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Ovid Language

Ovid is a compiled programming language. It has a strong, static type system. It takes inspiration from Rust, C, and Go.

Ovid's syntax is very similar to Rust, but it features different semantics.


Single line comments can be denoted with //. Multi-line comments are oppened with /* and ended with */. Multi-line comments may be nested within each other.

// A single line comment
// another comment
/* multi
   /* nested */

Builtin Types

Type Description Example Values
i8, i16, i32, i64 Signed 8 bit, 16 bit, 32 bit, and 64 bit integers 42, -123, 0xFF34, 0b11001010
u8, u16, u32, u64 Unsigned 8 bit, 16 bit, 32 bit, and 64 bit integers 123, 'A', '\n', 0xfefa
f32, f64 32 and 64 bit floating point values 1.23, -0.4, 1.2e-12
bool Boolean Value true, false
void Unit type

Function Declarations

Most ovid code must reside inside a function. Functions are declared with the fn keyword:

fn func() {
    /* body */

Functions can take named arguments:

fn print_number (num i32) {
    /* body */

Functions can return values with the return keyword:

fn sum(arg0 i32, arg1 i32) -> i32 {
    return arg0 + arg1

If a function omits its return type, it implicitly returns void:

// these two declarations are equivalent
fn func() {}
fn func() -> void {}

Calling Functions

Functions are called using a parenthsized notation:

sum(1, 2)
sum(1, sum(sum(2, 3), 4))

A few builtin functions may be called using prefix and infix notation:

Identifier Function Notation Precedence Associativity
! Logical Negation Prefix 1 right-to-left
~ Binary Negation Prefix 1 right-to-left
- Arithmetic Negation Prefix 1 right-to-left
*, /, % Multiplication, Division, Modulo Infix 2 left-to-right
+, - Addition, Subtraction Infix 3 left-to-right
<<, >> Bitwise left and right shifts Infix 4 left-to-right
<, <=, >, >=, ==, != Comparison functions Infix 5 left-to-right
& Bitwise and Infix 6 left-to-right
^ Bitwise exclusive or (xor) Infix 7 left-to-right
` ` Bitwise or Infix 8
&& Logical and (short-circuiting) Infix 9 left-to-right
` ` Logical or (short-circuiting) Infix
=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, >>=, <<=, &=, ^=, ` =` Assignment and compound assignment Infix 11

For example, a function returning the bitwise negation of the sum of it's arguments:

fn not_sum(arg0 i32, arg1 i32) -> i32 {
   return ~(arg0 + arg1)


Variables are declared with the val or mut keyword. val declares an immutable variable, while mut declares a mutable variable.

All variables must be initialized at their declaration.

By default the type of a variable is inferred from it's initializer.

val variable = 34 // variable inferred to be type i32
val foo = !false && true // foo inferred to be type bool
mut bar = sum(1 + 1, 2 + 2)

Mutable variables can be assigned values after their declaration, while immutable variables cannot:

val var1 = 1
var1 = 2 // error
mut var2 = 3
var2 = 4 // okay

The type of a variable can be explicitly specified:

val number i32 = 56


Globals are variables declared outside of a function. Their initializer must be constant -- either a literal or a builtin function call. Additionally, globals must have an explicit type specified:

val global1 i32 = 1 * 2 + 5 // okay, constant initializer
val global2 i32 = func(1, 2) // error, non constant initializer
mut global3 bool = false // okay

If statements

If-elsif-else statements allow for conditional control flow. They expect boolean conditions.

If-elsif-else statements don't require parenthesis around their conditions, but require braces around their bodies:

fn factorial(n i32) -> i32 {
   if n <= 1 {
      return 1
   } else {
      return n * factorial(n - 1)

If-elsif-else statements can be nested inside each other:

fn func(cond1 bool, cond2 bool) -> i32 {
   mut res = 0

   if cond1 {
      if !cond2 {
         res = 1
      } else {
         res = 2
   } elsif cond2 {
      res = 3
   } else {
      res = 4

   return res

While Loops

While loops repeatedly execute while their condition is true. Similair to if statements, they don't require parentheses around their condition, but need braces around their bodies:

mut i = 0
while i < 10 {
   i += 1

Tuple Types

Tuple types allow for the combination of multiple values of different types into one type.

Tuple types are written using parenthesis: (T1, T2, ...)

(i32, bool)
(i32, (f64, bool), i32)

Tuples can be constructed with parenthesis:

val tuple = (65, (5.4, false), 34) // tuple is of type (i32, (f64, bool), i32)

Individual fields of a tuple can be accessed with the . operator. tuple.0 accesses the first filed, tuple.1 the second, etc.

fn add_points(p0 (f64, f64), p1 (f64, f64)) -> (f64, f64) {
   val x = p0.0 + p1.0
   val y = p0.1 + p1.1

   return (x, y)


Tuples can be destructured during variable declaration and assignment:

fn foo1() -> (bool, bool) { /* ... */ }
fn foo2() -> ((bool, bool), i32) { /* ... */ }

fn bar() {
   mut a, b = foo1()
   mut c = 1

   (a, b), c = foo2()

Pointer Types

A pointer to type T is written *T (immutable pointer) or *mut T (mutable pointer).

*T does not allow mutation of the contents of T. *mut T does allow mutation of the contents of T.

Pointers are dereferenced using the prefix * operator. The address of a variable can be taken with the prefix & operator:

fn set(ptr *mut i32, val i32) {
   *ptr = val

fn foo() {
   mut a = 1
   set(&a, 5)
   // a is now 5

The & operator produces an address that is valid for use anywhere in the program.

By default, variables are stack allocated. If the compiler determines that an address of a variable may be in use after a function's stack is destroyed, it is instead allocated on the heap. Heap allocated variables are garbage collected once they are no longer accessible.

fn foo() -> *mut i32 {
   mut var = 5
   return &var // the result of foo() is safe to dereference, since var is allocated on the heap

Ovid does not have a null pointer, so pointers are always safe to dereference.

Automatic field dereference

If the field selection operator (.) is used on a pointer to a tuple type, the pointer is implicitly dereferenced.

Thus, this function:

fn foo1(a *(i32, i32)) -> i32 {
   return a.0

is equivalent to the more verbose:

fn foo2(a *(i32, i32)) -> i32 {
   return (*a).0


Structs allow for multiple types to be combined into one.

Struct types are declared with the struct keyword:

struct User {
    id              u64
    sign_in_count   i32
    active          bool

Struct's can be created and manipulated:

fn new_user() -> User {
    return User { 
        id: new_id(),
        sign_in_count: 0,
        active: false

fn user_login(user *mut User) {
    user.sign_in_count += 1 = true


Methods can be added to structs with the impl keyword:

struct Point {
   x  f64
   y  f64

impl Point {
   fn origin() -> Point {
      return Point {
         x: 0.0,
         y: 0.0

   fn move_by(*mut self, x f64, y f64) {
      self.x += x
      self.y += y

   fn len_squared(*self) -> Point {
      return self.x * self.y

mut p = Point:origin()
p.move_by(3.0, 4.0)
val len = p.len_squared()


Generic type parameters are declared inside of <> blocks. Generic types can have

Structs and their impl's can be generic:

struct Container<T> {
   object T

impl<T> Container<T> {
   fn get_object(*self) -> *T {
      return &self.object

val a = Container:<i32> { object: 1 }
val val = a.get_object()

Type aliases can also be generic:

type Pair<A, B> = (A, B)
val a Pair:<i32, bool> = (1, false)

Functions can also be generic:

fn make_ref<T>(val T) -> *T {
   return &val

fn reorder_pair<A, B>(pair (A, B)) -> (B, A) {
   return (pair.1, pair.0)