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GNU OS Cross-Compiler - First Build

This document is intended to be a brief walkthrough of your first cross-build of a GNU system. It covers the one-time configuration of your environment, the entire build procedure, some initial runtime instructions, and uninstallation.


Install packages needed to follow this document. Using ext2 as the root file system, fat32 for the EFI system partition, and qemu (with KVM, if possible) for a virtual runtime environment will require the following tools.

sudo dnf -y install dosfstools e2fsprogs qemu-system-x86

Install build system dependencies. The main GNUmakefile and RPM build commands call these external programs for their various operations.

sudo dnf -y install \
    gcc-c++ guile libtool make \
    bzip2 gzip lzip tar xz-lzma-compat \
    git wget

Abbreviate the virtual machine command. This alias starts qemu with a virtual hardware configuration that is known to work with Hurd. It will use KVM, if it's available and running on x86.

alias qemu-hurd="$(test -e /dev/kvm -a "$(uname -m)" = x86_64 &&
    echo -n qemu-kvm -enable-kvm -cpu host || echo -n qemu-system-i386
    echo '' -no-quit -nodefaults \
        -smp cores=1 -m 1G -vga qxl -soundhw ac97 \
        -netdev user,id=eth0 -device pcnet,netdev=eth0 \
        -device virtio-rng-pci )"
sed -i -e '/^alias qemu-hurd=/d' ~/.bashrc
alias qemu-hurd >> ~/.bashrc

Abbreviate the build command. If you are going to use a working directory separate from the source directory, use this alias to call the make system. This alias is also where you can append tuning settings such as tune=pentium or exclude='hal icecat' to omit projects.

alias gmake="make -f ${SOURCE_DIR:-$PWD}/GNUmakefile -k"
sed -i -e '/^alias gmake=/d' ~/.bashrc
alias gmake >> ~/.bashrc

Optionally, configure account groups. If you build the bundled Linux-libre virtual machine and want its console to use consistent key bindings with the Hurd system, add yourself to the tty group. You can also remove the need for sudo while working with loop devices by adding yourself to disk. Including the mock group will allow Mock RPM builds without sudo as well. Remember to log out after this for new groups to take effect.

sudo usermod -a -G disk,mock,tty "$USER"

Sysroot and Cross-Tools

Before you can cross-compile the operating system software, you first need to make the cross-compilers themselves. These compilers, related tools, and development files are packaged in RPMs for easy management on the build system.

Install RPM development utilities. These tools are necessary to build and install packages on the build system.

sudo dnf -y install createrepo_c dnf-plugins-core rpmdevtools

Set up an RPM build environment. This will create the rpmbuild directory hierarchy and place links to the source files in the expected paths.

ln -fst "$(rpm -E %_specdir)" "${SOURCE_DIR:-$PWD}"/specs/*
ln -fst "$(rpm -E %_sourcedir)" "${SOURCE_DIR:-$PWD}"/patches/*

Build and install everything needed to compile the OS. The job server from this make command is shared with all of the make commands in the RPM build scripts to maximize CPU core usage. You'll want to make it run at least as many parallel jobs as you have processor cores in your machine. This command will let the RPM build settings decide that number for you.

make -f "${SOURCE_DIR:-.}/setup-sysroot.scm" $(rpm -E %_smp_mflags) -k

If for some reason you don't have GNU Make version 4 or later built with Guile support, you can run this equivalent command instead.

guile --no-auto-compile "${SOURCE_DIR:-.}/setup-sysroot.scm" |
make -f- $(rpm -E %_smp_mflags) -k

This command will take a long time to complete (potentially several hours on slower machines), but you can continue following this document while the sysroot builds in the background. Wait for this command to successfully finish before proceeding with the Building section below.

Target Disk

The operating system needs an available disk for its installation destination. Choose one of the following two commands, depending on whether you want to install to a virtual disk image or a dedicated physical disk (like a USB key or SD card), respectively. The procedures in this document will overwrite any preexisting data on the selected disk.

Allocate space for the disk image. The number at the end of this command is the size in GiB, so this will create a file gnu.img of size 10 GiB. This is enough space for the full install, plus plenty of room for regular usage.

dd bs=1G if=/dev/null of=${gnu_disk:=gnu.img} seek=10

Prepare the physical storage device. Problems can arise later (e.g. when installing the bootloader) if traces of earlier GPT formatting remain on the device. This will zero out the space before the first partition so there is no trouble. (Be sure to set the gnu_disk variable to the path of your device.)

sudo dd bs=512 conv=nocreat,notrunc count=2048 if=/dev/zero \
    of=${gnu_disk:?Set this variable the target disk device path.}

Define the partition layout. This example layout will create two primary partitions. The first uses 260 MiB for an EFI system partition, so the disk can be booted on EFI-only systems. The second partition uses all the remaining disk space for the operating system itself.

ext2_offset=$(( esp_megabytes * 1048576 / sector_size + esp_offset ))
echo o \
    n p 1 $esp_offset $(( ext2_offset - 1 )) \
    n p 2 $ext2_offset '' \
    t 1 ef \
    t 2 63 \
    w | tr ' ' '\n' | sudo fdisk -b $sector_size $gnu_disk

Create the ESP file system. It's just FAT32.

loop_esp=$(sudo losetup --show --sizelimit $(( esp_megabytes * 1048576 )) \
    -fo $(( esp_offset * sector_size )) $gnu_disk)
sudo mkfs.fat -F 32 -n GNUXCESP $loop_esp

Create the ext2 file system. Only a few feature-support flags are usable on the file system, since they can make Linux write things to the disk that Hurd won't be able to understand.

loop=$(sudo losetup --show -fo $(( ext2_offset * sector_size )) $gnu_disk)
sudo mke2fs -F -t ext2 -o hurd \
    -T hurd -b 4096 -I 128 \
    -O none,dir_index,ext_attr,sparse_super \
    -L GNUXC -m 0 $loop

Operating System


Install project dependencies. Most of these will already be installed if you built the sysroot packages on the same machine.

sudo dnf -y install \
    autoconf213 bc bison ed flex gperf groff intltool nasm texinfo yasm \
    {dejavu-sans,gnu-free-{mono,sans,serif},unifont}-fonts \
    cargo ImageMagick libicns-utils xorg-x11-xkb-utils \
    help2man perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker perl-Locale-gettext perl-podlators \
    {flex,freetype,gdk-pixbuf2,guile{,22},libffi}-devel \

The hal project requires a few native static libraries.

sudo dnf -y install {glib2,glibc,libstdc++,ncurses,pcre,zlib}-static

Download all of the project sources. This make command should not use (many) parallel jobs as a courtesy to the hosting servers.

gmake download

After this command ends successfully, you will need to stop and wait for all of the sysroot packages to build and install, if they haven't finished already.


Compile everything. Every project that goes into the operating system is built by the default all target. You'll want to make it run at least as many parallel jobs as you have processor cores in your machine. This command will let the RPM build settings decide that number for you.

gmake $(rpm -E %_smp_mflags)

Mount the target file system over the install root. Making your account the owner allows installation without super user privileges.

sudo mount -t ext2 \
    -o 'context="system_u:object_r:tmp_t:s0",x-mount.mkdir' \
    $loop gnu-root
sudo chown -hR "$USER" gnu-root

Also mount the ESP at /boot/efi to install the EFI bootloader.

mkdir -p gnu-root/boot/efi
sudo mount -t vfat \
    -o "context=\"system_u:object_r:tmp_t:s0\",uid=$USER" \
    $loop_esp gnu-root/boot/efi

Assemble the root file system. The install target respects the DESTDIR variable, which by default is gnu-root in the current directory. It will be the root of the file system. You probably don't want to run the installs with parallel jobs, since the limiting factor will be disk I/O in many cases anyway.

gmake install

Unmount the EFI system partition. The disk is already EFI-bootable, and Hurd won't need to modify the ESP at runtime. It can be unmounted forever.

sudo umount -d gnu-root/boot/efi

Save copies of the boot files. Bootloaders require three files from the installed system: the microkernel, a statically linked file system server, and the dynamic linker. Keep a copy of them outside the target file system.

cp gnu-root/boot/gnumach gnumach
cp gnu-root/hurd/ext2fs.static ext2fs
cp gnu-root/lib/ exec

Correct file ownership. Since the installation was done without super user privileges, the install root should have its files' owners recursively set to root. Linux's chown system call drops certain mode bits, so those must be restored separately.

find gnu-root -perm /7000 -printf 'chmod %m %p\n' >
sudo chown -hR 0:0 gnu-root
sudo sh -e && rm -f

Unmount and verify the root file system.

sudo umount gnu-root && rmdir gnu-root
sudo e2fsck -Dfy $loop
sudo losetup -d $loop

Native Initialization

Boot your new system. One of the remaining steps is to install the disk's bootloader, so the system first requires QEMU's built-in multiboot support.

qemu-hurd $gnu_disk \
    -kernel gnumach \
    -append 'root=device:hd0s2 -f' \
    -initrd "$(echo \
        ext2fs \
            --device-master-port='${device-port}' \
            --exec-server-task='${exec-task}' \
            --host-priv-port='${host-port}' \
            --multiboot-command-line='${kernel-command-line}' \
            -T typed '${root}' '$(task-create)' '$(task-resume)' \
        ,exec \
            /hurd/exec '$(exec-task=task-create)' )"

Some points to note about this command are that it boots with a writable root file system and gives the -f argument to skip the file system check. This is because the first boot will automatically run an initialization script to write translators etc. to the disk, as well as to install the bootloader. When this script is finished, it will start GNU Shepherd as in a regular system boot.

When the initialization is complete, you should see a login prompt. You can now explore the system, but don't forget to try the bootloader. To shut down, run sudo halt after logging into the system with either the root or gnu user (both with no password by default).

Clean up files. With the bootloader installed, you can decide whether you plan on using QEMU's multiboot options again to bypass it. If not, clean up the now-redundant boot files in the build directory.

rm -f gnumach ext2fs exec


The system is ready to be started normally, such as with this command.

qemu-hurd $gnu_disk

There are a few more steps to take below as the root user before the OS is finally ready for normal usage. See the file for a more complete runtime usage and configuration manual.

Tying up Loose Ends

Preempt the cron jobs. There are some cache databases being regenerated at random times daily. Run the cron commands manually if you don't want to wait for their scheduled times. The following will list each system cron job.

cat /etc/cron.d/*

Install the packages that were too broken for cross-compilation. Log into the root account, which has an alias gmake to build and install packages.

Install perl and its assorted modules. They are required to run certain utilities such as help2man and intltool.

gmake install-perl
gmake install-perl-Locale-gettext install-perl-XML-Parser

Emacs still needs to be installed properly since its final binary is generated at runtime. (Without running this step, the emacs command launches Zile.)

gmake install-emacs


Preparing to Rebuild from Scratch

If your goal is to reset the build environment in order to start fresh, there are two areas to clean.

Remove the cross-tools and sysroot. Since everything was installed from RPMs, a dnf remove command will handle the obvious parts. The RPM repository also must be removed so that no packages are skipped during the next rebuild.

sudo dnf -y remove 'gnuxc-*'
rm -fr "$(rpm -E %_rpmdir)/repodata"
rm -f {"$(rpm -E %_rpmdir)"{/*,},"$(rpm -E %_srcrpmdir)"}/gnuxc-*.rpm

Remove the cross-compiled source directories. If you used a dedicated working directory for running the gmake commands, simply delete it. If you have any valuable files in the working directory, a clean target is available to remove all of the package source trees individually.

gmake clean

Begin rebuilding. From this point, you can start following this document from the beginning to build a fresh OS image. Any remaining files will either be unused or overwritten with new data.

Uninstalling Entirely

If your goal is to wipe out everything in a complete uninstall, there are a few more steps in addition to the previous section.

Undo configurations. The bash aliases can be removed.

sed -i -e '/^alias \(gmake\|qemu-hurd\)=/d' ~/.bashrc

Clean the RPM build tree. There are source archives and patch links under %_sourcedir and spec links under %_specdir. This will delete the relevant sources and specs individually.

rpmbuild --rmsource --rmspec "$(rpm -E %_specdir)"/gnuxc-*.spec

Alternatively, if you haven't been building any other important RPMs, you could just wipe out the entire rpmbuild directory.

rm -fr "$(rpm -E %_topdir)"

Delete this directory. The last step for a complete uninstall is to remove this project itself. Once it's gone, everything installed here (except distro RPMs from build dependencies) should be purged from your build system.