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206 lines (165 loc) · 7.58 KB

File metadata and controls

206 lines (165 loc) · 7.58 KB
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epilot-product_price Resource - terraform-provider-epilot-product
Price Resource

epilot-product_price (Resource)

Price Resource

Example Usage

resource "epilot-product_price" "my_price" {
  active = false
  additional = {
    "see" : jsonencode("documentation"),
  billing_duration_amount = 4.23
  billing_duration_unit   = "years"
  description             = "...my_description..."
  files = {
    dollar_relation = [
        entity_id = "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"
        tags = [
  is_composite_price = false
  is_tax_inclusive   = false
  long_description   = "...my_long_description..."
  manifest = [
  notice_time_amount = 7.88
  notice_time_unit   = "weeks"
  price_components = {
    dollar_relation = [
        entity_id = "...my_entity_id..."
        tags = [
  price_display_in_journeys = "show_price"
  pricing_model             = "tiered_graduated"
  renewal_duration_amount   = 3.79
  renewal_duration_unit     = "years"
  schema                    = "price"
  tags = [
  tax                     = "{ \"see\": \"documentation\" }"
  termination_time_amount = 2.23
  termination_time_unit   = "years"
  tiers = [
      display_mode            = "on_request"
      flat_fee_amount         = 1.58
      flat_fee_amount_decimal = "...my_flat_fee_amount_decimal..."
      unit_amount             = 4.92
      unit_amount_decimal     = "...my_unit_amount_decimal..."
      up_to                   = 5.32
  type                 = "one_time"
  unit                 = "...my_unit..."
  unit_amount          = 6.37
  unit_amount_currency = "EUR"
  unit_amount_decimal  = "...my_unit_amount_decimal..."
  variable_price       = true



  • active (Boolean) Whether the price can be used for new purchases.
  • description (String) A brief description of the price.


  • additional (Map of String) Additional fields that are not part of the schema
  • billing_duration_amount (Number) The billing period duration
  • billing_duration_unit (String) The billing period duration unit. must be one of ["weeks", "months", "years"]
  • files (Attributes) (see below for nested schema)
  • is_composite_price (Boolean) The flag for prices that contain price components.
  • is_tax_inclusive (Boolean) Specifies whether the price is considered inclusive of taxes or not. Default: false
  • long_description (String) A detailed description of the price. This is shown on the order document and order table. Multi-line supported.
  • manifest (List of String) Manifest ID used to create/update the entity
  • notice_time_amount (Number) The notice period duration
  • notice_time_unit (String) The notice period duration unit. must be one of ["weeks", "months", "years"]
  • price_components (Attributes) A set of price components that define the composite price. (see below for nested schema)
  • price_display_in_journeys (String) Defines the way the price amount is display in epilot journeys. must be one of ["show_price", "show_as_starting_price", "show_as_on_request"]
  • pricing_model (String) Describes how to compute the price per period. Either per_unit, tiered_graduated or tiered_volume.
  • per_unit indicates that the fixed amount (specified in unit_amount or unit_amount_decimal) will be charged per unit in quantity
  • tiered_graduated indicates that the unit pricing will be computed using tiers attribute. The customer pays the price per unit in every range their purchase rises through.
  • tiered_volume indicates that the unit pricing will be computed using tiers attribute. The customer pays the same unit price for all purchased units.
  • tiered_flatfee While similar to tiered_volume, tiered flat fee charges for the same price (flat) for the entire range instead using the unit price to multiply the quantity. Default: "per_unit"; must be one of ["per_unit", "tiered_volume", "tiered_graduated", "tiered_flatfee"]
  • renewal_duration_amount (Number) The renewal period duration
  • renewal_duration_unit (String) The renewal period duration unit. must be one of ["weeks", "months", "years"]
  • schema (String) must be "price"
  • tags (List of String)
  • tax (String) Parsed as JSON.
  • termination_time_amount (Number) The termination period duration
  • termination_time_unit (String) The termination period duration unit. must be one of ["weeks", "months", "years"]
  • tiers (Attributes List) Defines an array of tiers. Each tier has an upper bound, an unit amount and a flat fee. (see below for nested schema)
  • type (String) One of one_time or recurring depending on whether the price is for a one-time purchase or a recurring (subscription) purchase. Default: "one_time"; must be one of ["one_time", "recurring"]
  • unit (String) The unit of measurement used for display purposes and possibly for calculations when the price is variable.
  • unit_amount (Number) The unit amount in cents to be charged, represented as a whole integer if possible.
  • unit_amount_currency (String) Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase.
  • unit_amount_decimal (String) The unit amount in cents to be charged, represented as a decimal string with at most 12 decimal places.
  • variable_price (Boolean) The flag for prices that can be influenced by external variables such as user input. Default: false


  • acl (Attributes) Access control list (ACL) for an entity. Defines sharing access to external orgs or users. (see below for nested schema)
  • created_at (String)
  • id (String) The ID of this resource.
  • org (String) Organization Id the entity belongs to
  • owners (Attributes List) (see below for nested schema)
  • title (String)
  • updated_at (String)

Nested Schema for files


Nested Schema for files.dollar_relation


  • entity_id (String)
  • tags (List of String)

Nested Schema for price_components


Nested Schema for price_components.dollar_relation


  • entity_id (String) The id of the price component
  • tags (List of String) An arbitrary set of tags attached to the composite price - component relation

Nested Schema for tiers


  • display_mode (String) must be one of ["hidden", "on_request"]
  • flat_fee_amount (Number)
  • flat_fee_amount_decimal (String)
  • unit_amount (Number)
  • unit_amount_decimal (String)
  • up_to (Number)

Nested Schema for acl


  • delete (List of String)
  • edit (List of String)
  • view (List of String)

Nested Schema for owners


  • org_id (String)
  • user_id (String)


Import is supported using the following syntax:

terraform import epilot-product_price.my_epilot-product_price "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"