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Diabot administration guide

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Diabot has several features for admins to manage the server and configure other commands diabot offers.


Admin Channels
Nightscout Administration


Admin can enforce usernames within the server via a customizable regex pattern, to (for example) stop users from avoiding mentions, hoisting their username with special characters, etc.
For example, .*[a-zA-Z0-9]{2,}.* matches 2 alphanumeric characters in a row.
Websites like regexr can help making and testing patterns.


Show/View Pattern

To set a new pattern for username enforcement, use:
diabot admin usernames pattern [regex pattern]

For example, the following command will ensure at least 2 consecutive alphanumeric characters in each username:
diabot admin usernames pattern .*[a-zA-Z0-9]{2,}.*

In addition, you can call the command without arguments to see the current pattern:
diabot admin usernames pattern

Show/View Hint

You can set a "hint", or a short description of what the pattern does to tell the users what the requirements are:
diabot admin usernames hint [hint]

For example, from the example of the previous subcommand:
diabot admin usernames hint Please make sure your nickname contains at least 2 alphanumerical characters

Again, you can view the current hint by calling the command without arguments:
diabot admin usernames hint

Enable Enforcement

Enable username pattern enforcement:
diabot admin usernames enable

Disable Enforcement

Disable username pattern enforcement:
diabot admin usernames disable


Rewards are a system of giving users in the server a role if they have the required role, and were active while the reward was active.
This is useful for events where you want all members who were active during the event to gain and eventually retain a role from that event.
Users can opt out of the reward (and back in) at will, and admins can force users to opt in and out.


Add reward

To create a new reward, specify the required role ID and the rewarded role ID:
diabot admin rewards add <required role> <reward role>

Delete reward

To delete an existing reward, specify both the required role ID and the rewarded role ID:
diabot admin rewards delete <required role> <reward role>

List rewards

To list all currently configured rewards:
diabot admin rewards list

Opt user in to rewards

Admins can force a user to opt in to rewards by specifying the user ID:
diabot admin rewards optin <user>

Opt user out of rewards

Likewise, admins can force a user to opt-out of rewards:
diabot admin rewards optout <user>

List all opt-outs

To list all users who are opted out of receiving rewards:
diabot admin rewards listoptouts

Admin Channels

Admin channels are a way of limiting certain commands which may expose sensitive information from being triggered in public channels.


Add an admin channel

To add an admin channel, specify the channel ID:
diabot admin channels add <channel>

Remove an admin channel

Likewise, to remove an admin channel:
diabot admin channels delete <channel>

List admin channels

To list all admin channels in the server:
diabot admin channels list


Admins can write messages as diabot in public channels.


Announce a message

To announce a message in a channel, specify the channel ID and message you'd like to send:
diabot admin announce <channel> <message>

For example, to send foo to the channel whose ID is 257554742371155998 :
diabot admin announce 257554742371155998 foo

Embeds still work, so sending a link to a valid GIF will embed it in chat once the message is sent.

Nightscout Administration

Admins can manage the nightscout command's appearance and entries using this command.
The simple subcommand can force certain channels to only show single-line nightscout responses to mitigate clutter from many people calling nightscout at the same time.


Set someone else's URL

Admins can set someone else's nightscout URL by specifying their user ID and a new URL:
diabot nightscoutadmin set <user> <url>

Delete someone else's URL

Admins can also remove someone's URL entirely, by specifying their user ID:
diabot nightscoutadmin delete <user>

Simple mode

Simple mode forces all calls to diabot's nightscout command to show a simpler, less cluttered version.

Enable simple mode for a channel

To enable simple mode for a channel, specify the channel ID:
diabot nightscoutadmin simple add <channel>

Disable simple mode for a channel

Likewise, to disable simple mode for a channel, specify the channel ID:
diabot nightscoutadmin simple delete <channel>

List all simple mode channels

To list all simple mode-enabled channels:
diabot nightscoutadmin simple list

Toggle nightscoutgraph command for guild

The diabot nightscoutgraph command can be enabled or disabled in the guild:
diabot nightscoutadmin graph [true/false]

Not providing true or false will toggle the enabled status of nightscoutgraph.


A simple command to get all roles in a server


List all roles

To list all roles in a server:
diabot roles