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OwO Code

This is a joke crate! Don't take this seriously! And don't use in production. (Unless you are the ultimate furry.)

Warning! This crate uses some strong language, and one or two sexual words. The point of these is not to invoke thoughts of sexual activity, but to exagerate the ridioculousness of the "furry" language for entertainment purposes.

Intwoducing teh OwO Code wanguage owo! OwO Code awwows chu uwu to take advantage of uwu aww of uwu Wust's safety featuwes~ whiwe being abwe uwu to pwogwam owo in onye's nyative wanguage. OwO Code is just Wust~ except aww teh keywowds have been owoified owo! simpwy add OwO code as owo a dependency uwu to ur pwoject~ and add teh code bewow into evewy one of uwu ur sauce fiwes.

// Fiwst wine of uwu sauce fiwe.
use owo_code::owo_code;

owo_code! {
	// ...

	// Wast wine of uwu sauce fiwe.

Den chu can enjoy pwogwamming owo in ur nyative wanguage owo!

Keywowd Map

Bewow is a wist of uwu aww of uwu owo code's keywowds and how dey map uwu to wust's keywowds.

  • Me_Irl is Self.
  • ass is as.
  • assync is async.
  • owoit is await.
  • buwueak is break.
  • cowonst is const.
  • cowontinue is continue.
  • cock is crate.
  • swow is dyn.
  • yelse is else.
  • enyum is enum.
  • extewn is extern.
  • fawse is false.
  • fuwun is fn.
  • yiff is if.
  • fillme is impl.
  • penetrate is in.
  • wet is let.
  • hecc is loop.
  • sex is match.
  • discowdmodewatow is mod.
  • movemedaddy is move.
  • mutt is mut.
  • pubes is pub.
  • wef is ref.
  • yEET is return.
  • me_irl is self.
  • etewnyaw is static.
  • stwuct is struct.
  • soup is super.
  • twait is trait.
  • twue is true.
  • tippitytap is type.
  • communyism is union.
  • AAAAAAA is unsafe.
  • usemedaddy is use.
  • howl is where.
  • whine is while.

Fwequentwy Awoo'd Questions

  1. Why teh fluff wouwd chu devewop something wike dis uwu?
    • Why nyot i was bowed.
  2. Sorry, I don't speak Idiot.
    • I don't know why you'd be here then, but if for some reason you still want to use this, this entire README has been commented with the English equivalents in it's source.
  3. Is chu a fuwwy uwu?
    • Nyow~ but i thought it wouwd be funny. ~~i do wike catboys though~ don't teww anyone.~~
  4. Yiff me daddy owo!
    • Nyo thanks. <!--No thanks.>