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Slang Actual Word Definition
EZ Easy Self Explanatory
GG Good Game Self Explanatory
AFK Away From Keyboard The player is not available or active in the game
OP Overpowered Most powerful player/character in a confrontation
HP Hit Points The amount of damage the character can take before dying
XP Experience Points The amount of experience the character has
NPC Non Player Character The player like beings that populate a game world who can be interacted with either with dialogue or with combat
AoE Area of Effect Area of effect attacks affect a range rather than a single target
DPS Damage Per Second Damage done per second by a weapon
FG Fighting Games Self Explanatory
MMO Massively Multiplayer Online A multiplayer game with online elements with multiple players
MP Magic Points The attribute that decides if a player can perform a magic move
  • First Person Shooter
  • Frames Per Second
  • A game where the camera is the point of view of the player
  • A value for the smoothness of the game
RPG Role Playing Game A game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting
WC Wrong Chat Self Explanatory
FF Forfeit A term used for teams who are awarded an automatic loss as penalty
Gz Congratulations Self Explanatory
TD Tower Defence Strategy game which is played by defending against enemy waves
PvP Player vs Player The feature of online games where players compete against each other
PvE Player vs Enemy The feature of games where players compete against NPC enemies
TPS Third Person Shooter A game where the camera is behind the player
RTS Real Time Strategy A game which revolves around the player controlling one or more Actors in a game to achieve certain objectives
MOBA Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Strategy game where each player controls one character with different ablities and fight in one of many teams
TCG Trading Trading card game
CCG Collectible Card Game Self-Explanatory
P2W Pay To Win A game where paying real world cash will benefit a player towards the progression of a game
LoS Line Of Sight How far something can see
DOT Damage Over Time An attack which damages a player continuously in a set amount of time
MVP Most Valuable Player The most player that has the most amount of certain statistic preferably K/D
DLC DownLoadable Content The additional content of a game meant to improve or extend gameplay
OB Open Beta A Beta launch where everyone is allowed to test the game under some conditions
WP Well Played Self Explanatory
GN Good Night Mocks the opponent player when they are killed or shut down
STR Strength Attribute usually determining the damage performed by a player in a brute force attack
DEX Dexterity Attribute usually determining the damage performed by a player using special skill weapons like sharp swords or bows
VIT Vitality Attribute usually determining the amount of health and basic elemental resistance a player has
END Endurance Attribute usually determining the advanced elemental resistance and the total carry weight a player has
INT Intelligence Attribute usually determining the amount of magic damage a player does and the amount of MP a player has
RES Resurrect The ability to make a player bring another player back to life. Used mostly in Fantasy games.
AI Artificial Intelligence The rules that bind the behavior of NPC (Definition strictly to gaming)
DNBO Down But Not Out A player state where the player has not yet died but is unable to perform most actions because of 0 HP
REV Revive The action of bringing a player back from DNBO state
MMORPG Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game An RPG game focused mostly on Online elements and possibly PvP
IGN In Game Name Name of a Player inside a particular game.
EVAC Evacuate Refers to the act of reporting back to a friendly for getting out of a hostile location
KD Kills per Death The ratio of the Kills to Deaths. 0 Deaths and 1 Death is penalized equally
PRO Professional A player who plays professionally in official competitive tournaments
NOOB Noobie Someone who is just starting the game and doesn't know much about the game. Also used to mock players
DOS Denial Of Service Attacking a server continuously so that the increase in traffic shuts down the servers
DDOS Distributed Denial Of Service The act of DOSing a server using multiple devices to shut down a server or lobby
Clutch Clutch When a person or number or people win against the odds
Ace Ace One person get's all the kills for a match
Prep Preparation Phase The time before the actual game starts where players strategize
Strat Strategy A tactical plan to follow to achieve a certain objective. Usually unofficial
Rush Rush The act of pushing an opponent as fast as possible so that the enemy doesn't expect it
Push Pressurize The act of putting pressure on an opponent in hopes of making the opponent take drastic measures
Dev Developers The people or team who made a game
Indie Independent Games The games made with a small team or one person where the Production Value is usually very low with no Producers
AA Anti Aliasing The graphics option of a game where the borders between two objects are blurred to increase visuals
UI User Interface The Menu or similar of a video game meant to guide players
HUD Heads Up Display The method by which information is visually relayed to the player as part of a game's UI
Campaign Campaign The main story of a video game
Skirmish Skirmish Play in a single mission without many long term story elements
Ganged Overwhelmed When a lot of enemy characters attack a player
Default Default Strategy A strategy which is agreed by the community to be the most efficient
Throw Throw To lose a game intentionally
Exploit Exploit Using a bug in game to get unfair advantage
Bug Glitch Weird occurences in the game due to bad coding
Ghost Ghost in the system A bug that the developers overlook intentionally or unintentionally that results in strange occurences
Easter Egg Easter Egg A hidden item or mechanism hidden in game which refer to other games or franchise in a subtle manner
  • Delay
  • Marker
  • The delay between connections of the player with the server in ms
  • Team side markers
Completionist Completionist A player who completes the whole game along with the mini-games
Mini Games Mini Games Small games that are inside the game usually involving puzzles
Side Missions Side Missions Missions that are not part of the main game
Git Good Get Good Grind and practice to get better at playing the game
Whisper Chat Private Message Message a person without anyone else recieving it
Guild Chat Guild Message Message will be sent to all members of the players guild
All Chat Area Message Message will be sent to all players in the area
World Chat World Message Message will be sent to all players in the server
  • Aim Robot
  • Aim Robot Application
  • A player who has aim impossible for humans
  • A hack application that is used to have auto aim in game
Wave Enemy Waved A number of enemies attack the player or players with increasing difficulty in a set amount of time frames
Tank Shield A type of character whose primary objective is to take a lot of damage for the team
Frag Fragmentation Grenade Act of eliminating an opponent with a fragmentation grenade
Support Support A role for players whose primary objective is to support the players with health boosts or other boosts
Flex Flex A role for players who can change between roles of entry fragger and support
Roam Scout A defensive role for players who scout and kill enemies
Anchor Anchor A defensive role for players who defend the objective site by staying near it
Buff Status Effect A positive status effect
Debuffs Negative Status Effect A negetive status effect
AAA Triple A Games A game which has a huge budget and many promotions
Spawn Spawn The place where players first appear
Despawn Despawn When the existance of an NPC or object is removed from the world
Spawn Kill Spawn Kill The act of killing players as soon as they spawn
TDM Team Death Match A game mode where teams of 5 or more players compete against each other with infinite respawns
Combo Combination Special attacks which do special damage which can be chained for more special damage
Juggling Combo lock Continuously attacking an enemy and keeping them in the air
Passive Skills Passive Abilities Abilities that grants temporary or permanent buffs to player or allies
Ambient Occlusion Small Shadows Graphics settings that give shadows to small objects
V-Sync Vertical Sync Graphics settings that remove tears in the screen
Post Processing Post Processing Graphics settings that apply a filter to frames after it has been rendered
Toxic Toxic players Players who abuse other players
Teabag Teabagging Pressing crouch continuously over the slain enemy's face to add a humiliating, and often humorous, factor to the character's death.
Griefing Griefing A act of annoying a friendly team by doing actions like blocking a door
TK Team Kill Killing allies intentionally or unintentionally
Sus Suspect Usually used to define someone or something that looks suspicious or untrustworthy