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A Windows installer for the QuiRing example application and the latest builds of the Quiche dlls are available for those who don't wish to build their own.

Quiche: The Qui Cache Provider

Psiloc is a networked biometric access control system provided by Perception-SI Ltd which uses a combination of prox cards and face recognition. It's unusual in that rather than use an admin application, enrolment, permissions management, etc, are all performed simply by presenting prox cards to a Psiloc terminal on the network. This means that as well as access being secured by biometrics, even account management and setup is biometrically secured.

Psiloc also exposes some information about what Qui (the software which manages the Psiloc hardware) is doing for consumption by third-party data management so that the terminals can be integrated seamlessly into a complete system.

So why is Quiche called Quiche? Honestly, it's because... well... who doesn't like quiche?

Quiche provides a simple API for connecting to a Qui server, monitoring and caching the data produced by Qui, and writing proxcards for use with the system.

QuiRing is an example winforms application which demonstrates the capabilities of Quiche. For many applications, QuiRing is more than sufficient for all card issue and data logging. Should you wish to roll your own application, or integrate Quiche into a larger solution, it's worth taking a look at QuiRing. Whilst much of the code is standard winforms gui implementation, the sections dealing specifically with Quiche are likely to be helpful for reference.

Quiche uses the following third-party, open source resources:

  • Websocket-sharp provides an easy-to-use websocket implementation.
  • ServiceStack provides, amongst other things, a persistence layer through OrmLite and a nice JSON client
  • Mono makes the whole thing work on environments and also provides part of the Sqlite storage solution
  • Sqlite, unsurprisingly, provides the rest of the Sqlite storage solution. It's installed to the system for linux platforms, but a binary is provided for those wishing to build and run on Windows.

If you wish to roll your own solution without using Quiche at all, the following information is probably useful:

Qui Websocket Publication

Whenever an interesting event occurs, Qui publishes a structured notification over a websocket running at the root address on port 8181. In addition to this log feed a status socket publishes over the /status/ location on the same port. This broadcasts a simple status message each second from every Psiloc terminal attached to the network so any failed terminals are readily apparent.

Status pings are of the form HubSerial, PsilocSerial - i.e., the serial number of the processing hub that the Psiloc terminal is connected to and the serial number of the terminal itself. Several terminals may be connected to the same processing hub, so if you suddenly see every terminal on a hub go down then it's likely that something has happened to the hub (such as a power outage), whereas if you still see all of the other terminals on a hub responding correctly then it's an issue with the Psiloc terminal itself (a severed cable for example).

A less structured, human-readable info feed is also available over a websocket at the root of port 8282 though this is unlikely to be useful for integration into other software.

##Understanding the log information##

Log messages are of the form:

Event, Source, User, Result

  • Event is string which denotes what type of event Qui is reporting.
  • Source is the ID of the Psiloc terminal which caused the event.
  • User is the ID of the user that is being affected by the event.
  • Result is the outcome of the event.

If a notification has no useful information to present for a given field, the string will be empty (for example, Qui can timeout from an admin mode and switch back to its idle state without intervention. In this case, there will be no User information. There is no outcome from switching to the Idle state, so the Result will also be empty.

###Immediate events##

These events will be published as they happen

Event Description Source User Results
Starting A terminal is starting up Terminal ID Empty Empty
Exiting A terminal is closing down Terminal ID Empty Empty
LockFault A fault has occurred on the secure lock attached to a terminal Terminal ID Empty The type of fault reported (Communications, Initialisation or Tamper; see below)
Mode A terminal has switched mode Terminal ID The ID of the user who instigated the change (Empty if no user is responsible) The new mode
Verify A User has attempted to verify Terminal ID The ID of the user Invalid, Denied, Fail or Success
Unlock A terminal with no camera has been accessed Terminal ID The ID of the user Invalid, Denied or Success

###Deferred events### These events are published when they are authorised by an administrator rather than as they occur. Qui does not allow any modification of its internal data store without administrator authorisation; instead it caches these transactions until the administrator that authorised the current admin session re-presents their admin card to verify that they are happy to commit the changes. If they do not present their card, or present a control card to signal they are unhappy with the transactions, Qui drops the changes.

Event Description Source User Results
Enrol A user has been enrolled Terminal ID User ID Success or Fail
Revoke A user has been removed Terminal ID User ID Success or Fail
Access User access rights have been modified Terminal ID User ID Success or Fail
AdminGrant A User has been granted admin rights Terminal ID User ID Success or Fail
AdminRevoke Admin rights have been removed from a User Terminal ID User ID Success or Fail

Verification results

  • Invalid - The card presented does not correspond to a user enrolled on the system. Psiloc will signal a failure to verify and not unlock any attached locking devices (without biometrically verifying who the bearer of the card is).
  • Denied - The card belongs to a user without access rights to use this terminal. Psiloc will signal a failure to verify and not unlock any attached locking devices (without biometrically verifying who the bearer of the card is).
  • Fail - The person presenting the card does not appear to be the authorised user. Psiloc will signal a failure to verify and not unlock any attached locking devices.
  • Success - The card belongs to a valid user with rights to access this terminal and appears to have been presented by the the user in question. Psiloc will at this point unlock any attached locking devices.

Unlock events

Unlock events are unique to versions of Psiloc that don't physically have a camera. The Qui network has to be specifically configured to allow this arrangement as for security these units are untrusted by default (see the documentation provided by Perception for details), but the result is that you have terminals that act like simple card-operated access points. Present a card and if it belongs to a user with permission to access that terminal then the unit will signal success and unlock any locks. It works exactly like Verify, but since there's no biometric verification of the bearer fail isn't an exit code that can occur.

Modes of operation in Qui

Qui has six modes of operation:

  • Normal - Normal operating mode (awaits a card. When a user presents their card, biometric verification will take place)
  • Initialise -Initialisation mode; no administrators have been enrolled on the system. The first person to enrol will be granted admin rights.
  • Enrol - The system is currently enrolling new users as cards are presented
  • Revoke - The system is currently removing existing users as their cards are presented
  • Admin - The system is currently toggling admin status for existing users as their cards are presented
  • Access - The system is currently updating access rights for users when their cards are presented (see the proxcard section below).

Types of lock fault

Psiloc optionally includes a "secure lock" - this is a physical actuator that is connected to a Psiloc terminal over an encrypted channel. "Lock faults" are fault signals emitted which specifically refer to this device.

A Communications fault is most likely a transient issue caused by environmental noise and can be ignored unless it recurs. An Initialisation fault signals that the Psiloc unit is unable to perform a secure handshake with its secure lock; most likely the lock has been initialised already. Resetting the lock to factory defaults should resolve this. Tamper signals that whilst Psiloc is configured to expect a secure lock to be present, it appears to be physically absent.

Qui Watchman REST Interface

In addition to the event-based data published over websockets a REST interface is exposed over port 80 at /watchman. This simply allows you to GET lists of all of a type of entity currently stored in Qui; Users, Zones or Terminals. User is self-explanatory, as is Terminal. A Zone is a group that Terminals can belong to. Granting permission for a User to access a Zone grants access to all terminals in the Zone.

GET Address.of.qui/watchman/Users

Would return something along the lines of:

        "Id": 2205639807,
        "ZoneWhitelist": [],
        "TerminalWhitelist": []
        "Id": 3768738943,
        "ZoneWhitelist": [],
        "TerminalWhitelist": []

With similar responses from .../Zones and .../Terminals.

Watchman also provides a GET for Ping; this doesn't actually return anything but is useful for detecting a broken connection (as an error will occur if no response is forthcoming).

Proxcard Data Format

By default Psiloc simply reads the unique ID hardwired into each prox card. For anything other than standard User cards, further data must be written to the card at these locations:-

Name Page Length (bytes) Description
PIN 0x00 4 The ID of the card. Cannot be overwritten. For user cards, this is also the PIN
Type 0x10 4 Code specifying the type of card (see below)
ProxyPIN 0x11 4 PIN number; ignored for user cards
Terminals 0x14 16 A list of Terminal reference IDs that the User should be granted access to. Each reference ID is one byte. Zero bytes are ignored.
Zones 0x14 16 A list of Zone IDs that the User should be granted access to. Each ID is one byte. Zero bytes are ignored.

Types that can be specified in the Type field are:-

Type Code Description
User 0x00000000 A standard User card. Default.
Proxy 0x10101010 Behaves exactly like a user card, but uses the ProxyPIN field for the PIN number. This allows replacement user cards to be created, provided the original PIN number has been recorded somewhere.
Enrol 0x09090909 Switches the system into Enrol mode
Verify 0x03030303 Switches the system into Verify mode (the normal operating mode)
Revoke 0x0A0A0A0A Switches the system into Revoke mode (for removing users)
Admin 0x0F0F0F0F Switches the system into Admin Toggle mode (grant or remove admin rights from users)
Access 0x1F1F1F1F Switches the system into Access Permissions mode (for assigning new zone/terminal access rights to users)