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EEA Redmine docker setup

Taskman is a web application based on Redmine that facilitates Agile project management for EEA and Eionet software projects. It comes with some plugins and specific Eionet Redmine theme.

Table of Contents


Dockerfile to build a Redmine container image based on the official Redmine Docker image


See (


Pull the image from the docker index. This is the recommended method of installation as it is easier to update image in the future. These builds are performed by the Trusted Build service.

docker pull eeacms/redmine:latest

Alternately you can build the image yourself.

git clone
cd eea.docker.taskman
docker build --tag="$USER/redmine" .

Quick Start

The quickest way to get started is using Rancher Template.

Alternately, you can manually launch the redmine container and the supporting database container (MySQL or PostgreSQL), by following this two step guide.

Step 1. Launch a database container


docker run -d --name some-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret -e POSTGRES_USER=redmine postgres


docker run -d --name some-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret -e MYSQL_DATABASE=redmine mysql

Step 2. Launch the redmine container


docker run -d --name some-redmine --link some-postgres:postgres redmine


docker run -d --name some-redmine --link some-mysql:mysql redmine

NOTE: Please allow a minute or two for the Redmine application to start.

Point your browser to http://localhost:8080 and login using the default username and password:

  • username: admin
  • password: admin

Make sure you visit the Administration link and Load the default configuration before creating any projects.

You now have the Redmine application up and ready for testing. If you want to use this image in production the please read on.

The rest of the document will use the docker command line. You can quite simply adapt your configuration into a docker-compose.yml file if you wish to do so.


See (


To upgrade to newer redmine releases, simply follow this 4 step upgrade procedure.

Step 1: Update the docker image.

docker pull eeacms/redmine

Step 2: Stop and remove the currently running image

docker stop some-redmine
docker rm some-redmine

Step 3: Backup the database in case something goes wrong.

mysqldump -h <mysql-server-ip> -uredmine -p --add-drop-table redmine > redmine.sql

With docker

docker exec mysql-redmine mysqldump -h localhost --add-drop-table redmine > redmine.sql

Step 4: Start the image

docker run --name=redmine -d [OPTIONS] eeacms/redmine

Step 5: Restore database from before

docker exec -i mysql-redmine mysql -h localhost redmine < redmine.sql
