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Set of tools for interacting with Apple ImageWriter II dot-matrix printers


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Set of tools for interactiong with Apple ImageWriter II dot-matrix printers:

  • ansi2iwii: Tool to convert ANSI escape sequences to those compatible with the ImageWriter II.
  • iwiigfx: Tool to print B&W and color pictures using an ImageWriter II


Test print from

The image was printed using iwiigfx on images/test.bmp:

./iwiigfx -o /dev/ttyUSB0 -i images/test.bmp -H 72 -V 72 -S -R

images/test.bmp was generated using ImageMagick's convert utility, along with the palette file provided in images/palette.bmp:

convert test.tiff -resize 128x128 -dither FloydSteinberg -map palette.bmp -colors 8 test.bmp

The text to the right of the image was printed by pipeing through ansi2iwii with a margin of 24 characters. The close line spacing is left-over from the settings for the image print, but can be changed through ansi2iwii and the -l or -L flag.

./ | ./ansi2iwii -o /dev/ttyUSB0 -c -U -q 2 -M 24


$ ./ansi2iwii --help
ansi2iwii: Convert ANSI escape codes to Apple ImageWriter II escape codes

Basic Options:
  -i, --input=FILE          Read input from FILE, use `-` for stdin (default)
  -o, --output=FILE         Write output to FILE, use `-` for stdout (default)
  -b, --baud=RATE           Set baud rate to use when output is set to the printer's serial
                            port. Values 300, 1200, 2400, and 9600 (default) are accepted
  -F, --flow=MODE           Set flow control mode when using serial as output
                              0: None
                              1: XON/XOFF (default)
                              2: RTS/CTS
  -N, --no-setup            Do not configure printer via escape codes on startup

Common Format Options:
  -f, --font=FONT           Set default font to use:
                              0: Extended
                              1: Pica
                              2: Elite (default)
                              3: Semicondensed
                              4: Condensed
                              5: Ultracondensed
                              6: Pica proportional
                              7: Elite proportional
                              8: Custom
  -q, --quality=QUAL        Set print quality to use:
                              0: Draft (default)
                              1: Standard
                              2: Near Letter Quality
  -c, --color[=COLOR]       Enable support for color, set default color if supplied.
                              0: Black (default)
                              1: Red
                              2: Green
                              3: Yellow
                              4: Blue
                              5: Purple
                              6: Orange
  -t, --tab=WIDTH           Set tab width, in characters (default is 8)
                            NOTE: Tab positions are relative to the starting font
  -l, --lpi=LPI             Set number of lines per inch, 6 (default) or 8
  -L, --line-spacing=SPACE  Set spacing between lines, in 144ths of an inch (1-99)

Page Settings:
  -M, --left-margin=MARGIN     Set left margin in characters
  -p, --pagelen=LENGTH         Set page length in 144ths of an inch
  -P, --skip-perforation[=EN]  Enable/disable continuous-form perforation skip

Misc. Print Settings:
  -U, --unidirectional[=EN]    Enable/disable unidirectional printing
  -A, --auto-linefeed[=EN]     Enable/disable automatic linefeed at end of line
  -Z, --slashed-zero[=EN]      Enable/disable slashed-zeros
  -D, --double-width[=EN]      Enable/disable double-width
  -S, --prop-spacing=DOTS      Set proportional dot spacing (0-9)

  -I, --identify            Retrieve printer identification and exit
                            NOTE: Must be provided prior to specifying output
  -h, --help                Display this help message
  -v, --verbose[=LEVEL]     Increase verbosity, can be supplied multiple times, or desired
                            verbosity can be directly supplied
$ ./iwiigfx --help
iwiigfx: Print B&W and color images using an ImageWriter II

Basic Options:
  -i, --image=FILE          Read image from FILE, use `-` for stdin (default)
                            Image must be in BMP format, with no more than 8 used colors,
                            which must match those in the provided palette.bmp.
  -o, --output=FILE         Write output to FILE, use `-` for stdout (default)
  -b, --baud=RATE           Set baud rate to use when output is set to the printer's serial
                            port. Values 300, 1200, 2400, and 9600 (default) are accepted
  -F, --flow=MODE           Set flow control mode when using serial as output
                              0: None
                              1: XON/XOFF (default)
                              2: RTS/CTS

Graphics Options:
  -H, --hdpi=DPI            Horizontal DPI, values of 72 (default), 80, 96, 107, 120,
                            136, 144, and 160 are supported
  -V, --vdpi=DPI            Vertical DPI, values of 72 (default), and 144 are supported.
  -O, --hoff=OFFSET         Set horizontal offset in dots
  -R, --return-to-top       Return to top of image after completion
  -s, --sequential-color    Print image one color at a time. This can potentially reduce
                            color bleed or ribbon staining when printing at 144 dpi vertical

  -h, --help                Display this help message

Supported ANSI Escape Codes

Currently only a subset of SGR (Screen Graphic Rendition) ANSI escape sequences (following the form of ESC[<num>[...]m) are supported:

SGR Description IWII Notes
0 Reset (multiple)
1 Bold ESC !
3 Italic ESC w Approximating using half height text on the IWII side
4 Underline ESC X
8 Conceal N/A Prints spaces while enabled
9 Strikethrough \b- Prints - over each character (slow)
10 Primary Font (multiple) Set via --font, defaults to Elite
11-19 Set Font (multiple) See --help for details
22 Normal Intensity/Bold Off ESC "
23 Italic Off ESC W See note on 3
24 Underline Off ESC Y
26 Proportional Spacing (multiple) Sets font to pica/elite proportional
28 Conceal Off N/A
29 Strikethrough Off N/A
30-37 Set Foreground Color (multiple) Cyan (6) represented by orange
50 Proportional Spacing Off (multiple)
73 Superscript ESC x
74 Subscript ESC y
75 Superscript/Subscript Off ESC z

Additional ImageWriter II escape codes are supported through command-line options.


Set of tools for interacting with Apple ImageWriter II dot-matrix printers





