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Service able to create and manage quizzes, by the authenticated users.


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Web Quiz Engine

Service who is able to create and manage quizzes by the authenticated users.
Application is able to:

  • create new users,
  • create new quizzes,
  • retrieve quizzes by their id,
  • retrieve all quizzes paginated,
  • place solutions on quizzes,
  • retrieve all solutions paginated and
  • delete quizzes by their id.

Application use embedded H2 database and Basic authentication.


  • Java 11
  • Spring Boot 2.7.10 (Spring Web MVC, Spring REST, Spring Data Jpa, Spring Security, Spring Validation, Project Lombok, H2 database, Pagination, Native Query)
  • Gradle 7.4

To run application:

Navigate to the project root directory and run ./gradlew bootRun

Exposed endpoints:

By default, service will run on http://localhost:8889
Following endpoints will be exposed:

Methods Urls Action Access
GET /h2 Access to the local database (username: sa, no password) No authentication needed
POST /api/register Register new user No authentication needed
POST /api/quizzes Create new quiz Authenticated user required
GET /api/quizzes/{id} Get quiz by it's id Authenticated user required
GET /api/quizzes?page=0 Get all quizzes, paginated (5 records per page) Authenticated user required
POST /api/quizzes/{id}/solve Place solution for the quiz Authenticated user required
GET /api/quizzes/completed?page=0 Get completed quizzes, paginated (5 records per page) Authenticated user required
DELETE /api/quizzes/{id} Delete quiz by it's id Authenticated user required


API calls

Example 1: Registering a new user with a valid request body:
Request: POST /api/register
Request body:

  "email": "",
  "password": "strongpassword"

Response code: 200 OK

  "message": "User successfully created."

Example 2: Registering a new user with a valid request body but the email address is already taken:
Request: POST /api/register
Request body:

  "email": "",
  "password": "strongpassword"

Response code: 400 BAD REQUEST

Example 3: Registering a new user with an invalid email:
Request: POST /api/register
Request body:

  "email": "test@mailorg",
  "password": "strongpassword"

Response code: 400 BAD REQUEST

Example 4: Registering a new user with a too short password:
Request: POST /api/register
Request body:

  "email": "",
  "password": "1234"

Response code: 400 BAD REQUEST

Requesting all other endpoints without valid username and password will return response code 401 UNAUTHORIZED.

Example 5: Creating a new quiz:
Request: POST /api/quizzes
Request body:

  "title": "The Java Logo",
  "text": "What is depicted on the Java logo?",
  "options": ["Robot","Tea leaf","Cup of coffee","Bug"],
  "answers": [2]

Response code: 200 OK
Response body:

  "id": 1,
  "title": "The Java Logo",
  "text": "What is depicted on the Java logo?",
  "options": ["Robot","Tea leaf","Cup of coffee","Bug"]

Example 6: Getting an existing quiz by id:
Request: GET /api/quizzes/1
Response code: 200 OK
Response body:

  "id": 1,
  "title": "The Java Logo",
  "text": "What is depicted on the Java logo?",
  "options": ["Robot","Tea leaf","Cup of coffee","Bug"]

Example 7: Getting a non-existing quiz by id:
Request: GET /api/quizzes/15
Response code: 404 NOT FOUND

Example 8: Getting the first page of the total list of all quizzes created:
Request: GET /api/quizzes?page=0
Response code: 200 OK
Response body:

    "id": 1,
    "title": "The Java Logo",
    "text": "What is depicted on the Java logo?",
    "options": ["Robot", "Tea leaf", "Cup of coffee", "Bug"]
    "id": 2,
    "title": "The Ultimate Question",
    "text": "What is the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything?",
    "options": ["Everything goes right", "42", "2+2=4", "11011100"]
    "id": 3,
    "title": "The biggest planet",
    "text": "Who is the biggest planet in the solar system?",
    "options": [ "Venus", "Uranus", "Earth", "Jupiter"]

Example 9: Solving an existing quiz with a correct answer:
Request: POST /api/quizzes/1/solve
Request body:

  "answers": [2]

Response code: 200 OK
Response body:

  "success": "true",
  "feedback": "Congratulations, you're right!"

Example 10: Solving an existing quiz with a wrong answer:
Request: POST /api/quizzes/1/solve
Request body:

  "answers": [2, 3]

Response code: 200 OK
Response body:

  "success": "false",
  "feedback": "Wrong answer! Please, try again."

Example 11: Solving an non-existing quiz:
Request: POST /api/quizzes/15/solve
Request body:

  "answers": [2, 3]

Response code: 404 NOT FOUND

Example 12: Getting the first page of the total list of completed quizzes, for the authenticated user:
Request: GET /api/quizzes/completed?page=0
Response code: 200 OK
Response body:

  "content": [
    { "id": 1, "completedAt": "2023-04-20T14:15:04.421949" },
    { "id": 2, "completedAt": "2023-04-20T14:14:55.776697" },
    { "id": 3, "completedAt": "2023-04-20T14:14:43.296623" },
    { "id": 1, "completedAt": "2023-04-20T14:13:17.517454" },
    { "id": 3, "completedAt": "2023-04-20T14:13:01.900892" }

Example 13: Delete quiz by id, authenticated as user who did create it:
Request: DELETE /api/quizzes/1
Response code: 200 OK
Response body:

  "message": "Quiz successfully deleted."

Example 14: Delete quiz by id, authenticated as user who did not create it:
Request: DELETE /api/quizzes/2
Response code: 403 FORBIDDEN

