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111 lines (80 loc) · 6.01 KB

depigner 0.8.4

  • convert all implicit integers in explicit (e.g, 1L instead of 1).
  • convert all $ extraction in [[.
  • add digits = 3 option to tidy_sumamry().
  • update README making all the code visible (#39).
  • fix an error in the the example of tidy_summary() (#38).
  • Improved error messages for adjust_p() when tidy_summary() is called without prtest = TRUE option.
  • Updated test tests for testthat 3rd edition (#32).
  • Move {rms} to IMPORTS.

depigner 0.8.3

  • Fixed a bug in paired_test_categorical() that happen when only one value is zero from one group to another (#24).
  • Fixed a bug related to temporary project and packages in testing environments (#28).
  • Fixed summary_interact() after stop of support from {broom} to summary.rms objects (#27).
  • Fixed a bug that prevent to paired_test_categorical() to work properly when (possibly unnamed) matrices are provided to it instead of tables (#22, #23).

depigner 0.8.2

  • Fixed a bug, caused to an updated version of as_tibble, that prevent to variables names used in summary() to be showed when passed to tidy_summary() (#17).
  • To avoid collision with {usethis} namespace itself, use_ui now use its own R/utils-depigner.R template which incorporate the roxygen2 comments to update the NAMESPACE by depigner. Currently this is used to activate the {usethis}' User Interface functions only (fixes #18).
  • Fixed a typo in use_ui that prevents it to work correctly (#18).

depigner 0.8.1

  • Changed installed.packages() using find.package() to speed up the evaluation considerably, especially when thousand of packages are installed into the system. In the README's example is still used installed.packages() because that example have to know all the names of the installed packages.
  • Changed \dontrun{} with \donttest{} in the examples which can "run" but should not be tested. Telegram's related examples and the use_ui() one still report \dontrun{} because they require special environments (Telegram configuration and package-like project) to be executed without errors (#16)

depigner 0.8.0

  • Reduced cyclocomp up to 15.
  • Improved and execute if (interactive()) only, the gdp() examples.
  • Removed {usethis} interface for message startup to make it able to be suppressed.
  • Added imported_from() function to get the list of imported packages by a package.
  • Changed interface to package installers and sets of packages. Introduced pkg_* sets, changed check_pkg() to install_pkg_set(), exported please_install()
  • Updated README including a table of contents, some badges, and reordering the sections
  • Moved fs to Imports
  • Added dependencies from packages {lattice}, {survival}, and {Formula}, which Hmisc depends on (require for checks).
  • Fix {progress} reference into README.
  • Isolate use_ui() from unexported functions of {usethis} package.
  • Reformat DESCRIPTION purging some unused imports dependencies, and rewriting pkg title and description accordingly to the new corresponding entries in the README
  • Fixed a typo in the call of the generic tidy_summary(), and refactor it tidy_summary.summary.formula.reverse() method.

depigner 0.7.0

  • Change compatibility requiring R3.6+ (because of package {latticeExtra}, required by {Hmisc}, which depends on it).
  • Update gh-actions to tidy ones.
  • Update README.

depigner 0.6.1

  • Switch to GH-action for CI.
  • Activate spellcheck.
  • Activate lint.
  • Activate gh-pages with pkgedown.

depigner 0.6.0

  • Update README including examples for all the exported functions.
  • Added Htypes(), Htype() and complementary functions and relative. tests, to get/check when a variable is considered categorical or continuous by the {Hmisc} ecosystem.

depigner 0.5.0

  • Introduce to remove notes on CMD check for tidyeval missing variables.
  • Update all the UIs to usethis' ones.
  • Exported ci2p() (issue #6).
  • Add use_ui() to add what is necessary to use the usethis' user interfaces in a package.

depigner 0.4.1

  • Add tick() as a wrapper to update a progress bar.
  • Add pb_len() as a wrapper to progress::progress_bar() for a quick and ready to use progress bar with default options.

depigner 0.4.0

  • Minor (warnings) fixes to the tests.
  • Add adjust_p() function to adjust the P-values from a tidy_summary summary using methods provided by p.adjust().
  • Add errors_to_telegram() function to automatically parrot all the error messages to a chat from a Telegram bot.

depigner 0.3.1

  • Update ubesp_pckg (#4).
  • Update ubesp_pckg (#5).

depigner 0.3.0

  • Introduce dependency from R >= 3.5 because of the package mvtnorm which is in the tree of rms and Hmisc and depends on the version of R 3.5.
  • Moved survival, rms and Hmisc from Imports to Suggests.
  • Added start_bot_for_chat() function, send_to_telegram() generics with methods for string and ggplot plots, and not exported functionalities as a wrappers to the main functions of the package.
  • Added tests to paired tests functions' tests.
  • Remove dependencies from vcd package.

depigner 0.2.0

  • Added paired_test_categorical() function to implement paired test for categorical variable accordingly to the number of groups, in a suitable way to be used in the Hmisc summary() with method = "reverse".
  • Added paired_test_continuous() function to implement paired test for continuous variable accordingly to the number of groups, in a suitable way to be used in the Hmisc summary() with method = "reverse".

depigner 0.1.0

  • Some variable names updated.
  • Bug fixed in summary_interact().
  • Add some tests.
  • Added support for tibbles.
  • Added tidy_summary() generics function and method for Hmisc summary() with method = "reverse".

depigner 0.0.2

  • Fixed summary_interact() function.
  • Added gdp() function.
  • Added basic infrastructure to the package.