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ABB Free@home

Eliona App for ABB Free@home integration

Simply smart. ABB-free@home® transforms the house or the apartment into an intelligent home. Whether blinds, lights, heating, air conditioning, door communication or scenes. Easy to remote control via a switch on the wall, with the laptop or with the smartphone. Very convenient. Extremely comfortable. Very energy efficient. Especially attractive: Only minimal costs are involved when compared with conventional electrical installations.

This app allows accessing ABB Free@home systems directly in Eliona using the ABB ProService portal. Users can monitor values, browse through statistics, control the Free@home devices and, most importantly, interconnect ABB devices with systems from other manufacturers.


The ABB Free@home App is installed via the App Store in Eliona.


The ABB Free@home App automatically creates all the necessary asset types and assets. The asset names are kept synchronized from ABB -> Eliona (therefore assets must be renamed in Free@home system. If they are renamed in Eliona, the name will not ve persisted).

Structure assets

The following asset types are created just to create a structure in Eliona:

  • Floor: Represents a specific level in a building.
Attribute Description
Id Floor Identifier
Name Floor Name
Level Floor Level
  • Room: Represents a specific room on a floor.
Attribute Description
Id Room Identifier
Name Room Name
  • System: Represents a central system controlling multiple devices.
Attribute Description Filterable
ID System ID x
Name System Name x
  • Device: Represents a specific device in the system. Devices are linked to their respective systems and locations in Eliona asset tree.
Attribute Description Filterable
ID Device Identifier x
Name Device Name x
Location Device Location
Battery Battery percentage (if applicable)
Connectivity Connectivity status (if applicable)


Channels are linked to devices. These channels provide the real functionality:

Here's the updated documentation based on the provided data structure:

  • Switch: A regular light switch.
Attribute Description Subtype
Switch Switch output
  • Dimmer: A channel to control lighting intensity.
Attribute Description Subtype
Switch Switch output
Dimmer Dimmer output
  • HueActuator: A channel to control colored lighting.
Attribute Description Subtype
HSVState HSV State input
ColorModeState Color Mode State input
Switch Switch output
Dimmer Dimmer output
HSVHue HSV Hue output
HSVSaturation HSV Saturation output
HSVValue HSV Value output
ColorTemperature Color Temperature output
  • RTC: Room Temperature Controller.
Attribute Description Subtype
CurrentTemp Current Temperature input
Switch Switch output
SetTemp Set Temperature output
  • RadiatorThermostat: Thermostat for a radiator.
Attribute Description Subtype
CurrentTemp Current Temperature input
StatusIndication Status Indication input
HeatingActive Heating Active input
HeatingValue Heating Value input
Switch Switch output
SetTemp Set Temperature output
  • HeatingActuator: Heating control unit.
Attribute Description Subtype
InfoFlow Info Flow input
ActuatorFlow Actuator Flow input
  • WindowSensor: Sensor to detect window position.
Attribute Description Subtype
Position Position input
  • DoorSensor: Sensor to detect door position.
Attribute Description Subtype
Position Position input
  • MovementSensor: Sensor to detect movement.
Attribute Description Subtype
Movement Movement input
  • SmokeDetector: Sensor to detect fire. Note: ABB implements it in a way that makes all fire detectors trigger an alarm at once when one device detects smoke.
Attribute Description Subtype
Fire Fire input
  • FloorCallButton: Rings a bell.
Attribute Description Subtype
FloorCall Floor Call output
  • MuteButton: Mutes the floor call button.
Attribute Description Subtype
Mute Mute Button output
  • Scene: Represents a scene.
Attribute Description Subtype
Switch Set Scene output
  • Wallbox: Car charging station.
Attribute Description Subtype
Switch Switch output
Enable Enable output
InstalledPower Installed Power status
TotalEnergy Total Energy input
StartLastCharging Start Last Charging input
Status Status input


The ABB Free@home App is configured by defining one or more authentication credentials. Each configuration requires the following data:

Attribute Description
abbConnectionType Type of connection. Only "ProService" is currently supported.
apiKey API key provided by ABB
orgUUID UUID of the ProService organization
enable Flag to enable or disable fetching from this API
refreshInterval Interval in seconds for device discovery. This is an expensive operation, should be no lower than 3600 s
requestTimeout API query timeout in seconds
assetFilter Filter for asset creation, more details can be found in app's README
projectIDs List of Eliona project ids for which this device should collect data. For each project id, all assets are automatically created in Eliona.

The configuration is done via a corresponding JSON structure. As an example, the following JSON structure can be used to define an endpoint for app permissions:

  "abbConnectionType": "ProService",
  "apiKey": "api.key",
  "orgUUID": "org-uuid",
  "enable": true,
  "refreshInterval": 3600,
  "requestTimeout": 120,
  "assetFilter": [],
  "projectIDs": [

Configurations can be created using this structure in Eliona under Apps > ABB Free@home > Settings. To do this, select the /configs endpoint with the POST method.

After completing configuration, the app starts Continuous Asset Creation. When all discovered devices are created, user is notified about that in Eliona's notification system.

After configuration

After the application is configured, it looks up systems connected to the configured ProService account. On all of these systems, it automatically creates a user called "eliona_ProService" that would later be used when controlling the devices. This account has to be enabled locally on these systems.

To enable the account, log in to the SysAPs, find "User settings" and find a user called "eliona_ProService". Enable this user and ensure it has the correct access rights to control the devices.


Defective Device error message

There is an error with some devices, that some datapoint writes cause the system to consider the device "defective". The system then stops sending data to these devices, making them uncontrollable.

The devices are not defective though, the sysAP just needs to be restarted and the devices respond again.

ABB is aware of that error and on a way to fix it. If you run into this issue repeatedly, please let us know about it for a fix.

Troubleshooting using GraphQL

ABB has a GraphQL playground for it's Smart Home API:

You can log in to the playground either using your MyBuildings account or your ProService account.

  PSOrganization{dtId} # should not work for a normal user
  User{userName} # should return the username of the user who created the token

To verify which relation you have to the systems, you can use this query:

  UserDevice  {dtId} #the dtId should appear here - in case the user is the owner of the sysap
  CustomerDevice {dtId} #the dtId should appear here - in case the user is the installer that invited the user as customer

Please note that ABB currently does not recommend using the same user account for ProService and MyBuildings portals. It causes some problems that can be worked around, but are not desired.

Requests optimization

ABB implemented a way to analyze resource usage by current user:

    consumedRequestCosts # returns the sum of costs produced by this user (should be turned back to 0 in the night)
    requestCosts #returns the costs by this query (in your case mainly affected by 1 per object loaded + 1 per DataPointRequest)
# … add here the rest/normal query

We took a lot of effort to bring resource usage down. Still, the app polling for new devices is a very resource-intensive process that can be further optimized if there is a demand for it.