CURRENT PROBLEM for some reason when the sprite jumps, the y value of the bullet will change which is not ideal.


Updates the top KO/Status bar based on the current health of both sprites. Animation to show health dropping towards the current value has been implemented. To reset the health bar, write the desired heatlh value to curr_health_l and/or curr_health_r.

module status_bar_update(
    input clk,
    input [4:0] curr_health_l,
    input [4:0] curr_health_r,
    input [12:0] pixel_index,
    output reg [15:0] oled_colour,
    output [4:0] final_health_l,
    output [4:0] final_health_r 

input clk: 100MHz Clock

input [4:0] curr_health_l, input [4:0] curr_health_r : The current health of each sprite

output [4:0] final_health_l, output [4:0] final_health_r : Outputs of the final health. Animation of the status bar dropping is implemented so it will be good to check that the animation has finished by checking that the final health parameter drops to zero before finishing the game.

input [12:0] pixel_index and output reg [15:0] oled_colour are typical oled input and outputs.


For showing sprite attack and moving animations.

module sprite_control (
    input clk,
    input modify_col,input mirror,
    input [6:0] x, 
    input [6:0] y, 
    input in_air,
    input [1:0] move_state,
    input [2:0] character_state,

    input [12:0] pixel_index,
    output reg [15:0] oled_colour

input clk: 100MHz Clock

input modify_col : Write 1 to change the sprite colour to redish. This was done by bit shifting the green component.

input mirror : Write 1 to mirror the sprite

input [6:0] x, input [6:0] y: coordindate of the sprite, where 0,0 is the top left hand of the screen

input [1:0] move_state Description
2'b00 Not Moving
2'b01 Moving Right
2'b10 Moving Left

Note that move_state animations will only show if character_state is set to 0.

input [2:0] character_state Description Done
3'b000 Not attacking Y
3'b001 Normal attack Y
3'b010 Special attack Y
3'b011 Super special attack Y
3'b100 Got hit/injured Y

NOTE: For attacks and getting injured, character_state is read. If it changes, the animation runs to the end, and does not reset unless character_state changes. This is to ensure that animations are run for only one hit.

input [12:0] pixel_index and output reg [15:0] oled_colour are typical oled input and outputs.


module backgroud_control(
    input clk,
    input [12:0] pixel_index,
    output [15:0] oled_colour

input clk: 100MHz Clock, might be using it to change the background as the fight progresses.

Example Usage

Copy and paste into Top_Student.v to show the background and 2 sprites. Press BtnC for the left sprite to show its normal attack and press BtnR for the right sprite to show its normal attack. The right sprite is reddish in colour. The right status bar will move slowly towards the centre.

//Status Bar -------------------------------------------
    wire [15:0] status_bar_col;
    wire [4:0] health_l;
    wire [4:0] health_r;
    status_bar_update sbu(.clk(clk),

//2 Sprites -------------------------------------------
    integer ground_height = 48;
    wire [15:0] sprite_1_col;
    sprite_control sp1_ctr(.clk(clk),
                            .modify_col(0), .mirror(0),
                            .x(20), .y(ground_height),
                            .in_air(0), .is_moving(1),
                            .character_state({0,btnC} ),
    wire [15:0] sprite_2_col;
    sprite_control sp2_ctr(.clk(clk),
                            .modify_col(1), .mirror(1),
                            .x(70), .y(ground_height),
                            .in_air(0), .is_moving(1),
//Background -------------------------------------------  
    wire [15:0] background_color;
    backgroud_control bck_ctr(.clk(clk),

// Oled colour mux -------------------------------------------    
        if(status_bar_col != 16'h0000)
            oled_colour = status_bar_col;
        else if(sprite_2_col != 16'h0000)
            oled_colour = sprite_2_col;
        else if(sprite_1_col != 16'h0000)
            oled_colour = sprite_1_col;           
            oled_colour = background_color;

RGB to HSV conversions

Code was ported from Cpp to do RGB to HSV conversion and vice versa using integer math. This is currently being used in background_control.v to change the colour of the background as the fight progresses.

module hsv_to_rgb(
    input [7:0] h,
    input [7:0] s,
    input [7:0] v,
    output [15:0] rgb 

module rgb_to_hsv(
    input [15:0] rgb,
    output reg [7:0] h,
    output reg [7:0] s,
    output reg [7:0] v

Where hsv values range from 0 to 255, and the rgb value is the 16 bit oled colour value.

CustomClock (From previous task)

Create a clock that runs at frequency Fd. COUNT_STOP or CS can be calculated by $CS=\frac{10010^6}{2Fd} - 1$

module CustomClock(
    input CLOCK_IN,
    input [31:0] COUNT_STOP,
    output reg CLOCK_OUT = 0);
