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File metadata and controls

259 lines (198 loc) · 13.1 KB



Corpusama is a language corpus management tool that provides a semi-automated pipeline for creating corpora from the ReliefWeb database of humanitarian texts (managed by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs).

The goal of building language corpora from ReliefWeb is to study humanitarian discourse: what concepts exist among actors, how their usage changes over time, what's debated about them, their practical/ideological implications, etc.

Corpusama can build corpora with texts from the ReliefWeb API. Contact ReliefWeb to discuss acceptable uses for your project: users are responsible for how they access and utilize ReliefWeb. This software is for nonprofit research; it is offered to ensure the reproducibility of research and to build on previous work. Feel free to reach out if you have questions or suggestions.

General requirements

ReliefWeb is a large database with over 1 million humanitarian reports, each of which may include PDF attachments and texts in multiple languages. Upwards of 500 GB of space may be required for managing and processing files. Downloading this data at a reasonable rate takes weeks. Dependencies also require several GB of space and benefit from a fast CPU and GPU.


Clone this repo and install dependencies in in a virtual environment. These are the main packages: pip install defusedxml nltk pandas PyMuPDF PyYAML requests stanza.

python3 -m venv .venv
source ${PWD}/.venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt


Stanza is a Python NLP package from Stanford. Models for languages may need to be downloaded with its download() function if this doesn't happen automatically.

Deprecated packages

Earlier versions relied on FreeLing and fastText NLP tools. See the history of this README for old installation instructions. These tools perform better on machines without a dedicated GPU, whereas Stanza can run on a CPU but only for limited tasks.

Configuration files

Various settings are supplied to build corpora. The config/ directory stores YAML files with many settings. The config/reliefweb_2000+.yml is one example. It specifies a few things:

# the API where data is collected from
source: reliefweb
# an SQL schema for the database that stores API data
schema: corpusama/database/schema/reliefweb.sql
# the name of the database
db_name: data/reliefweb_2000+.db
# the column containing textual data (i.e., corpus texts)
text_column: body_html
# the daily maximum number of API calls
quota: 1000
# a dictionary specifying how to throttle API calls
wait_dict: {"0": 1, "5": 49, "10": 99, "20": 499, "30": null}
# API parameters used to generate calls
	<various ReliefWeb API parameters>
	<ReliefWeb API metadata fields, some of which will be included in a corpus>

In this case, reliefweb_2000+ has parameters to get all text-based reports (in any language) starting from 1 January 2000.

Each configuration file is accompanied by another that supplies secrets. It has the same filename but uses the suffix .secret.yml, e.g., reliefweb_2000+.secret.yml:

# where to store PDF files locally
pdf_dir: /a/local/filepath/
# API url and appname

To get started, make a secrets file for reliefweb_2000+ or design your own configuration files.

Usage example

This is an example to verify installation and describe the general workflow of corpus creation.


The corpusama package has all the modules needed to manage data collection and corpus preparation. It's controlled with a Corpus object. Modules can also be imported and used independently, but this is mostly useful for development purposes.

How to build a database:

from corpusama.corpus.corpus import Corpus

# instantiate a Corpus object
corp = Corpus("config/reliefweb_2000+.yml")
# this makes/opens a database in `data/`
# the database is accessible via `corp.db`
# view the database with a GUI application like <>
# (helpful for inspecting each stage of data manipulation)

# get records that haven't been downloaded yet # this example stops after 1 API call
# (downloads up to 1000 records chronologically)

# download associated PDFs
# (most reports don't have PDFs; some have several)

# extract PDF text
# doesn't include OCR capabilities
# extracts to TXT files in same parent dir as PDF

# run language identification on texts
corp.make_langid("_pdf") # TXT files extracted from PDFs
corp.make_langid("_raw") # HTML data stored within API responses

# make corpus XML <doc> attributes for a language
# there should be a few French documents in the first 1000 API results (example breaks if otherwise)

# export the combined texts into one TXT file
df = corp.export_text("fr")
# produces `reliefweb_fr.1.txt`
# this files can be processed with a pipeline to make a vertical file

Export format

The above workflow generates text files with ReliefWeb reports surrounded by <doc> XML tags, by default in batches of up to 10,000 reports per output file. Here is a fragment of a single report:

<doc id="302405" file_id="0" country__iso3="pse" country__shortname="oPt" date__original="2009-03-25T00:00:00+00:00" date__original__year="2009" format__name="News and Press Release" primary_country__iso3="pse" primary_country__shortname="oPt" source__name="Palestinian Centre for Human Rights" source__shortname="PCHR" source__type__name="Non-governmental Organization" theme__name="Health|Protection and Human Rights" title="OPT: PCHR appeals for action to save lives of Gaza Strip patients" url="" >
The Palestinian Centre for human rights
(PCHR) is appealing to the Ministries of Health in the Ramallah and Gaza
Governments to take all possible measures to facilitate referrals for Gazan
patients who need urgent medical treatment outside Gaza.
The Centre is alarmed at the deterioration
of patient's health following two key political decisions on healthcare
provision. In January 2009, the Ramallah Ministry of Health (MOH) cancelled
financial coverage for all Palestinian patients in Israeli hospitals, including
those who in the middle of long term treatment.

Once the content of these files is inspected, they can be compressed with xz or a similar tool before further processing.


Files in the pipeline/ directory are used to complete corpus creation. The current version of Corpusama relies on the Stanza pipeline. Run python pipeline/stanza/ --help for an overview. This has been tested with an NVIDIA 4070m GPU (8 GB). Also adjust the arguments below in stanza.Pipeline when fine-tuning memory management:

self.nlp = stanza.Pipeline(
    tokenize_batch_size=32,   #  Stanza default=32
    mwt_batch_size=50,        #  Stanza default=50
    pos_batch_size=100,       #  Stanza default=5000
    lemma_batch_size=50,      #  Stanza default=50
    depparse_batch_size=5000, #  Stanza default=5000

If possible, the dependency parsing batch size should be "set larger than the number of words in the longest sentence in your input document" (see documentation). Managing memory issues in the GPU-based Stanza pipeline may be necessary. See for a list of steps taken to build the corpora with an Nvidia 4070.

A complete job looks like this: time python pipeline/stanza/ -csuwvV en fileName.txt.xz

The first output format is .conllu (see Here's a sample:

# newdoc
# id = 302405
# file_id = 0
# country__iso3 = pse
# country__shortname = oPt
# date__original = 2009-03-25T00:00:00+00:00
# date__original__year = 2009
# format__name = News and Press Release
# primary_country__iso3 = pse
# primary_country__shortname = oPt
# source__name = Palestinian Centre for Human Rights
# source__shortname = PCHR
# source__type__name = Non-governmental Organization
# theme__name = Health|Protection and Human Rights
# title = OPT: PCHR appeals for action to save lives of Gaza Strip patients
# url =
# text = The Palestinian Centre for human rights (PCHR) is appealing to the Ministries of Health in the Ramallah and Gaza Governments to take all possible measures to facilitate referrals for Gazan patients who need urgent medical treatment outside Gaza.
# sent_id = 0
1	The	the	DET	DT	Definite=Def|PronType=Art	3	det	_	start_char=0|end_char=3
2	Palestinian	Palestinian	ADJ	NNP	Degree=Pos	3	amod	_	start_char=4|end_char=15
3	Centre	Centre	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	11	nsubj	_	start_char=16|end_char=22

The --ske flag also converts the CoNLLU files into a vertical format recognized by Sketch Engine.

<doc id="302405" file_id="0" country__iso3="pse" country__shortname="oPt" date__original="2009-03-25T00:00:00+00:00" date__original__year="2009" format__name="News and Press Release" primary_country__iso3="pse" primary_country__shortname="oPt" source__name="Palestinian Centre for Human Rights" source__shortname="PCHR" source__type__name="Non-governmental Organization" theme__name="Health|Protection and Human Rights" title="OPT: PCHR appeals for action to save lives of Gaza Strip patients" url="">
<s id="0">
1	The	the	DET	DT	Definite=Def|PronType=Art	3	det	_	start_char=0|end_char=3
2	Palestinian	Palestinian	ADJ	NNP	Degree=Pos	3	amod	_	start_char=4|end_char=15
3	Centre	Centre	PROPN	NNP	Number=Sing	11	nsubj	_	start_char=16|end_char=22

Inspect the output files and compress them with xz. The TXT, CoNLLU and vertical formats have their own use cases for NLP tasks. See for details or making modifications. Viewing the corpus (e.g., in Sketch Engine) also requires making a corpus configuration file and other steps beyond this introduction.

Generating and verifying checksums is also recommended for sharing and versioning:

# generate
sha256sum reliefweb* > hashes.txt

# verify
sha256sum -c hashes.txt



Support comes from the Humanitarian Encyclopedia and the LexiCon research group at the University of Granada. See the paper below for references and funding disclosures.

Dependencies include these academic works, which have their corresponding bibliographies: Stanza, FreeLing and fastText.

Subdirectories with a ske_ prefix are from Sketch Engine under AGPL, MPL, and/or other pertinent licenses. See their bibliography and website with open-source corpus tools.

Other attributions are indicated in individual files. NoSketch Engine is a related software used downstream in some projects.


Please consider citing the papers below. CITATION.cff can be used if citing the software directly.

	location = {Brno, Czech Republic},
	title = {Humanitarian reports on {ReliefWeb} as a domain-specific corpus},
	url = {},
	pages = {248--269},
	booktitle = {Electronic lexicography in the 21st century. Proceedings of the {eLex} 2023 conference},
	publisher = {Lexical Computing},
	author = {Isaacs, Loryn},
	editor = {Medveď, Marek and Měchura, Michal and Kosem, Iztok and Kallas, Jelena and Tiberius, Carole and Jakubíček, Miloš},
	date = {2023}

    title = "Humanitarian Corpora for {E}nglish, {F}rench and {S}panish",
    author = "Isaacs, Loryn  and
      Chamb{\'o}, Santiago  and
      Le{\'o}n-Ara{\'u}z, Pilar",
    editor = "Calzolari, Nicoletta  and
      Kan, Min-Yen  and
      Hoste, Veronique  and
      Lenci, Alessandro  and
      Sakti, Sakriani  and
      Xue, Nianwen",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)",
    month = may,
    year = "2024",
    location = "Torino, Italia",
    publisher = "ELRA and ICCL",
    url = "",
    pages = "8418--8426",