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Upgrading themes from 2.3 to 2.3

Daniel Kerr edited this page Jul 10, 2016 · 23 revisions

In 2.3+ we will switching the default template from basic PHP syntax to Twig. Twig is an Open Source template engine. You can read more about it here.

Don't worry! The basic PHP template engine will still be available in OpenCart and depending on the template file extension OpenCart will use appropriate template engine.

  • .tpl will use the PHP engine
  • .twig will use Twig engine

Below I have created some regular expression code to help with your PHP IDE to mass search and replace basic PHP syntax with Twig syntax.

<?php echo $var; ?>

<\?php echo [$](\w*\b)[;] \?\>

{{ $1 }}

<?php echo $error_name[$language['language_id']]; ?>

<\?php\s+echo\s+[$](\w+)\[[$](.*)\[\'(.*)\'\]\]\; \?\>

{{ $1[$2.$3] }}

<?php $attribute_row = 0; ?>

<\?php [$](\w*\b) = 0[;] \?\>

{% set $1 = 0 %}

<?php $filter_row++; ?>

<\?php [$](\w*\b)\+\+\; \?\>

{% set $1 = $1 + 1 %}

<?php echo $var['key']; ?>

<\?php echo [$](\w*\b)\[\'(\w*\b)\'\]; \?>

{{ $1.$2 }}

<?php if ($error_height) { ?>

<\?php if \([$](\w+\b)\) \{ \?\>

{% if $1 %}

<?php if ($voucher['order']) { ?>

<\?php if \([$](\w+\b)\[\'(\w+\b)\'\]\) \{ \?\>

{% if $1.$2 %}

<?php if ($sort == '') { ?>

<\?php\s+if\s+\([$](\w+\b) == \'(.*\b)\'\)\s+\{\s+\?\>

{% if $1 == '$2' %}

<?php if ($custom_field['type'] == 'date') { ?>

<\?php if \([$](\w+\b)\[\'(.*\b)\'\] == \'(.*\b)\'\) \{ \?\>

{% if $1.$2 == '$3' %}

<?php if ($attribute_group['attribute_group_id'] == $attribute_group_id) { ?>

<\?php if \([$](\w+\b)\[\'(.*\b)\'\] == [$](.*\b)\) \{ \?\>

{% if $1.$2 == $3 %}

<?php if (in_array($marketplace_code, $marketplaces_processing)) { ?>

<\?php if \(in_array\([$](\w+\b), [$](\w+\b)\)\) \{ \?\>

{% if $1 in $2 %}

<?php if (in_array($category['category_id'], $selected)) { ?>

<\?php if \(in_array\([$](\w+\b)\[\'(.*\b)\'\], [$](\w+\b)\)\) \{ \?\>

{% if $3 in $1.$2 %}

<?php if (isset($error_name[$language['language_id']])) { ?>

<\?php\s+if\s+\(isset\([$](\w+\b)\[[$](.*\b)\[\'(.*\b)\'\]\]\)\) \{ \?\>

{% if $1[$2.$3] %}

<?php echo (isset($account_custom_field[$custom_field['custom_field_id']]) ? $account_custom_field[$custom_field['custom_field_id']] : $custom_field['value']); ?>

<\?php\s+echo\s+\(isset\([$](\w+\b)\[[$](.*\b)\[\'(.*\b)\'\]\]\)\s+\?\s+[$](.*\b)\[[$](.*\b)\[\'(.*\b)\'\]\] : [$](.*\b)\[\'(.*\b)\'\]\);\s+\?\>

{% if $1[$2.$3] %} {{ $4[$5.$6] }} {% else %} {{ $7.$8 }} {% endif %}

<?php if (isset($error_address[$address_row]['custom_field'][$custom_field['custom_field_id']])) { ?>

<\?php\s+if\s+\(isset\([$](\w+\b)\[[$](.*\b)\]\[\'(.*\b)\'\]\[[$](.*\b)\[\'(.*\b)\'\]\]\)\) \{ \?\>

{% if $1[$2]['$3'][$4.$5] %}

<?php } elseif ($percentage) { ?>

<\?php \} elseif \([$](\w+\b)\) \{ \?\>

{% elseif $1 %}

<?php } elseif ($amazon_login_button_size == 'large') { ?>

<\?php \} elseif \([$](\w+\b) == \'(.*\b)\'\) \{ \?\>

{% elseif $1 == '$2' %}

<?php } elseif ($percentage < 0) { ?>

<\?php \} elseif \([$](\w+\b) \> 0\) \{ \?\>

{% elseif $1 in < 0 %}

<?php foreach ($var1 as $var2) ?>

<\?php foreach \([$](.*\b) as [$](.*\b)\) \{ \?\>

{% for $2 in $1 %}

<?php foreach ($custom_field['custom_field_value'] as $custom_field_value) { ?>

<\?php foreach \([$](.*\b)\[\'(.*\b)\'\] as [$](\w+)\) \{ \?\>

{% for $3 in $1.$2 %}

<?php foreach ($setting['returns']['paidby'] as $v) { ?>

<\?php foreach \([$](.*\b)\[\'(.*\b)\'\]\[\'(.*\b)\'\] as [$](\w+)\) \{ \?\>

{% for $4 in $1.$2.$3 %}

<?php foreach ($marketplaces as $id => $name) { ?>

<\?php foreach \([$](\w+)\s+as\s+[$](\w+)\s+=\>\s+[$](\w+)\)\s+\{ \?\>

{% for $2, $3 in $1 %}

<?php foreach ($capture['shipping_info'] as $key => $shipping_info) { ?>

<\?php foreach \([$](.*)\[\'(.*)\'\]\s+as\s+[$](.*)\s+=\>\s+[$](\w+)\)\s+\{ \?\>

{% for $3, $4 in $1.$2 %}

You will still need to close off the ifs and for statements with the below syntax.

{% endif %}

{% endfor %}